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DII state predictions champ-6th place


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cc, what is the status on Hayes? Is he healthy? It would be one of the feel good stories of the year. Wrestler missing junior year state with illness, wrestler getting hurt weeks before the state senior year only to come back and win it all. Its going to be a very difficult task with a much bigger and stronger Hooker and we cant forget 2009 state champ Johnson who has a win over Hayes this year. What a weight class! Im rooting for Hayes and hope he pulls it off!

Also, whats the staus on Stavrum? What a story that would be. Stavrum winning would be something right out of a storybook.

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"I missed something the first go around so let me back up a minute,,,,Hooker is a beast,,,but he still has to get by Hayes who is also a beast,,,this will be the match to watch in that weight class, and the winner of this match wins the state!




Correction, the winner of that match gets to wrestle Alex Johnson for a chance to win the state

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cc, what is the status on Hayes? Is he healthy? It would be one of the feel good stories of the year. Wrestler missing junior year state with illness, wrestler getting hurt weeks before the state senior year only to come back and win it all. Its going to be a very difficult task with a much bigger and stronger Hooker and we cant forget 2009 state champ Johnson who has a win over Hayes this year. What a weight class! Im rooting for Hayes and hope he pulls it off!

Also, whats the staus on Stavrum? What a story that would be. Stavrum winning would be something right out of a storybook.


They both looked great a few days ago (as did Watson),,,yet its anyones guess if they're 100%. I really love these young men,,,big hearts,,,and a true passion for the sport. A lesser kid would have done the standard rehab and watched the tournament in blue jeans, talking about what could have happened. Stavrum is no stranger to being the under-dog,,,you can never count him out,,, Cole is a man on a mission,,,and will be the one to win the hearts of the fans. Mr. Watson will get it done, period! Thank you for bringing up Johnson,,because you are right,,,,but with all do respect,,,Hooker has to be the man to beat if you take emotion out of the picture. Good news is,,,either way,,,there should be two great matches at 135,,,not many weights can make that claim,,,I can't believe I'm going to miss what might be the best DII tournament ever. What a story book ending if Baylor wins State tomorrow! I think they will!



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"I missed something the first go around so let me back up a minute,,,,Hooker is a beast,,,but he still has to get by Hayes who is also a beast,,,this will be the match to watch in that weight class, and the winner of this match wins the state!




Correction, the winner of that match gets to wrestle Alex Johnson for a chance to win the state


You hit the nail on the head! Congats to Alex Johnson,,,wish I could have seen this match!



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