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  1. More Than Conquerors - "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against." Romans 8:31 Go Lions!
  2. Man it is funny to see people that are so blinded by their rural love for football miss reality. CPA is coming to smack your hometown team in the mouth, period. Pearl Cohn was on their heals last night in the last two quarters because CPA took it to them. CPA is hungry. This is not gonna be what you have seen so far. Better kill ya a fatted calf, your gonna need the energy.
  3. Are you kidding me? I don't know what you are smoking, but have you noticed who CPA has played and beaten? Those boys are in for a game. Wishful thinking ends next week.
  4. I hate to tell you but it will be CPA, not Pearl Cohn your next opponent. Hope you are there with us.
  5. Let's hears what everyone thinks about this one. Gonna be a battle.
  6. This should be a fun game. Isn't this what high school football is all about? Kids playing and competing and learning life lessons. We adults put too much importance in it. Let's just pray for both teams and enjoy the game. I can't think of a better team to play, just hope the outcome is better than in years past. Can't wait till next week.
  7. We'll see big"RED" , we'll see. at least we are still playing.
  8. CPA tried to schedule Smith County last year but Coach Maynard said he didn't want to play us because we had an unfair advantage.......wonder how he feels about it now. Better change schedule and get some quality, makes a difference.
  9. Take it from someone that has seen PC play, you are in for a game. They are the best team we played all year. You are in for a tough game. Better bring your A game or you will be watching in round 2.
  10. I am calling a SC win and a CPA first meeting in round 3. Pearl Cohn was one of the best teams we played so far. The Owls can do it. Would love to play in the Hole!
  11. Best 3rd round potential game: CPA vs. SC Come on Owls, make this happen!
  12. Smith County will have their hands full with PC. They are fast, hard hitting, and athletic. I don't see SC beating them, but I hope they do. Would love to see a CPA SC match-up.
  13. Stop your "crying" and look at the tape.......... CPA 28-10
  14. My prediction, "worth the $7 cost of admission." I think it is going to be a dog fight. Excitement on both sides of the ball. You don't want to miss this one. No better place to watch a high school football game. 21-24 CPA
  15. This is what high school football is all about. Two schools that respect each other going at it. God bless them both. I can't wait till Friday!
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