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Just what is the norm anyway?


I read where the Columbia Central women's basketball coach was wanting to quit coaching after she had a child and the school board is considering holding her to her contract which is 15% of her teaching salary for the extra curricular activities. She's willing to give up the 15% (which is like giving up a part time job at McDonalds) but the board says that PE teachers shouldn't be holding teaching positions that might attract the next coach.


I think some counties give head coaches supplemental pay of around $3000 which is far less than 15% for most coaches I would hope. I've heard that booster clubs make up the difference in some counties.


What's the norm? I think that coaches should be compensated for giving up their free time to mentor student athletes when they could be working a summer job that pays more.


I would think an increase in salary for the extra work involved would be fair. A percentage of the regular salary seems like a good way to go about that. Having the coaching position tied to the teaching one is also a good idea in my view. PE teachers should be coaching.

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All of FC sports off season compensation have been cut. Tigerskip what do you do for a living? Do you work for free in your off time? In any job one is paid for the time they spend, why should teachers and coaches work for free.



That is the first mention that all FC off season compensation was cut........I am a teacher and a coach......and if I chose to run a summer baseball program(even though I would not consider that work)--yes I would be "working" for free during my off time.


I have coaching friends in other states as well, and the only state that I know of where it is the norm is in GA.


Never in FL and not very many in TN........TN depends on what school you are at and what their particular school system does


FL--nobody does......that is why you see a lot of coaches running summer travel teams that they can make some money running

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I think baseball coaches should be compensated for summer ball, if its a high school summer team. Some coaches have tournaments, some have clinics and other fund raising projects, but they should be compensated in some way. High school umpires don't work for free in the summer.

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Just what is the norm anyway?


I read where the Columbia Central women's basketball coach was wanting to quit coaching after she had a child and the school board is considering holding her to her contract which is 15% of her teaching salary for the extra curricular activities. She's willing to give up the 15% (which is like giving up a part time job at McDonalds) but the board says that PE teachers shouldn't be holding teaching positions that might attract the next coach.


I think some counties give head coaches supplemental pay of around $3000 which is far less than 15% for most coaches I would hope. I've heard that booster clubs make up the difference in some counties.


What's the norm? I think that coaches should be compensated for giving up their free time to mentor student athletes when they could be working a summer job that pays more.


I would think an increase in salary for the extra work involved would be fair. A percentage of the regular salary seems like a good way to go about that. Having the coaching position tied to the teaching one is also a good idea in my view. PE teachers should be coaching.


I completely disagree with your last statement. Coaching positions should not be tied to teaching positions. Coaches are hired as teachers first, and coaching is their secondary responsibility. You are also a little mistaken on the situation in Columbia. They have told her that her contract is different from other teachers and if she gives up her coaching position she can no longer teach at Central and they will transfer her to another school. They have said nothing about ALL pe teachers should be coaches. Also, in Maury county, there is a scale for supplements. Football and basketball coaches get 15%. Baseball and softball get 5%. All other sports get 2%. Columbia is also not allowed to have a booster club. So, Coach Pickle will spend about 40hrs a week just on the baseball field, not including what is spent on games and practice, and he gets 5% extra pay. It is probably a few cents an hour. That is just the way it is. He doesn't complain (although I am sure he would like to) because it isn't about the money when it is all said and done.

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Coach Pickle's also on the staff at Southern Athletic Fields. Being a baseball coach has some perks in that regard, but you're right, they don't coach summer ball for the money. It would be nice not to go in the hole.


PE teachers are typically some sort of coach or should be with few exceptions. It's tough enough to lose a Math teacher that's a coach and then (in our county at least) you have to hire a coach for the teaching position that you have available. Finding a good Math teacher that is also a good coach in a particular sport is an excellent lesson in Math, but not a very good way to hire a coach. How many good coaches do you think you'd turn away before you found one certified in the position that's available? More than you'd find that could do both.


The answer is to allow non teachers to coach. Give them a TSSAA test, finger print them, do background checks and drug tests and let good coaches coach regardless of whether they are a teacher or not.

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The answer is to allow non teachers to coach. Give them a TSSAA test, finger print them, do background checks and drug tests and let good coaches coach regardless of whether they are a teacher or not.



I do not see this happening. Non-certified teachers can't serve as head coaches in the three main boys sports: FB, Basketball, or Baseball. The only way that can happen is if they have coached as an assistant for five years AND have passed all the required TSSAA courses and have their years of experience on record at the TSSAA office. Also, no certified teacher applies for the position. Then, and only then, can a non-certified coach serve as head coach.


ksgovols: There is no doubt there are some very solid coaches in all of these three sports who could do a great job as head coaches in public schools but the rule is in place to do two things:


1. It keeps the proper perspective of teaching first and coaching second. Coaches should be teachers first and in the building with the students they coach every day! This is a philosophy that has worked and I don't think it should be changed.


2. The rule provides legal cover for the public schools and the administration. The head coach answers directly to the principal and A.D. for all ethical and legal questions that arise and if their job depends on their actions, then there should be an additional layer of accountability that non-faculty coaches do not have with the school system. A coach not only has to have the best interest of the team in mind, he must also understand what is in the best interest of the school and the individual student.


I understand several people have applied for the position. Whoever gets the job will have one of the best stadiums in the state and a good bunch of young men.

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Well, I think 2 more than 1. Liability issues prevent non teachers from getting head coaching positions in the big 3. The opposite of 1 is often true in that all you get in the coaching position is a warm body or someone who's less interested in being a coach than a teacher. There has to be a happy medium. I'd rather see non teachers get the head coaching jobs with less than 5 years in the system. Let's face it, that's an arbitrary number to prevent parents from jumping in there and coaching while their kids are participating and then bugging out. Have a teacher on the staff in some capacity, but let the best coach coach.


That being said, why does a teacher go to college and get a degree in Physical Education if their ultimate goal is not to coach? Some of these teaching positions are taylor made for coaches. Health and Wellness and Phys Ed are positions primarily filled by coaches and they are easier to replace than an Advanced Biology teacher that's also the basketball coach. Not allowing non teachers to coach and tieing the coaching position to a specific teaching position is cutting off your nose to spite your face imo. Then what an administration is faced with is letting a non tenured teacher go to make room for the coach of choice. That's not fair either. Or ethical.


Put the non teaching candidate through the ringer and give the most qualified the job. No offense, but some of the teachers that are coaches aren't making the best choices with our student athletes either.


Glad to have you back in the fold in Tennessee ELA. 8AAA is near and dear to my heart too even though mine play in 11AA.

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A little birdie told me a tale or two while we were a fishin in the Dale Hollow fishin hole. He said that ole mike cunningham and company have the new superintendent wrapped around their fingers. I wouldn't touch this job or any job in FC until those rats are voted out of office.

I'm an old southern boy through and through and it pains me to see such a mess in FC. My buddy tells me the "old guard" ain't happy about the new lady who swept in from Williamson County. She seems to be doing the bidding of the board. Well there's still one good thing to do in FC and that's FISH!

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One of the best and most experienced coaches around is less than 20 miles away. I wonder if Don Rhoton, a former Franklin Co coach is being considered for the baseball coaching vacancy at Franklin Co?


What about Tony Sheffield think he would make a good high school coach has done well in Murfreesboro in the middle school level and is from Tullahoma.

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