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Upperman @ Smith County


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Upperman wins easily tonight. Smith County must no go deeper into a very weak bench, to find a replacement for Sleeper. Farris will be okay but if memory serves me correct Dyer did a good job on her in Middle School. Upperman's guards are way to tough for SCHS to handle. For Smith to win, Massy times 3 will have to play very well and Gibbs will have to a wonderful job for them again tonight. I don't think Smith can stall the ball and if they get into a run and gun game it favors Upperman with there depth and experience.



Upperman 62

Smith County 44

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First of all, I have no idea what your problem is?! This thread concerns Ferris and what a great player she is going to be. Secondly, I am not Jesse's mom, dad, sister, brother, or any other family member. I have seen Ferris play one time and was simply commenting on how impressed I was with her going up against a strong senior player. I am regularly amazed at how people can so quickly assume to know so much from so little info. I guess every newspaper article ever written about good players also had to be the parent writing it, and every post on Coach T commending good players had to be written by the players parent, using many different user names. I'll assume something for a moment as well, like......jealousy or fear of tonight's game. Could be wrong though, like you were, Jana. Practice, practice, practice and someone will be posting threads on how good you are, too.


Well.........looking at your previous post, Jesse Edgar is asking if anyone knew of an AAU team she could play for (under the name "BECERA"). I would assume you know her very well if she is using your computer. Since you mention her in every post, I would assume your kin in some way. I don't see where you rave about the other WH players. If your not kin, then I'm worried............. :lol:

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You must have skipped over the compliments paid to Jamison, Roberson, and Greenwade on White House's team. As far as someone using my computer, does that really make them related to me? Could just be a fan of White House High School, couldn't I, or even a friend of Edgar and the rest of the team. You should go back and read all of my post before making such accusations. Last year I had a huge "blow out" with another user over the mistreatment of Roberson at one of the White House games. And no, I'm not her mom either. Finally, the biggest question of all.....Why do you even care who I am and why are you worried if I am not kin? That puzzles me more than anything else. You being so offended at my compliments of Edgar's play makes me wonder if your a parent of White House whose daughter I overlooked. If so, accept my apology. I'll try and remember to name the entire roster next time. This issue seems very petty. Have a great weekend! I'll leave you the post link where I commented o more than just Edgar. http://boards.coacht.com/index.php?s=&...amp;p=826279253

Edited by becera
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