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Everything posted by GREYRIDER

  1. as a matter of fact this is true! thank you for the compliment. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  2. you're up aweful late aren't you? /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  3. I understand the $$$ part , "no - win situation" . good luck and welcome to the "BLACKHOLE" friday night.
  4. could be ... but it will not be by you out of breath , hands on your hips in 8min devils now will it. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  5. but he is right... if we win , we should have because we're "bigger" if we lose then AHS is a giant killer and has just busted open the gates of heck. what does $$$$ have to do with that? it is the sos every year. so lets just play and see.
  6. /hungry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":hungry:" border="0" alt="hungry.gif" /> /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />
  8. Halls played a great 9 min. their big guys were done late in the fourth and everytime they were on the ropes there was a tv time out to give them some rest. TYLER TURNER is their bread and butter at qb , Coach J is nuts for playing him both ways. Maryville sputtered on offense but what Isaw in the 2nd half was jellin' and growin' this REBEL TEAM maybe vulnerable in spots , we usually are somewhere, but this will be fixed. Leaders were born friday night much confidence was gained , the REBEL TEAM to be seen hereafter will be nothing like what was seen early on. All teams are different and some find themselves early and some late. GO REBELS!!!!!
  9. i thnk spring hill is much better than the confederates.
  10. Alcoa has a great team and all respect is due them. That is exactly what GQ & CO do... prep and plan. Both teams will have their work cut out for them but time is the key. As for the HALLS game ... well they played a jamboree , depth and conditioning boys (rinse and repeat). I hope TYLER TURNER IS OK and gets to return. ( jullian never play your qb both ways)
  11. to stay on the same page... MARYVILLE did not get thumped by OR either. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  12. do they still offer junior primary deer huntin' when they give you the birth certificate in MARYVILLE.? OK bldrunner clone. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  13. AMEN! /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  14. I really do not see where there is anything unfair about this practice. It has gone on since Iwas young. When my wife and I were faced with this decision the first time it was purely on the basis of whether or not my child was ready to move on or not , not whether the child was possibly destined for some type of athletic greatness. The second time it was suggested to us by faculty at the preschool where my child attended we chose not to delay in either case. I believe that in 99.9% of the cases the parents will make the decision to delay or not based on what is best for their child and not what is best for everyone else. Now I do believe based on personal knowledge that when high school age youth reach their senior year and they have been delayed their maturity levels (mentally , emotionally & sometimes physically) tend to be higher or further along and this makes them better leaders most of the time. imo I really hate it when we start trying to micro manage the playing field of life on everything because this makes us complacent as a society and it does not endorse healthy competition which is what drives as humans. Life is not fair and everybody does not win , this is reality.
  15. well, since the dr. is in lets play; I did not follow hs football too much during that time so your first question is pretty much irrelevant. as for AE , not my area have no reason to support them. I do not care for NBA basketball ... at all. NFL ... since I was young I have followed the Raiders , Dolphins and occasionally the Browns. Not a huge baseball fan either , especially MLB , but when i do , the Braves / Dodgers. NASCAR , what a complete waste of time and money. no interest at all. All in all I would say that you should not try and employee yourself as a profiler when being an @$$ is what you seem to be best at. As for your girlfriend ... my regards and sympathies to her. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />
  16. you really are an envious , crotchety , miserable has been aren't you.? Really ,all kidding aside you make me sick. you need to get a GIRLfriend or something. You don't like this and you don't like that , your are one of the most obnoxious persons that I have ever read or heard. it seems there is no substance to you except for hate and envy. you need to think before you invite , you never know who is on the guest list. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> I am assuming that you have gotten out of 5th grade.
  17. there is actually not a junior primary in the MARYVILLE system anymore. as far as holding a child back goes I believe it is up to the parents to make that decision , I have had to make that decision once or twice and it was not based on potential future athletic ability but upon maturity levels and readiness of my children at the time of entry to kindergarten / 1st grade.
  18. We all know that the scrimage was just that. MHS needs a little spit and polish on the O side of the ball but we hammered OR on D SIDE. THINK WHAT YOU WANT TO IT REALLY DOES NOT MATTER. Now go forth and win A COUPLE OF GAMES this year.
  19. I will say this... there are some others (quite a few ) who will surprise you ... they are coming and they will be hard to handle.
  20. did he ever play at all? and was there any banjo music playin' when he was taken behind the woodshed? /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
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