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Everything posted by RoyDillardJr

  1. Dis out uv state recroot wheel bee uh grate adishun two tha Frendleeship lineup dis seezun. Eye garuntea.
  2. Mynuz 1. Dat wuz Rodknee Dainjerfeld...and reel Korknee. HAPPY BLOGGERIN!!!
  3. Owe eye gets itt dR MedasinTrowll mD! Watt ewe axyoully meen iz dat Barb guy has uh larje uhmount uv dentslee pack'd lawgs!
  4. hits gunna bee uh good yer! eye garntee

  5. If were dat gud, den We may merci-rool duh SIGnull Mounton Eel-egulls dis yeer.
  6. Ewe post lack uh free yeer old! An Eye aint jokin! ==========================D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. Let me ax ewe Trousdele peepull a qweschun. Iz day gunna bee ne Harpers on duh teem dis yer?
  8. Eye garunteE ewe SIGnull Moundton wood bee uh grate place too start. Dey mite evun put ewe own fuLl tyme an den ewe woodun half two bee spammying up coach Tee's massage boreds hunchin four work. Tanks, JuneBug
  9. Ewe say dat er' yer, Snowbawl####s. Eye garunteE!
  10. Lemme asq ewe a qwestchun, wheel tha YouTee powyrs at bee entervyuw dat Ryce mayne frum wanesville? He dun went an gon one uh stait chamyunchip.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZakNrlTMbA&feature=player_detailpage
  12. Oh I'z gets it Rowee.......if we dont halv sprang treyning dis yeer, we mite knot gets anudder silfer bawl.
  13. Lets me ax ewe uh qweschun, Mr SweaturVest. Dew ewe thank dem boyz frum friendlyship-possumtowne iz gunna beet dem boyz frum Heartsville-Trousedale agin dis yer? Eye garuntee ewe day ant 4got about dat las wuppin yaw gave dem!
  14. MaryAnn countee haz beecum duh Redd Bowling Sprengs uv too-a ,eye garuntee.
  15. Owe eye gets it m in m...ewe vilated duh sybil rites ax uv 1964 two prowclame rejun 4 az duh bess EVUH!!!! Grate job!
  16. Owe eye gets it mR. BlackLeg....buy Strait on the T ewe axyoully meen dat PowerP dont kneads to come on here ackting like sum kind uv ferry.
  17. Iz dat grydar man steal cocheeng sawftbawlz? Efn ee iz eye gayruntee hill bee two duhstrackded two coche dem boyz eye gayruntea
  18. If Grider duznt recroot sum knew managers like youres truly....... and gets away frum dat spred.......... and lern too hitt sum peepull, we mites not make it two da playoffs nex yaer.And eye aint jokin TiratePom!
  19. Owe eye gets it Butchie...dat dOcktor wants two make ewe thank dat he mite slide sumpin else inn.
  20. Owe eye gets it the burro, ewe thanks waynesville will get too tha champyunship agayn inn fitty yeres
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