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I'm not the real Nick Forte, he's one of my best friends though next time you throw shot with him ask him about NickForte4261 on Coacht. But about the Parks over Barnes thing, i just really don't like Barnes, he is cocky and arrogant, maybe he's not, but the one game i played with him this year he was. Parks may not be as a good a player as Barnes, but he played well against us and the times ive seen BGA he has played well, maybe not as good as Barnes, but he keeps his mouth and gets the job done. And what are you talking about with the lemmiwinkss God's gift to soccer post thingy?

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Maybe it wasn't you then, but in the BA vs BGA thread either u or feeblecotham or someone said something to the likes of your varsity was trash, our JV could beat u guys. I just found that kind of funny, because our varsity would take your JV easily, but then again thats supposed to happen because we are varsity and ya'll are JV. But as far as your guys vs our JV ya'll played great, i was there for most of it watching before we went on the hill to warm and you guys made our JV look silly. And to ya'lls credit, our JV isn't all that bad, they have played some pretty good teams close. But all of this will be settled next year, bc we only lose 3 seniors to graduation whereas you guys lose 11, so it will basically be you guys jv this year vs our varsity.

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So Mr. Nick Forte...the BGA players are bad sports because they complain when an awful call is made or they go hard into a tackle. Barnes doenst start anything with anyone on the field. He may finish them, but he does not start them. He only starts talking trash if the opposing teams starts talking trash or if he gets cheap shoted. He doesnt talk trash unless you give him a reason to.

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I also like how you say if Parkes had the size, he would be much better than Barnes. Well I hate to break it to you but Parkes doesnt have the size ergo he is not better than Barnes. Barnes is a more solid tackler, a better header, and a much better ball handler. If Parkes is better than Barnes, then why doesnt he play in the middle?

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If Parkes is better than Barnes, then why doesnt he play in the middle?

Ummm you know the better player doesn't always play in the middle. We had one of our best defenders playing outside last year in the back. Simply because he had the strongest left foot on the team, so he played outside left instead of in the midde. Also, this year, we have one our best players playing outside mid not in the middle, simply because he is fast adn he has a lot more space down the flanks. The best players don't always neccesarly play inside. Oh and by the Barnes talked crap to me the whole night and i never opened my mouth. And even a BGA scholar should know that if someone doesnt open their mouth then they can't talk. Therefor i was not talking crap to Barnes to give him any reason to.

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You may not have said anything to him, but on many occassions i saw with my own eyes that he got cheap shoted more than once in the first half and this continued into the second half. If anything made him talk trash it was this.

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