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smyrna vs blackman

Boro Balla06

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Yeah I play for Blackman and we were out played. No one was ready for the game we really were just goofing off and not even warming up before the game. Then they beat us mostly because they took our midfield out of the game by winning the ball in defense and kicking the ball to their forwards. In my opinion though that is not really soccer that is kickball, but they won so I have to hand it to them for caring about the game 100 times more than we did. That makes them deserve the win.

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Yeah I play for Blackman and we were out played. No one was ready for the game we really were just goofing off and not even warming up before the game. Then they beat us mostly because they took our midfield out of the game by winning the ball in defense and kicking the ball to their forwards. In my opinion though that is not really soccer that is KICKBALL, but they won so I have to hand it to them for caring about the game 100 times more than we did. That makes them deserve the win.

Well, well...Haley Black spoke and what did she say? Bunch of crap just like Daddy talk trash and Knowing NOTHING about soccer. Why do you want to talk trash about a team that beat you easily i might add, you guys scored two goals one by a cross that went in by mistake and the other one by a corner kick that your girl put it in with her chest. Smyrna's goals were scored by a free kick placed in the upper 90's, and 2 crosses one half volley in the back of the net and the second on a header. If you call that kick ball then that's how much you know about soccer. In the school history Blackman has NEVER beat Smyrna in soccer although you guys always go to region but look at the competition you have and the one we have. No comparison at all. So just go ahead and graduate without ever beating us and shut up!!

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Haley11's post was a GOOD post...yeah, she may have said Smyrna played kickball but she also said that Blackman (HER OWN TEAM!) did not do good that night. In fact, 90% of her post is saying good things about Smyrna. There's no need to bring in who has better competition. Since they aren't in the same district, BHS doesnt know what SHS's competition is like and SHS doesn't know what BHS's competition is like. No need to diss on parents either...that has absolutely nothing to do with...well, anything!


And honestly, scoring with your chest is pretty impressive and if you can score by mistake, GO FOR IT! Obviously that is the Smyrna defenses fault to let a goal be scored by mistake.


Smyrna's goals WERE good goals, though. Nice free kick, nice crosses, way to put 'em in.

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I gave you good credit for Smyrna winning that game. Why are you so upset? The fact that your defense kicked it to your forwards is totally true. Can I have an opinion or is that wrong to have one? Don't trash on my dad he was just upset that we got stood up and no one ever told us don't show up. The way we got beat is the way every team has beat us and that is all I am saying. My own opinion of the best way to play soccer is to possess the ball by passing to feet. I guess that must not be soccer at all then because I must not know anything about soccerI never discredited any of Smyrna's wins and I am sorry your have a harder district, but don't get mad at me cause it is not my fault. I agree it is not fair but that is the way it is. I also said you cared more which you should take as a compliment because I admire people with alot of heart. It is the one thing that some people on our team lacks and I hate that. So chill out I didn't mean to offend you guys, and try to be a little more respectful. It was just a statement.Smile and be happy!

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a goal is a goal... whether it is beautifully done or trickles across the line off someones back who wasn't looking ... they all count the same on the scoreboard...and yes while possession and quick passing is definitely the more attractive style of socccer it is not always the most affective. Just look at the mens world cup in 2002, Korea, and the USA played "kickball" as you so eloquently put it, ms. haley, and made it far in the tournament. Meanwhile France and Argentina play the beautiful game with possession and ball control and were out of the tournament with only a single Win between them. I love seeing this game played with crisp short passes and combinations but sometimes you just gotta boot it over the defense and let your speedy guys up front run onto it... what can ya say, it works!....now my question is does this effectively end Blackmans season because i was expecting them to make it at least to sectionals?

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Not at all, they are still playing, actually they won last night against Lincoln County and now they play Tullahoma on Thursday night. Good luck to both team! As of your post Haley...sorry you don't get another change on beating Smyrna. The Kickball team has always beat you for the past 4 years. Sorry maybe your lil sister can do what you or your older sister never did. We will see...

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Thanks for wishing us good luck. I still really don't understand why you are so defensive. I meant no harm and I was just stating the way I feel soccer is played best. Kick ball isn't exactly an insult it is just the best way to describe it. Our midfielders never got the ball and that is where we play best. I know you have beat us for the past four years and it might be 5 next year. Insulting people and rubing it in peoples face isn't the best way to go about things. I am still sorry if I made you mad. When I see you next time we can just talk about this face to face to clear things up cause i think you are taking some of my statements the wrong way man.

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