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Big Bigby

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Everything posted by Big Bigby

  1. C-ville................ 21 Huntingdon...... 20 Final Awesome game! HUGE CONGRATS TO REGION 5 CHAMPS!!!! Great way to represent !!!!
  2. 20-20 2nd overtime all C-ville has to do is get extra point to win
  3. Best of Luck to C-ville tonight!!!! Hope for an injury free and fun filled game for both teams tonight! I'll be listening in....
  4. Sorry about CoachT, and sorry about the redirects. Hope both gets better!
  5. Thanks my man! With your input and Waker's hopefully I'll be tuned to an awesome game! Best of Luck to you and your boys down in C-ville Friday night!.. Play smart, disciplined football and you boys are in it to win it. This game may very well come down to turnovers and penalties. So Dogs; play smart and hard as you have all year, bring nothing but your best and hang your heads about nothing, win or lose, you boys have the best season C-ville has had the opportunity to smile about..... Good luck from MP!!!
  6. Thanks a ton Waker!... I'll be listening.
  7. I definitely "need to", but I opened my own business this spring and it has me working every Friday nite now so I can't. Would love to see this game!... But if you know of a good radio station or social media site that will broadcast it, please let me know, I'll have to do as I have all year and watch through my minds eye as I'm listening to the game play by play.... If Anyone knows a social media site like *Periscope* or radio station that will broadcast this game like on *Tune in Radio* let us know please. Or at least make sure the cell phone is charged up and post updates here on Coach T every touchdown/score.
  8. I could've swore my memory had me thinking you stated years ago that you were the strong safety that got stood up and run plum over by Marco Dailey at the 8-10 yard line @ CA one game night back in '07 or '08...? If you did and are, then you and 89 sure didn't graduate about the same time, he's got boys that's done played and graduated; I think this is his youngest playing for WC now. If I'm wrong, my bad, sorry. We might've just been talking about that play and you too seeing the young CA man get hit and run over by a Mac truck....lmao!
  9. You wasn't alone.... I've been abiding by some C-ville's fans wishes not to "put a spotlight" on your Dog's and let y'all "fly under the radar", but I knew from game play last year that you all were going to be really good this year... You guys have what it takes to win this one. Pulling for ya! But, sorry, my gut says Huntingdon by 14... Hope I'm wrong! Really would tickle me silly to see your boys win it.
  10. Uh, yeah.... I did. Picked them to be Region 5 Champs and picked them to make it to at least Round 3. Starting to think they may get past round 3 as bad as Region 6 turned out to be.... And starting to think you pay my post no attention til it's directed at you...lol... Figured as many times I spanked y'all in old Region 6 picks competetions a few years ago you'd might pay a little attention to what I said... just a little bit.
  11. Here's to the "Red Tails" fighter squadron of WW2, and many more Black American Soldiers who suffered more discrimination, pain, mental and physical abuse in their times than any does now, yet who stood for their flag and saluted, fought and died for their country in hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow! If for nothing else, honor them and what they stood for and saluted; fought and died for. Stand in honor of their sacrifices and show the same respect and Patronage as they, that had it harder before you did... Unit!... Not Divide!
  12. This is EXACTLY what the Progressive Dem's want.... Diversity..... Not "Unity". Welcome to the "Diverse" Divided States of America. No longer One Nation, with a majority Under One God, No longer Indivisible with some feeling No Justice for all. Truly sad. "Diversity"
  13. I'm starting to realize that, but Huntingdon 'should' hold their own I think.
  14. Whew... score reflections so far is showing Region 6 to be weaker than first thought.
  15. Is Ballfrog score correct?.?.? GCA... 35 WC...... 8 Before halftime...? Good grief I didnt see this happening if it is.....
  16. Lol...Good one! Hard to doooo when your Region Champs....
  17. Hey, glad you did in a way. I knew nothing of it.... Best of Luck to WC in the post season! I believe your defense will stop Grace Christian enough to handle them, Cornersville will be your biggest challenge next.
  18. Hey Johnny come lately. Welcome to the T... Yes, we can do that. It's called answering others comments on certain topics but refocusing on the thread at hand. Other threads back when those actions were taken were spoke of and praised of/for. Fact is the damage had been done, and a few more costly penalties during a shoot out with Grace Christian didn't help one bit neither.
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