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Everything posted by greenevillefan

  1. What exactly do you mean by the coaching staff being perceptive? I think that the coaches at Greeneville do an excellent job at what they do. If you follow the Lady Devils you would know why Collins time has not been as much as it was against Webb. Too many silly fouls, not blocking out, maybe she doesn't want the pressure of starting. Just support the team and cheer for them. Don't hold your breath too much, you might die!
  2. Why did Omar stay at Science Hill? Why didn't he just transfer?
  3. I tell you this, Webb had these officials in the Ladies Classic and one. I think that Glory is out of control when she goes to the basket. If she could develop some control she would be unstoppable. Congratulations to the Lady Devils on the win. They played some awesome defense.
  4. I will take Greeneville over Jefferson County Cocke County over Cherokee Morristown West over Morristown East
  5. Pt what do you expect Jeff County to try on Friday night? It sounds like cocke county is playing better. Also do you know anything about the girl transferring from east and going to jeff county? I heard she was playing there? If so that was a quick family move and transfer.
  6. What do you expect Jeff County (Potts) to try against Greeneville?
  7. They won't get past Greeneville. I will comment more on this after Greeneville plays Science Hill later in the season.
  8. Everyone keeps saying greeneville is loaded with talent. I would like to know where the talent is? They have Nicole Dickson Ashley Deans. The rest are just role players. I was at the game last night and it was extremely ugly. I would say that West has more talent at the Guard positions than greeneville. West has three or four that can shoot the three. West had three players that played a whole lot last year start. (#10, #30, #21) So I would not say that they were really young except for the point guards. The freshman point guard did a good job of controlling west's offense. I wouldn't say that Galyon outcoached Crumbley either. Usually the team that gets outcoached wins. Galyon did have a good defensive game plan. I think every time these two teams it is going to be a close one. Greeneville needs to make some adjustments and hope their guards can knock down some shots. All they are going to get is some sagging zone defense. Congratulations West on playing hard.
  9. "They won't compete with some of the stronger programs in the state" I guess you have not followed much of the season. Greeneville only has three losses. And two of those losses were to nationally ranked Cleveland and Lexington Catholic. The other was to last years State Champ Wilson Central. Greeneville took Cleveland to two overtimes and should have beat Lexington Catholic. Their only blow out was to Wilson Central who shot 60% from the field. Greeneville only shot 30%. I would have to say that Greeneville can compete with some of the stronger programs. I don't think I would say the IMAC is weaker, I would probably say the IMAC is younger. There is a lot of young teams.
  10. There may not be many this year that could have played, but in the years past there could have been. Dashaud from last year could have been an athlete that makes plays. This year you have antwain anderson-could be a great blocking tight end, gash could be a quick receiver/slot back, Woods could of been a heck of a running back. The only one that probably does not need to think about playing football would be Wiggins. I know that it is not said "you can't play basketball if you play football" but some af the attitudes come across that way. Maybe they don't think they are coming across that way. I would only assume that there was plenty of other "football players" that did not even play this year. I think that is something the new coach has to be able to do. He has to get kids to come out and play. It doesn't help by not having all of your assistants at the high school teaching.
  11. I agree, I think they should let their ego go and play in the right classification, but we know the powers that be will never allow that. The reason for that is the mentality that Greeneville is "First Class". As a greeneville fan I think they need to get over themselves. Sorry barb but on the men's basketball side I believe that they are not wanted to play other sports!
  12. The three officials of the L.C. and greeneville game might be nice people, but they sure did a horrible job at officiating that night. I know that you all have off nights also but you are the "professionals". No one blamed the officials for that loss to either. But I can assure you it was not called even! That is not from just a greeneville fan either. There was other games throught out the tournament that were horribly called. I actually would say the same thing happend in the Shelbyville versus Archbishop Carroll.
  13. I don't believe anyone is blaming the refs, but there has been others (non greeneville fans) state the facts about the officiating during the classic. It was so inconsistent. Not just for Greeneville but for all!!! And I am sure that you are referring back to the Lexington Catholic game, if you go and watch a tape of that game you would agree about the officiating also. If you are going to call something on one end you must call it on the other. The officials were inconsistent throughout the whole tournament. If I recall greeneville only played in 4 games, and there was more than that played by other teams. Greeneville only lost two, on of them was a blowout by Wilson Central, the other was a close game to L.C. I don't recall anyone blaming the referrees for those losses. But like I said before if the kettle is black then you call it black. The referees were horrible throughout the whole classic. The IMAC teams are the ones that have to put up with this all year. I know that not all of the officials are bad, but when you have some make some bogus calls it just makes the rest look bad. Take for example the Archbishop Carrol game with greeneville. The officials did not pay attention to the game clock at the end of a quarter. There was 7.5 seconds left on the game clock. Greeneville inbounds the ball and goes the length of the court and take a shot. The clock does not start until the shot. Greeneville misses and Archbishop goes the length of the court and scores two points that they would not have been able to score if the officials were doing the basics. What happens if Greeneville loses this game by 2 points? Exactly nothing. The officials need to work on their "game" and do the basics. It might helpl them to go back to rec league and just call the basic stuff.
  14. I agree, what are some others opinions? The refereeing went on into the next game also. I hope that these girls don't have to deal with them tonight. Chatterbox what did you think about last night? Did you think lexington catholic was a #3 team in the nation?
  15. If it was a regular season game then they would count it. Thats why they call it a hall of fame game. You have the option to count it or not. Wilson Central is not the only team to not count it. This was already discussed in another thread.
  16. Lexington Catholic is no number 3 team in the nation. Shelbyville will win this game.
  17. Good point. Quit babying these kids and teach them responsobility. Teach them to be accountable for their actions. Most parents baby these students and give them whatever they want. We need to quit handing things out and start helping kids out.
  18. Shelbyville should win this one. Lexington would have lost last night if is was not for a horrible called game. Shelbyville was luck to win their game last night with the same officiating. I think that Anisha needs to get more touches.
  19. Everyone complains about home cooking at greeneville, but I can tell you one thing, Greeneville is the one that got the home cooking in their own gym. If they would have had a different set of referrees I do believe they would have won. I am not taking anything away from Lexington Catholic but you know that they got the better end of the deal!
  20. If the officiating would have been any better then the games would have turned out different. They were horrible. That is the worst officiating of any games I have ever seen. I am only talking about the last two games. They really need to do something about those officials. Barb did you go to the games or here anything?
  21. Some very good games last night. Too bad the officiating in the last two games was horrible. Greeneville led at the half but started the second half cold. Shelbyville and Archbishop went back and forth the whole game. The last two days look to be very exciting. Any other comments on the games?
  22. If you have a player that is good then you use that player. Everyone does it. Too bad TN High doesn't have one.
  23. what about officials not talking to women coaches, but will conversate the whole game with a man coach?
  24. any input on the game with lexington catholic?
  25. Boone county looked pretty good. They had a lot of size. If you just put the two teams side by side you would pick boone county to win. But greeneville did put some pressure on them and they collapsed. Boone County just gave up at the end of the game. Greeneville has played some great defense. They have come close in the big games the past two years, hopefully they can pull one out tonight. I thik that Lexingtong Catholic will be tough, but they are very beatable based off of last night. Greeneville has already played a #9 Nationally ranked team and took them to two overtimes, so that will only help in situations like tonight. Maybe these tought games will prepare them for the state tournament.
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