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Everything posted by TheBlackPearl

  1. As Roy would say, you full of mess. Ain’t nobody but you knows about 2 new pickups.
  2. As a long time fan and trying to be objective, Stone should be moved to OC and Grider as HC / DC. Stone has been proven a offensive guru, he has maybe the best football mind I have been around, ever. I know this may upset some but Vic is much better at calling the defense as opposed to offense. I’m gonna go ahead and say it, Vic has trouble in the big games. In his effort to out coach the opponents, he sometimes changes what is working, thinking the other coach is about to shut it down, causing fans to question what he is doing. Don’t get me wrong we have the best coach anywhere, I just think he needs to delegate the offense to someone else. Grider is the GOAT, I’d just like to see him let someone else shoulder some responsibility. I will stand by for attacks now...
  3. LMAO. That's funny. When it comes to them Jasperlites it ain't a fair fight cause we know all their names. Actually it wouldn't be a fair fight anyway. On here or on the field we best them !!!!
  4. yep or fooling them into wasting practice on a player that that he knows will not be playing. That will go down as a classic snookering!!
  5. that's the best voice impression I've heard in awhile. You sounded just like Foghorn. How'd you do that
  6. Marion line and backers will be the difference in this game . Not sure our offense can keep the pocket from collapsing long enough to pass or to get a runner to the edge...This could get out of hand early.
  7. just showing its a two way street. It won't be brought up again.
  8. If pride comes from being on the news crime reports all the time.
  9. i now know who you are, and I know you are one of the good guys. I also agree you didn't start this.
  10. my apologies to Pujo. I only get on here once a year, and it's about this time every year . Lol
  11. hey, it's like this guys. If OJ were eligible and it helped us beat you scaly wags I would welcome him with open arms and he could spend the night with anyone he wanted. Now do you understand that we could care less what y'all think or what y'all want. it makes up feel so good reading your post knowing that it's killing you and ain't nothing you can do. Again if you think we care, we don't !! LMBO
  12. by all ya'lls fixation it seems "he" has you guys plumb rattled. Keep ranting , cause that proves you worried !!! LMBO
  13. as Pegleg says we don't care how the sausage is made. If you think we care you are kinda slow.
  14. Yep I agree y'all are the greatest team in the US. The greatest team ever to play . We get it. Now convince Richardson and Coach White.
  15. i don't even know why you on here. Start a blog made up of former players that want to be serious and discuss pros and cons of the team and don't forget to talk about stats and all the good stuff. Wonder how many would join in your blog.
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