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Competition Advice


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I don't think your hairstyle matters that much as long as the entire squad sports the same one and it's not too over the top. You need to make sure that it is held up well enough to withstand the jumping, stunting, tumbling, and dancing that you will be doing. As far as the favorites right now go, high curly ponies are going out quickly. More squads are picking polished, low ponies with a ribbon tied around it at the nape of the neck. This is practical and looks really nice. It also stays in place better than a high pony tail. As far as music goes, popular music is nice at times, but you shouldn't overdo it. I like to see squads use old music (1960's old....not 1999 old). This usually gets the crowd really pumped as well. You could try using a mix of both. This leads me into my next point. For your routine music, your best bet is to sit down with your squad and a bunch of cds and pick little parts from different songs. Then pick your main song for the routine. Take your selections to someone that has access to a mixer and have them piece in your little parts to the main song. This way it's personal and you know that no one else will be using the same music as your squad is. You can also get creative with your stunts and music going together. ie, hit baskets on cute sound effects. Just have fun with it and make it your own. Those are the most important pieces of advice anyone can get when making a routine. You can use as many stunt sequences as you want. It depends on the type of routine you're performing and how in shape your squad is. It should be fast paced and clean, though. Don't use any stunts that you can't hit EVERY SINGLE TIME you do them. The crowd wants to be in aw, not in fear. You should stunt to your music. When the music is slow, do a slow stunt, and when it's fast, do something fast like baskets or full downs. You should hit a big pyramid at the end that includes all of your squad. Make it clean and crowd appealing. Make sure you hit your stunts at the same time. This may take a little longer in practice but the over all effect will be worth it in the end.

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This year we have decided to wear straight ponytails. They look more neat than the curly ponytails and it is easier for everyone's hair to look the same. As for music...we use themes, which judges seem to like. Last year our theme was 70's and all our music was popular music from the 70s...this year our theme is FIRE and includes nelly's "hot in here" and some other songs which I dont really know the names of...but songs that have to do with "fire" and "hot". Our coach or whoever choreographs our routine usually puts the music together for us.

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