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Mr. B

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Everything posted by Mr. B

  1. I heard Coach Bodenhammer went out and bought a new pair of glasses for just this game!
  2. Back to limericks There was a coach who was round and bally He made all of the definsive cally's Even though he is quite plump Mac has been on his rump This coach goes by the name of wally
  3. Wrong David Lipscomb, we are named after a man who donated land so young men had a place to learn the Bible. We are named after a man who donated his own money to help stop yellow fever in Nashville. We are named after the man who was against the civil war because Christians were on both sides of the war. We are named after the man who would probably be even against football, keeping his other teachings in context. Make fun of the team if you must and the school. But, in all seriousness, David Lipscomb saved many lives and was a great man who everyone should respect.
  4. So my main man Mac got outcoached in 2 games out of 325+ games, I would say that isn't too bad. I was at the Huntingdon game. What you had there was one team wanting it more then the other. One was hungry for their first championship, the other was probably a little bit spoiled, except one of the safeties for DL, being there two years in a row and being undefeated up until that game. As for the Smith County game, come on now, that was years ago. But, I applaud SC because they do something every team should do after the home team scores a touchdown.......SHOOT FIREWORKS!
  5. There is only one Great American Icon at Lipscomb and its ME. Fiction on the score.
  6. What happened in your case? Do you still want more flavor or is this good enough?
  7. Well, you know what they say, the only thing worst than a voyeur is somebody that would dress up to be a college mascot. How is that for flavor? I see the typical Lipscomb/Marshall County game. MC get beat on the long ball before the night is over. DL-35 MC-7
  8. Catfish, The game starts at 7:00, not 7:30. Pre-game firework show starts right after the bagpipes.
  9. Scott Tillman - Lipscomb New to the job, but looks like a seasoned veteran. He has shut out everybody, except Greenbrier, with his first team defense. This includes scrimmages.
  10. 8AA---LIPSCOMB AND MLK!!!!!!! GO STANGS!!!!!
  11. Lipscomb is so fundamentally sound that they do not reach when the play defense. Coach Pickens is top twitch, oops, I mean notch. Good job, P and the boys. Good luck in the boro.
  12. AND, the loser is going to Nashville no matter what.
  13. NEWSFLASH FROM THE TENNESSEAN David Lipscomb gives the win back to Jackson County! Coach Smith after being told by ejected fan "D" that they probably will not make it out of sub-state decided to give the win to JC! Smith said, "Why should I waste my Saturday night if we probably can not win sub-state." Once Coach Smith also heard that he (or the refs, hard to decipher D's post) may or may not, pending on the sub-stat and state tourny, could have caused JC a state championship, decided it wasn't fair to JC to take the win. Afterall Smith said, "JC could have won a championship, pending one the sub-state and state tournament, and that is not fair to them." Smith concluded the tough news conference very emotional and said, "I am just glad they are going to single A, because I hate giving wins back, even if it is the right thing to do." Once Smith found out that DL should have lost the York game also, he decided, "what the heck, they can have the win too". NO WORD YET IF HUME-FOGG IS GIVING THE UPPERMAN VICTORY BACK.
  14. Jason Brock will have at least 20 and a DUNK!
  15. Game will come down to the last position. Zach Pharr on a buzzer beater! Big Ben, are you going to wear your crown tonight?
  16. Rumor going around school that coach P has something special in store for MLK this time around. Some type of 2-3 match-up zone that MLK will not be prepared for because DL ALWAYS plays man to man. One of the players even mentioned that coach Roller is going to come in and give the pregame talk and talk about how important it is to win this game. I am licking my chops for Friday night! I can not wait to us in a zone. Go Mustangs!
  17. I agree about the SC fans. For some reason they come into the gym and the football field with a chip on their shoulders. As a new school, this is not the way to build a good reputation. This trickles down to there players and they usually get unsportmanlike penalties in games, or at least they do when they play DL in FB and BB. Less than 5 months until FIREWORK$!
  18. Yes, we play MBA. It is very hard to beat Coach Smith twice in one year.
  19. Thanks, but I thought you were one.
  20. AND, it is very hard to dunk when we employ our great stall tactic. If we played Alcoa again in FB maybe we should try this!
  21. Glad to see 2AGuru on the thread, now go back to the library and study (I don't work [well play] 3 different jobs for you to goof off). The game plan by Coach Pitkens was a brillant game plan that Lipscomb is so well known for. As for me, I love it. You see, me and Adolf Rupp, Joe B. Hall, Rick Pitino, (Eddie Sutton doesn't count, wasn't clever enough to cover up the cheating), and Tubby Smith would do the samething if we had to. I have found memories of UK using every style that have to use to win a game. That is the way Lipscomb is, the next game they went out and beat Portland using good ole Lipscomb Basketball. A good coach uses different game plans against different teams, it is called COACHING. Anybody can roll a ball out and say "go play". This is what separates DL from most other schools, GREAT coaching (which starts at the top with the AD). Go big Purple!
  22. Not sure really to begin. I have a lot of stuff to do with firework season just around the corner. Here is my take on the game. The David Lipscomb Mustangs have a very good defense this year. Now last years team was a better defensive team because we had a secondary that was one of the best ever. The Blankenship kid and the Lehning kid just shut people down (except the last game, but that was the coaches fault). With that said, I think the Tornadoes will pick on the secondary of David Lipscomb. I am sure they will try a few trick plays. I still see Lipscomb not giving up more than 14 points on defense. Now on offense, Coach McCadams will have his boy prepared just like a Sunday morning sermon. That is thing about the Coach Mac (that is what I call him) he is always prepared. The offense of this years team is very explosive. Elrod is one of the best QB's since the Blankenship kid back in 94 when they won a state championship with him. By the way, they also won a championship in 01 with another Blankenship. Anybody see a pattern? The offense behind Elrod, Rogers, Wilkerson, and Waters will EXPLODE just like a firecracker. DL-42 AL14 Have a safe trip down from Blount County. B
  23. Come on now, lets not start that again. I propose a peace agreement.
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