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Camden Lions @ Huntingdon Mustangs


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Now that Camden has lost to Cheatham County and Huntingdon has lost to West Carroll, how about next week's game at Huntingdon? Can the Mustangs stop the Will Blow Express offense or will it be a track meet for the Swenson Ponies? I'm going to say Huntingdon doesn't want to get in a track meet and Camden doesn't want a slugfest. Camden 34, Huntingdon 29, in a barnburner. Be at Paul Ward Stadium next Friday, or miss one of the best games of the year.

Edited by @38320
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wow 2 posts about this game one in the 1a post as well Butchie can you merge them lol I want to talk to everyone in one post instead of going to 2 boards it can be in 3a board for all I care, I want to make sure everyone sees posts on both boards and thought it'd be better. If you cant merge the posts butchie at least tell me & I will just favorite this one lol.


If it dont get merged I want you to know like I said in the other board sorry about your quarterback problems glad your second one will proably be able to play but wish you original could have instead. It will be a real good game with lots of points by both teams, still pulling for the mustangs, think we need the win more because while not taking anything away from West Carroll we got embarassed last week.

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First off my prayers are with the Hudson family, and pray for a speedy recovery of Tanner, who at present is still in St Thomas last I heard.

I think Camden while after some adjustments will be just fine I hope the coaches and team leadership can set the tone early.

Bad things happen we know it. Now we don't like it but we do have to deal with it!

Now you can hang your head or use this as fuel.

I believe that that with these coaches and seniors we will see Camden come back tougher then they already were!

The strongest steal has been hammered and folded many times to make it the best! This is just a hammer strike for this team!

Good Luck Mustangs you're going to need it this week!

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Praying Tanner has a speedy recovery!! Hate to loose him for the season! But one player does not make or break a team, if it does then you didn't have a "team" to begin with. There is no doubt he is an excellent QB but I have no doubt that #7 will step up and contribute to an already great offense. There is plenty of leadership on this team and I'm sure Tanner's involvement as being a leader/captain on this team will continue. But lets not forget that there are 10 other young men on that field who are just as talented in their positions and work just as hard. I have no doubt they will pull together Friday night and come out with the win. Just hope the coaching staff starts giving #12 a few snaps at practice so if he is called back into action, nerves don't get the best of him. Hope the coaches recognize the importance of hand off as opossed to throwing with an inexperienced QB. Hope they put that Riley in kicking and nothing else, let him kick, kick, kick all practice. It was pretty clear the other night how important PAT's can be. Not taking anything away from Chetam Co. or Huntingdon but the best team did not win at Chetam Co. and Huntingdon is dreaming if they think Camden will lay down because on one players injury. Camden Wins Big. Go big black!!!

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Praying Tanner has a speedy recovery!! Hate to loose him for the season! But one player does not make or break a team, if it does then you didn't have a "team" to begin with. There is no doubt he is an excellent QB but I have no doubt that #7 will step up and contribute to an already great offense. There is plenty of leadership on this team and I'm sure Tanner's involvement as being a leader/captain on this team will continue. But lets not forget that there are 10 other young men on that field who are just as talented in their positions and work just as hard. I have no doubt they will pull together Friday night and come out with the win. Just hope the coaching staff starts giving #12 a few snaps at practice so if he is called back into action, nerves don't get the best of him. Hope the coaches recognize the importance of hand off as opossed to throwing with an inexperienced QB. Hope they put that Riley in kicking and nothing else, let him kick, kick, kick all practice. It was pretty clear the other night how important PAT's can be. Not taking anything away from Chetam Co. or Huntingdon but the best team did not win at Chetam Co. and Huntingdon is dreaming if they think Camden will lay down because on one players injury. Camden Wins Big. Go big black!!!


I dont think we are like that at all I never wish injurys on anyone we are all human beings. I picked you last week btw go look at the Camden Chietum County thread if you think otherwise. Camdens offense is great but I heard you guys are really a tough defensive team so we might not score as many points on you. 1 player dont make a team just like you said but you might have problems because of it, because you have to redo your offensive strategy if the backup isnt a good player too but I heard your kicker is. Good Luck Friday, I'm still going for Huntingdon, but I like Camden. I dont think you guys will be a pushover by any means as a matter of fact, Milan better be getting ready come playoff time I think you can beat them.

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Yeah the loss of Tanner Hudson changes everything about the offense even if #7 plays. He is 6'5" and can drop a football on a dime at 60 yards . I think if Tanner got his senior year in with the offense we have been running he is a division 1 full ride player that's always going to hurt.He might still be and hope everyone is praying for him he isn't out of the woods yet.


Saying that the Coaches at Camden isn't going to roll over and cry woe is us and neither are the boys I think they will come out playing lions football and #7 might be a bit nervous but he will settle down nicely I am taking the lions in this game.


Here is to #35 getting a heavy load for once in his career for some unfathomable reason.

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