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Houston Co. at McEwen


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Houston County boys have a chance to win an outright district regular season title with a win at McEwen tomorrow night.  Will this game be played since Humphreys County schools are closed all week due to illness?  Who makes that decision?  District tournament starts next Monday so there isn't a lot of time left to get a make-up game in.

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It will be tonight in McEwen...


HC wins they win the district...

HC loses Lead wins the district


Districct looks like:


1) Houston Co /Lead Acad

2) Lead Acad/ Houston Co

3) Nashville Christian

4) McEwen

5) East Rob/ Jo Byrns

6) Jo Byrns/ CA/ East Rob

7) CA/ East Rob


Like I mentioned above HC/Lead will depend on HC/McEwen game tonight.  East Rob/Jo Byrns/ CA will depend on ER/CA game.


McEwen has struggled with matching up with NCS.  I am excited about them being on the opposite side of the bracket.  I feel that McEwen has about as good of a road as possible to the district championship.


I'll take Houston Co to win the district as they are 1) senior heavy, 2)decent this year, and 3) have never lost a district tournament game in their new gym.  This being said there are about 5 teams that could take home first this year... 


District and region are down this year...  unfortunately...

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