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  1. I am sorry, but I did not have time to read through all of the other posts. My vote would go to Mike Weldon out at Karns. The guy has really done something amazing in the past few years at both Farragut and Karns. He took that team to the Duals in his second year there and has done an outstanding job.
  2. I think that Vaughn majoring Mayo is asking for a lot. Mayo hasnt been wrestling as well lately, but i think that one will go to Mayo. Simmons would be an upset, the Ryan hwt is very tough and I believe that one will go to Ryan as well. My thinking is that Baylor might bump Manson up to 130, where we will see a heck of a match. You can predict all you want on a Manson vs. Oddo matchup but that is one that we will have to see. I think that this match will be a lot tighter than everyone will predict.
  3. Nainten, I find your posts remarkably pointless. You start a thread about Jordan Leen, but somewhere along the way you decide to take a jab at Patrick Simpson. If you want to talk about Jordan Leen, that is fine. If you want to talk about Patrick Simpson, that is fine. But, who are you to get on here and say that Patrick has maxed out his potential and will not be an all american. Let the guy get it done on the mat and shut your mouth. "Yes even West Point." Explain, is West Point considered one of the easier of the Academies now. Again, makes no sense.
  4. Um, Ok, who would win in a match? My vote goes to Ditka, but......in overtime.
  5. Coach G might make friends with the bikers if he still has that hair cut.
  6. Hey Sommers you win the award for making the most unintelligible posts this season. Oh boy, Kenny Meredith is winning some matches and that is great, but you coming on here and talking about Olympics is outstanding. Maybe your keen insight shoots over my head.
  7. Dunning, Cleveland, Bundy, and Marable would plot to take out Meredith first. After he was out of the way, the little guys would take Marable out. From there its on.
  8. How bout this? The TSSAA is not a public program that is in anyway serving the best interests of wrestling through tax dollars etc. If the wrestling community wants to why not withdraw from a TSSAA sponsored state tourney and get somebody with a lot of money to start up a new organization that sponsors a single state tourney. If successful, the TSSAA will crumble due to the new competition. Im sure that the TSSAA is still hurting a little from the BA ordeal from a few years ago. Lets take the TSSAA down, Who's with me?
  9. 50-15 and you think that Overton could have pulled the upset if all the starters were there. No way. 35 points is a blowout. Overton might have their handsful winning the region this year against McGavock and Glencliff.
  10. This is secondhand so I am not positive on the details. Ryan won solidly and Dunning beat Jennings by tech fall. I want details please.
  11. Dunning vs Bundy. Leen vs Lane. Here's the difference. Lane was a lot more technical than Bundy is. I realize that Lane was not very technical but was slicker than Bundy. Here is where Bundy will run into trouble on Whitt. Wrestling 4life says that Bundy is a good scrambler. He is. But he will not get away with it against a guy like Dunning. Bundy will start flopping around and will end up on his back. Take it from there...Dunning with a three point lead.
  12. Yes it does teach mental toughness. But you are ignorant in your ways my friend. A little knowledge in sport psychology can take a wrestler a long way. A lot of wrestlers/competitors need to know how relax, mentally prepare, etc. Sports psychology is not going to make a decent wrestler a state champion. But, it can give consistency to any competitor.
  13. Gripper says it best. I don't see any problem with the high school wrestlers posting on this forum or reading it. The problem I see is when the talk it up about themselves or other wrestlers. Some of these guys might say something about their programs that the coach doesn't want made public. Also, some of these kids are staying up late looking at these posts when as wrestlers they should be in bed resting for practice/competition.
  14. This is really sad to hear. I do not know him, but I knew his older brother and they are a very nice family. I hate to see this happen to anyone.
  15. I like Manson a lot. He is a quality young man and a top notch wrestler. However, how can you continue to believe that he can hang with Dunning? Dunning shut him out in last years state final and has already proven this year that he has greatly improved. Right now I think Whit could spot him 10 points and still beat him.
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