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West Carroll/Greenfield


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Maybe not by 15 but this is a team that has improved since the loss at Greenfield. Milan is not as tall as West Carroll but is a lot bigger when it comes to strength. Greenfield had a hard time screening out Rod and #55 and West Carroll doesn't have a player that is near as strong as either of those two. But it should be an interesting game. Greenfield is looking for some payback but West Carroll is a tough place to get a win.

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Maybe not by 15 but this is a team that has improved since the loss at Greenfield. Milan is not as tall as West Carroll but is a lot bigger when it comes to strength. Greenfield had a hard time screening out Rod and #55 and West Carroll doesn't have a player that is near as strong as either of those two. But it should be an interesting game. Greenfield is looking for some payback but West Carroll is a tough place to get a win.

#55 Is Jon Hudkins. And you're right they are both strong. Rod benches 325 and Jon 265. That is a good point you made jvaughan.

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This should be another close game. I don't think either team will win by 15.


The key for Greenfield will be to rebound better than the did in the first meeting. The rebounding has improved tremendously since that first game, but is still a problem at times, particularly when Brandon is not under the basket. But some other players have stepped in and done fairly well. Galey has improved, Tucker got some good minutes at Milan, and Paschall has been somewhat effective, although he is very raw.


Someone will have to guard the Taylor kid that lit them up for 26 in the first game. Greenfield will have to take away his outside shot and make him move with the ball. I thought they did a pretty good job containing Webb in the first game, it was Taylor that cost them the game.


And Greenfield has improved a lot since that first game. Blackburn is still searching for his outside shot, but it will come. He hit a few 3s against Milan and has been more aggressive on offense. And of course, Brandon has been playing well. If Jeremy, Daniel, and Brett (along with the reserves) can have a decent game offensively, Greenfield will probably win (assuming Clint and Brandon play as usual). If not, West Carroll will likely take home another close win.

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I hope you're right.


Greenfield by 10.


I don't think it will be easy to do that though. However, if Greenfield can beat Trenton, they can beat West Carroll. Its just a matter of doing it.


I think it will come down to who does the better job of rebounding. Clint (or anyone else) shooting the 3 is not a problem as long as Greenfield can get an offensive put-back every now and then, which they did very little of in the first meeting. But when its one and done, Greenfield will be in trouble. Brandon will have to have a big rebounding night and Galey will have to play big tonight. Quality minutes from Paschall and Tucker would help.


I say if Greenfield can keep the rebounding relatively even, they can win by 10. The more West Carroll gets ahead in rebounds, the more they get ahead in the game. Greenfield will have to box out and play smart, they can't outjump Webb and company.

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Greenfield wins 58-43. By 15, somebody looked into their crystal ball on that one. But anyways, a complete turn around from the last game. Jeremy Smith did a great job on Taylor. I didn't here his name called many times. Both Blackburns shopt the ball really well and Jeremy played good on the offensive end as well. Shane did as good as can be expected defending Webb and had some good post moves as well as knocking down a couple of outside shots. The defense was there this time for Greenfield and so was the rebounding. If they can play this way consitantly they will be tough to stop.

Edited by jvaughan
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