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sequoyah beats alcoa!


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I am sure that Alcoa would have a different opinion.


Alcoa, welcome to District 5AA referees!!


They actually let the players play more than usual, but not nearly the physical type of game that the Knoxville area teams are used to.



Also: Special thanks to McMinn Central for sending a scout to help referee the game. It will be interesting to see which game this ref gets to call in next week's 5AA district games.

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I am sure that Alcoa would have a different opinion.   


Alcoa, welcome to District 5AA referees!! 


They actually let the players play more than usual, but not nearly the physical type of game that the Knoxville area teams are used to.

Also:  Special thanks to McMinn Central for sending a scout to help referee the game.  It will be interesting to see which game this ref gets to call in next week's 5AA district games.



Has there been a policy change? Do teams now choose the referees who will work games? If so, why has McMinn Central become the team that gets that choice? This is amazing. Why is it always someone else's fault besides the players and the coach? Accept responsibility.

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I am sure that Alcoa would have a different opinion.   


Alcoa, welcome to District 5AA referees!! 


They actually let the players play more than usual, but not nearly the physical type of game that the Knoxville area teams are used to.

Also:  Special thanks to McMinn Central for sending a scout to help referee the game.  It will be interesting to see which game this ref gets to call in next week's 5AA district games.



Hmm...too bad McMinn Central doesn't get to pick refs...I'm pretty sure the host school gets to pick them...and why did you even bring Central up, do you hate them THAT bad???

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Just to clarify any continued lack of knowledge (the term "lack of knowledge" is PC for "ignorance"), referees are selected by a supervisor of officials who is paid (at least in part) by the TSSAA. So, in the end, neither McMinn Central, Sequoyah, Perry Hull, or anyone who is connected to any team within 5AA chooses the officials. Once again, officials never have and never will defeat a team. The officials of District 5AA certainly aren't GREAT officials, but what can you expect? This is East TN, non-district AA basketball, and therefore, you will not see the best of anything, especially officiating.

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what they are talking about mcminn central for is because danny chandler is blake derrick's step dad who plays for central!!! and he was reffing one of sequoyah's games!!!




alcoa the refs werent that bad i thought it was a evenly called game!!! the charges that were called against sequoyah were not charges!!! so just except the loss and quit crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Should we really bring names into a anonymous message board? Now now, let's have some class, kiddies.

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