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Everything posted by Rerun92

  1. Yes.. They're just terrible. Bless their semi-state playin' hearts.
  2. I hadn't read all these the first time. So ironic
  3. !4 point Favorite is a funnier number now truthfully.
  4. . I feel like i've heard of that being a problem in KCS before; It might actually be against the rules.
  5. "Not many can grasp, better yet appreciate this level of satirical humor. Kudos to you! "- SX1234 When people poorly paraphrase your work... It's not quite plagiarism. I guess that makes it okay with the TSSAA. Doesn't mean we can't all see the problem.
  6. Why'd you try to steal my line?
  7. “Today we received a letter dismissing Powell HS of all allegations of recruiting." It's strange, because I read the letter and it doesn't say that. It simply says they couldn't prove it. The 5-star headline is the same way: "TSSAA CLEARS POWELL FOOTBALL OF ANY WRONG-DOING" That's not correct either. Let's be really clear here. The schools that submitted the complaints did nothing wrong. Players from separate teams came to their coaches and told them what happened. The coach then took that information and submitted it to the governing body. The TSSAA then asked for signed student statements. The coaches submitted them. If a kid reports a violation to a coach and the coach doesn't report it, they could libel; particularly if it continued and constituted harassment. The reporting schools and the athletes did exactly what they were supposed to do. TSSAA didn't clear Powell of any wrong-doing. Instead, they said it couldn't be substantiated. I've heard people say the reporting schools and athletes should apologize? Ridiculous. If an athlete comes to you and reports something like this, you have to report it. To apologize for doing so would be saying you didn't believe the athletes. I'm certain the coaches believe the athletes. From two separate schools... Who aren't even facing powell in the postseason... It's whatever, on to round 3.
  8. This type of satirical humor is underrated in modern society. Cheers to you.
  9. No. That would be a tssaa violation if they're recruiting. Someone just has to have screenshots and a member school has to turn it in.
  10. I sure hope these teams don't overlook opponents like their supporters do. It's round 2.
  11. Do we need to call your loved ones to come check on you? It appears you're unwell.
  12. No. Recruiting is. I know this is hard to understand, but the kids didn't do anything wrong unless they accepted cash.
  13. Bragging is also not a TSSAA violation.
  14. THE TRANSFER ISN'T A TSSAA VIOLATION. The recruiting is.
  15. A guthook is one of two things: 1. a punch to the gut. 2. a hook used for disemboweling game. There is no defense for cheating in High School sports. They're minors.
  16. Wrong. They don't know. Legal transfers happen all the time. Those kids can live in another zone and play a different school. The transfer isn't illegal. The recruiting is.
  17. Here's the thing that people forget about high school sports. The Powell kids aren't cheating. If anyone is cheating it's adults. So the Powell kids will "be able to look in the mirror the next morning" too. Hold off on your righteous indignation...
  18. yeah, I'm not sure it's worth much at this point. They got caught once, and now multiple schools say they're breaking the rules again? Hard to believe Powell at this point.
  19. Powell already had to vacate 8 games last year. That makes this much more believable.
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