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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. There just ain't nothing like a Fairyview chest thumper with a claim to fame is being the Stepchild of Williamson County.
  2. No big deal. I would think you admitting you are wrong is a common thing. I would think I'm more of the anti-ghost. i didn't talk and showed up after the game. You talked before the game and didn't show up after the game. Reminds me of Ky fans, I shall call you Kittycat ghost.
  3. Check with the Miniture Mailman from Westmoreland. He has a whole cookbook for crow.
  4. Still waiting? Yelp, Macon by a touchdown and could only muster 1 measly point win against EN.
  5. Hate to admit, you were right. SC only scored 15.
  6. Being the local expert in all things Baxter, does Baxter have a library? If so they need a few copies of FOOTBALL for DUMMIES so some of the folks up there can check them out to read up on rules and such. Somehow I ended up on the Baxter side Friday and had to listening to some the most clueless fans I've ever been around ----anywhere. ( Not all- I may have gotten mixed in the "oohh .....you mean them" section ) but dang, some of them have no idea what they are looking at.
  7. Seems the shoe is on the other foot nowdays, don't it?
  8. Whiner, chest thumper, poor mouther, excuse maker, cheerleader, and stamp licker. You got all the bases covered.
  9. Amazing how a down year has turned WT and TC folks into thinking the same coaches they have had, have all at once forgot how to Coach.
  10. I like how this turned into a basketball and softball discussion TC of all places.
  11. I see a pattern here. Whinning runs deep deep in your blood. Refs, cops, opposing fans, coaches and even whinning after winning. But, if I was only 4 foot 8 inches and lived in Whinemoreland, I'd probably whine too.
  12. The ones that wanted SC back on the schedule so bad ain't going to show up? You'll have to admitt that even when SC is down, they still show up.
  13. What kind of crowd is TC expected to bring to SC tonight? Past years, its been a fairly good crowd, Just wondering if the state of affairs would lead to a somewhat same gathering....
  14. I don't follow H2O much, other than being an area team, and I know some of the coaches. SO, as an outsider looking in, how can you say H2O has had 1 losing season in the past 11 years, then go straight to "the whole staff should be fired" in an attempt to sound like you know football?
  15. Didn't have any idea what to do after calling a penalty. Had no idea what intentional grounding is. Ineligible down field penalty, can't advance fair catch, horse collar tackles...on and on.
  16. Whinemoreland has a good team. Took some big licks tonight and kept getting back up, a little slower, but got back up. SC won, but that was a BAD officiating crew. Westy coaches punting about halfway through the 4qtr,near midfield was,to me, a white flag.
  17. LOL.....if we win, it's against a really good team. If we lose, on paper we probably should. Good job or covering all the bases.
  18. You should have brought them with you last Friday night. You could have played with them going back across the river and made you feel warm and fuzzy about everything. Come on, say it with me....Daaaddyyyy.
  19. Croz. is that 8 players, or ones that play both ways?
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