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Everything posted by Titanfan99

  1. And a great name for the back of a pro jersey!!!!....
  2. Is Yorks new field at the school? thanks
  3. Macon's starting catcher and arguably best hitter didn't play in those 2 games. He's out for another week. Are any of the basketball players for livingston starters on the baseball team?..I figured they were...
  4. Titanfan99


    Macon beat livingston twice this week. (Without our starting CATCHER and best hitter). How did york do? haven't heard? baxter was good last year but did they lose anybody?...plus, I hope they have the drainage problems on their field fixed. Maybe they should talk to the girls softball coach and see how he gets his field ready when it drizzles....lol can't wait to go to Baxter....at least they have good concessions!!...and the field is nice..just wish they could get home plate a little further from the bleachers...then I could bring my binoculars.....
  5. I don't know for sure but with all these smith county and trousdale county fans on here that shouldn't stop me from posting. I would say (don't know for sure) that his kids "may" still be in school there. Maybe till next year. If he's going back to work in concessions that says alot about him. It's almost impossible to get some partents to do anything to help. I for one am looking forward to the next few years. I've heard nothing but good things about Coach Goolsby. I think we beat up on trousdale and smith county both the last time he was calling the plays...didn't we...it's been a while and my memory isn't that good. Can you owl and jacket fans help me out with that info?.... /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />
  6. Well, maybe no one has an opinion. How bout this...do any of the highschool teams use video to help kids with their batting???
  7. To some of you (especially coaches if there are any on here) this thread may seem strange. I'd like to know who on here think that hitting a baseball CAN'T be taught to kids in highschool. I'd also like to know how much players in highschool work on proper hitting mechanics.... thanks
  8. well, i'm gonna disagree and agree with ya.... The jackets improved more than any team i've ever seen from the first of the year to the 3 or 4 game. They're a great team and I believe and hope that they show the rich boys what good ole "middle class" football is all about...so even though I'm DEFINITLY not a Trousdale fan I hope you win this game....(kinda of a class warfare thing..just like the election!)... Anyway, I've been on your sideline more than once and if what Clint's doing isn't coaching then I guess Bill really didn't have sex with that woman... That being said....trousdale is now and has always been THE BEST COACHED TEAM in middle Tennessee... so "whoever is doing it".....good job.....
  9. You the pot or the kettle....don't think you mentioned anything in this post about the "actual" game...and it seems that if the actual game is talked about on this site it's just branded as coach bashing.... just an observation from an observer!!...if you want my opinion....or...even if you don't....lol
  10. Stop....just stop....There are many reasons for RBS's losing season. However, every team thinks their region is tough so that's not a good "excuse". I believe they say the same thing in basketball yet their girls do pretty good in that from year to year. I hope RBS wins this week and I hope they turn it around but right now they would be in the same shape in "any" region. I wish them good luck, keep working!!!!
  11. Ya'll need to get off the Meth and have a better attitude for goodness sakes....How long have you had a program? Where do the players dress if you don't have a fieldhouse? Anyway, the bad news is I've seen TC twice and they are on a roll. Clint gets ya at least 14 points a game by just "being" there. My advice is to have an "incident" with the clock and pay the ref on the field to speed it up. TC is a great team and they are coached even better. p.s....if you get them in a 4th and short you better watch for the "2 men in motion" play...it worked twice against Smith County and really changed the game. I thought it was illegal but if the players are going in different directions then it's o.k.... and no I'm no a Trousdale fan....(that could be farther from the truth)...i'm just a bi-stander....good luck..!>!>!>! ohh...do any of you think there are players on Trousdale county that are getting "paid" to play???....I think a coach needs to "recruit" and by that I mean going into the school and getting the athletes to want to play football...I don't know of any public schools that actually let money change hands to get players....do you??
  12. Well I'm glad to say that I haven't followed this tread for the last 2 years.....so just put a sock in it...and by the way I was one of the guys BOOing baby Young. Wish they'd trade him now while he's still worth a little. (in his defense they won't let him run and if he don't run he's worthless....as a quarterback...but I digress) ** you know the BEST thing about a message board like this...you can't push people around like in real life....is that Karate thing supposed to intimidate people..??just asking?**
  13. Didn't know that was Omish...thought that was Smith County's answer to high gas prices.....?
  14. One of the strengths of the TC coaching staff is their willingness to do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over....etc....if it is working or untill you stop it. It's always amazed me that the adjoining county coaching staffs have never picked up on that tactic? The two "men in motion plays to draw the penalty" was also a great ploy. I don't agree with the clock trouble before the half that was low and I'll never be convinced that the clock didin't work. SC lost 30 seconds on the play before the incomplete pass and no one but "me" up in the stands noticed. I also think SC has a good quarterback except he has to learn when NOT to throw the ball. Many times his receiver was Completely covered and he still heaved it downfield. IMO that was the difference in the game.....but that's just my opinion and everyone knows the saying about opinions... lol....
  15. As best I recall hasn't Coach Dyer been a winning coach everywhere he's been a head coach??? I may be wrong but I think that is right. It's hard to argue with that....I know someone in the school system didn't like him so they got rid of him....not sure who??...once again....just the facts...please correct me if I'm wrong...
  16. I believe maybe more than one....with multiple coaching experience...not as head coach but coaching experience at different levels.....like Dragnet....just the facts.........
  17. Sorry, that didn't come out the way it was planned...I'm talking about Tues at Saunders Ferry....are there any teams that aren't running their best seven????
  18. is Anyteam running all of their varsity....just "hear say" but alot of teams aren't running the whole team... anyone know about this???Why don't we just cancel these Tues meet if no ones gonna run????gas is 4$ a gallon!! just asking...
  19. I'd like to apoligize for "skills" pitiful attitude about football, coaching, and well life in general.... Bet he's one of these people waiting for the government to make everything right.. I hope to the good lord that he isn't from Macon County!!!! I don't care how "bad" a coach may be, no one deserves the quotes he's come up with.... I understand people making some comments about coaching, I don't agree with everything that goes on on any coaching staff...(i.e. Whey won't they let Vince run?!?!?!?!)..but your're pathetic.....and if I was one of the people who could get you off of this site I would>>>>> there...I feel better
  20. I've seen em all....westmoreland will score all they want on Gordy..... also, pretty sure sc will bore the jackets a new one!!!!!!.....and i hope they do!!!!!!...tc' s the most overrated team in the state...imo!
  21. Look guys...we're not talking the Titans radio here....I think they do a great job...they keep you informed for the most part and they are very entertaining... I'm sure they're not doing it for the money....plus...I don't care if they are on this board talking bout "whatever" ...last time I checked it's a free country..... and I'll have to admit this Macon thread normally ain't boring!!!!!!!!!
  22. director of schools...you mean Prock? Is that who has the most control over hiring and firing the football coaches or is it the school board....or both??? just asking....curious?
  23. I'll admit I'm totally ignorant on this but I have to ask...Why does Macon County play this team? Who decides that? Everyone loses.....fans don't go so the gate is down, consessions down....I just don't understand...wouldn't Macon be better playing someone closer to home such as Allen County, Red Boiling Springs, Jackson County???? Just asking????
  24. That's gooooood!!!!!!....and true!! /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
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