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Farragut v. Catholic


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Farragut has given up 2 TDs (14 points) in the last Qtr in all 3 of their games (42 points).

In the first 3 Qtrs combined only 4 TDs total (28 points). Is the defense worn out or what?


Well ihavenofriends is back on here were is cowboy at these days o Farragut lost. These two know all about Farragut Football they can probably give your answer but wait cowboy want till Farragut wins and don't say anything about the players not being tuff either. Come on ihavenofriends give us some good info here.

Edited by allvolfan1
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It is funny reading some of these message on here about Farragut Football. Been around this program awhile and have seen alot of games and I will say this team does not have the fire and tuffness to win games. Teams that Farragut play first do not care for Farragut at all Farragut is known as the rich pretty boys. The coaches can only get the kids to do so much without a parent or someone else saying something to them and that is the big problem these kids need to be jacked up and get a little old school in them and I mean being tuff and mean. #35 has this and I like watching this kid for three years play he is tuff and has that swagger to play football at Farragut need more of this. You don't have to be talented or strong you just have to be tuff and have a big heart and play as a team not a I. This team gets this they will be alright.

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Well ihavenofriends is back on here were is cowboy at these days o Farragut lost. These two know all about Farragut Football they can probably give your answer but wait cowboy want till Farragut wins and don't say anything about the players not being tuff either. Come on ihavenofriends give us some good info here.

Hey Allvol!!! Lookin for me? I have a day job, not able to get on here and beat down kids for kicks. Looking for my opinion... here it is.


I agree with most of these comments from ihavenofriends, former44... I see the same things.


1. Play the best 11 period. We need to play more players both ways to help the team. We definitely need #2 and #14 in the backfield more.

2. Make changes to the game plan (both offense and defense).. we're way too predictable.

3. The 3-5 stack is a joke! Teams have been running on us a will. We play zone and get crushed by good QB's.

4. Courtney needs to give up being the Def. Coridinator and run his team. This includes overseeing the offense. Give the defensive calling up to a coordinator and be the head coach. He's a great man... he needs to be more open to change.


I"m a fan of the Admirals... we could easily to 2-1 and were in the DB game till the 4th quarter. I give Catholic credit, they answered the bell in the 4th quarter. It was a good game. Farragut is improving weekly, but the coaching staff needs to put the players in some better situations.

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It is funny reading some of these message on here about Farragut Football. Been around this program awhile and have seen alot of games and I will say this team does not have the fire and tuffness to win games. Teams that Farragut play first do not care for Farragut at all Farragut is known as the rich pretty boys. The coaches can only get the kids to do so much without a parent or someone else saying something to them and that is the big problem these kids need to be jacked up and get a little old school in them and I mean being tuff and mean. #35 has this and I like watching this kid for three years play he is tuff and has that swagger to play football at Farragut need more of this. You don't have to be talented or strong you just have to be tuff and have a big heart and play as a team not a I. This team gets this they will be alright.

I will agree to a point about toughness. I see "some" not all that don't lay it on the line or play through nagging or minor injury for the good of the team. As for being jacked up.. #35 is a great example of it. We need more players on the team to get emotional. Football is an emotional game... I don't see their coaches very emotional and it is a need for this group of players. I never seen or heard of a parent getting on these coaches about the way they talk to or motivate these players. I've been around this team for 3-4 years and see a real need for more energy and enthusiasm from the coaches. Ducette is the main one that gets them fired up. They love him! Need another example: I watched Rankin of Alcoa in multiple players faces challenging their heart and effort during this years scrimmage. All he does is WIN! This team had great leadership last year. It had players that would step up, be vocal, rally the troops, pick one another up or challenge the way someone was playing. This years team has some, needs more to turn things around.

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Hey Allvol!!! Lookin for me? I have a day job, not able to get on here and beat down kids for kicks. LOL on this commit but you and the rest like to blame the coaches. Why don't you three go down there and coach then we would probably be 3-0 and #1 in the state.


Did you read wildthing commit that pretty much tells everything. Quit blaming the coach maybe if some of the players would stepup and do what they were suppose to do then we could play 12 instead of 11. I went and watch this game to see there QB and the big o-line that commit to UT. #2 did play some running back in that game and they (the coach) can't go out and catch the ball and put it on the tee for them on field goals this has happen in the last 2 games. Come on you must like hearing yourself talk or wish you were a coach.

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I never seen or heard of a parent getting on these coaches about the way they talk to or motivate these players. I've been around this team for 3-4 years and see a real need for more energy and enthusiasm from the coaches.


I know one coach that is down there that is on thin ice right because he got in trouble and could not coach in spring practice last year beacause of a parent. I watch Maryville play last year and watch G-Q and new never not once yelled at a kid or he never shows any emotion. Look at that program. Quit blamimg the coach you can't make a kid play and give it his all THEY got to want to.

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Hey Allvol!!! Lookin for me? I have a day job, not able to get on here and beat down kids for kicks. LOL on this commit but you and the rest like to blame the coaches. Why don't you three go down there and coach then we would probably be 3-0 and #1 in the state.


Did you read wildthing commit that pretty much tells everything. Quit blaming the coach maybe if some of the players would stepup and do what they were suppose to do then we could play 12 instead of 11. I went and watch this game to see there QB and the big o-line that commit to UT. #2 did play some running back in that game and they (the coach) can't go out and catch the ball and put it on the tee for them on field goals this has happen in the last 2 games. Come on you must like hearing yourself talk or wish you were a coach.

You're definitely right about the player need to execute... our kicking game has struggled in every game. As for coaching comment; I've done my fair share and WON a lot! You should keep up with what you post. You seem to beat down this staff every chance you get. Look at it this way.. we have one thing in common. I like the coaching staff... they just need to be more open and make the necessary changes and look at the players they have and where they best fit within the team. As for like to hear yourself talk comment... you should read your own posts. You've got to be the most "negative" guy I've ever seen. Good thing we take what you say with a grain of salt. Still waiting on who your team is..... Is it a "secret"?

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I never seen or heard of a parent getting on these coaches about the way they talk to or motivate these players. I've been around this team for 3-4 years and see a real need for more energy and enthusiasm from the coaches.


I know one coach that is down there that is on thin ice right because he got in trouble and could not coach in spring practice last year beacause of a parent. I watch Maryville play last year and watch G-Q and new never not once yelled at a kid or he never shows any emotion. Look at that program. Quit blamimg the coach you can't make a kid play and give it his all THEY got to want to.

Then you don't "know" the whole story! He's a great guy that cares for his players. He didn't get in trouble for getting the team fired up and keeping things fun. He said something he shouldn't have in front of the wrong person. As for Maryville and GQ... he gets on his players and so does the other coaches. I've got two good friends whose sons played for him. Very disciplined and expects a lot from his players. Doesn't yell and scream a lot during games.. you're right! But the Maryville coaches get after their players and they respond. This is NOT all about the coaches. Our players need to step up and be motivated! Right now, not a lot of type A personalities on this squad.

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Then you don't "know" the whole story! He's a great guy that cares for his players. He didn't get in trouble for getting the team fired up and keeping things fun. He said something he shouldn't have in front of the wrong person. As for Maryville and GQ... he gets on his players and so does the other coaches. I've got two good friends whose sons played for him. Very disciplined and expects a lot from his players. Doesn't yell and scream a lot during games.. you're right! But the Maryville coaches get after their players and they respond. This is NOT all about the coaches. Our players need to step up and be motivated! Right now, not a lot of type A personalities on this squad.


Cowboyup it was a parent I even know who the player was. I have been around alot longer then 3 or 4 years like yourself lets say 30 years. I even know alot of players have quit because of him to. The one thing I have read good about all your post and you just started this year was Our players need to step up and be motivated . Old school these kids couldn't make it 5 or 10 years ago they would all quit.

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You're definitely right about the player need to execute... our kicking game has struggled in every game. As for coaching comment; I've done my fair share and WON a lot! You should keep up with what you post. You seem to beat down this staff every chance you get. Look at it this way.. we have one thing in common. I like the coaching staff... they just need to be more open and make the necessary changes and look at the players they have and where they best fit within the team. As for like to hear yourself talk comment... you should read your own posts. You've got to be the most "negative" guy I've ever seen. Good thing we take what you say with a grain of salt. Still waiting on who your team is..... Is it a "secret"?


LOL it is no secret I can't believe you don't know who my team is if I am so negative. Does that help you out or do you need more.

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I went and watch this game to see there QB and the big o-line that commit to UT. #2 did play some running back in that game...

I don't know what game you were watching, but #2 Perez did NOT play running back one single snap in this game. As matter-of-fact he has not played running back one single snap this season. Every carry Perez has had this season has resulted from him motioning into the backfield from the slot.


Against Catholic Perez carried three times, none of which were from running back. By the time he motioned into the backfield on the read sweep he had already run 15 yards, not to mention he was running parallel to the line of scrimmage. Is this the most effective way to utilize arguably the best athlete on the team? He is most assuredly the fastest skill player. Why you think teams kick away from him on special teams?


Perez did take some snaps at quarterback in the "Wild Admiral" against Oak Ridge, and he went through them like a hot knife through butter. Oak Ridge had no answer whatsoever to this kid's athletic ability. Up to that point, the offense had certainly struggled. Even with such undeniable success, the staff dropped the "Wild Admiral" on the very next series. Why? Why didn't they use it against Catholic? Johnson and Perez in the same backfield would be a challenge for any defense. Why does this staff insist on fixing what isn't broken?


Perez getting only three carries against Catholic, while Hudson got 11, is incredibly poor utilization of personnel. That is directly attributable to coaching. Catholic did not have a single athlete comparable to Perez. I understand if the coaching staff feels a sense of loyalty to Hudson, but shouldn't their first loyalty be to the success of the team rather than an individual player?


Perez and Johnson should at least split carries at tailback. High school football is a game of big plays, and Farragut is wasting big play opportunities. Why is this staff so resistant to utilizing speed in the backfield?


This team could easily be 2-1, and potentially even better, if they would just utilize the athletes they have.


Incidentally, why hasn't the coaching staff substituted for either defensive end the last two games? Those kids were on the field so long they were gassed. In order for a kid to "step up", he must be given the opportunity first.

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