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Everything posted by Buzzball1

  1. Guess there is no light switch in state. I hear that Burnside kid looks good in Starkville! Still has 2 years of eligibility left if you hurry!
  2. How much did Milan and he who has 2 first names have to pay to get that agreement with NFHS? Serious question.
  3. Like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie. I don’t think I should be considered a troll because I report the facts, BPM knows it’s, just like Gregory. Its all boujee though. We will be friends before this is all over BPM. My treat at Mojos.
  4. I can promise you it’s just me, no other usernames here. I try for meaningful conversation but am always considered a troll. You got me for the next hour, let’s talk about anything you would like. Dealers choice.
  5. Congrats to the Hornets with that huge win last night over the highly touted Ty Simpson and his Westview Chargers. Lots of heart was shown by both teams and it’s always hard to see another team go home. Buckle up for next week, glad to get all our boys back healthy and in practice. Should be one to remember. ps. Hope you’ve locked up your diaries
  6. What a roller coaster these last 11 days must have been. Heart changing.
  7. Will be an interesting region with Milan SG Crockett Haywood and Liberty.
  8. May as well adopt free agency if “it does not matter where you sleep.” - from the gospel according to thread comments page 20
  9. So your verifying, for the Coach T record, that it is not confirmed Covington was signed on the official complaint, but only through pure speculation, gossip, and Coach T thread comments that it was Covington? Friday Main Event knew of the story, and was under the impression Milan would be forfeiting and missing the playoffs. (Screenshots to prove it)
  10. Either Greg Scott is leaking info from the Board of Control or it’s all pure speculation and rumor and hearsay; all of which every single poster was denouncing and yelling foul about in the first place. So which is it? I’ll be waiting This isn’t Burger King where you can have it your way.
  11. Where can I find the official notice? The only place I am finding they’re found eligible is from Milan posters and the editor. There will have to be an official press release from TSSAA will it not?
  12. 100% facts. You can google Blackwallstreets name and his Jackson address comes up in Timberlake Estate on the whitepages. Pick any night. Pick any morning. They’ll be there. Congrats to TSSAA Board of Control member Greg Scott and his attorney
  13. You have more wits about you than this Big D.
  14. From my unbiased point of view, I have stayed out of the thread for the most part until a lie was told to Friday Main Event. - and that’s not his fault. There’s a reason I recently joined Coach T and it’s not to play tiddlywinks. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. There are bylaws and rules set forth for a reason. If TSSAA does there job this is where it will die. If not, grab your popcorn.
  15. It will all be brought to light one way or another, I’m giving TSSAA their chance to do their job first. Easy on the name calling man. Not a good look. Ephesians 4:31
  16. The family owned business is on North Parkway. Now what about Timberlake?
  17. We are just here creating drama. Don't know anything. Spreading rumors. Trolls. Not to mention the attacks on my mother and my head. Those are hurtful words. I was in fact dropped when I was little, but it made me stronger, smarter. And yes, my airstream fema trailer is very nice. I am having a chitlun cooking next week, all are invited.
  18. It will ALL surface one way or another. @Milanfootballislife (GS) confirmed in the previous thread before it was taken down that the due diligence was done. From the tweet I saw earlier and later taken down TSSAA is looking into it. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Period. Kids should be taught the ideals of hard work and discipline equal success. It is what makes football so special. It teaches you life skills. It builds character that translates for the rest of these young men's lives. It should not be tainted or used to find loop holes to get you in the door and then be allowed to have free rein after the fact. What kind of message does that teach to our next work force?
  19. Cover up Cover up Cover up GS. Yes please, lets all be good quiet boys and girls and wait for TSSAA to make a ruling on this while we pretend there is nothing to see here. Oh did I mention GS is on the board of control - who rules on eligibility??? Apparently its like Harry Potter. If you say whose name should not be mentioned the hottest post of the month magically disappears. Screenshots live forever.
  20. I agree ironically .. Covington is a great ball team with a great coaching staff. I did not know what to expect with injuries but Covington came out with great adjustments to keep it close. However, I like our chances in the playoffs this year, our boys are hungry with last year still in their mind.
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