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DII Strongest Regions


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i think probably 4 of the 5 teams in the east could beat MBA. I havent seen BGA, though it sounds like they are much stronger than all other middle teams. It's just unlucky that the east only gets 2 teams at state, while in my opinion there are 3-4 that could definately compete better than most middle teams (excluding BGA). I cant argue with the west though, it sounds like the top three there are very strong. East and West are the strongest.

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The two state contenders were BGA and MBA. Maybe, Father Ryan, but i doubt it. The east could definately compete with every middle team. After BGA, I would take pretty much any east team over any middle team, except maybe MBA. McCallie finished fourth in our region and dominated both USN and BA.

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After BGA, I would take pretty much any east team over any middle team, except maybe MBA. McCallie finished fourth in our region and dominated both USN and BA.

Okay, McCallie did not dominate BA, they beat them 3-1, with one of the goals coming from a PK, i do not see that as domination. Also, they played a BA team that was down. They played a team missing 2 of its starters in the back and one in midfield. Those players returned the next game and BA beat FRA. Also, if McCallie dominated BA like you said, then they will be able to beat MBA, because BA and MBA tied.

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