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Everything posted by BarneySox2007

  1. This will be the 68th year of Greenback Football if it makes it which looks very shakey, One day your state champions and a few years later because of a crooked school board member that uses his extra powers to buffalo a new school principal and another school board member into hiring a personal friend that was fired as an assistant coach there only to become the head coach the next year. I'm not going beat up the coach because he does want to be at Greenback but took the worst road to get there. This is why parents that can make a move and get their kids to another school have left. Enough kids may have left that it could make the safety of the remaining kids a big question mark. After the last hire that didn't work out someone should have had enough sence to relaize Greenback fans wanted nothing to do with an outsider as head coach. I hope I I'm wrong but have to many contacts telling the same story.
  2. Word on the street in Lenior City that they have picked up a transfer freshman from Greenback.
  3. Anyone know what Gary's record is right now. Just curious how close he is to 500 wins. Love to have seen him do this at Alcoa. This is like Hank Aaron getting traded to the Montreal Expos the week before he brakes Babe Ruth's record.
  4. Oakland seems to pickup a kid or two that is over the cutting edge that have been the difference makers in a lot of the Oakland and Maryville games. The two running backs that came in four years ago from private schools in Nashville are just some of the examples.
  5. It will be interesting to see how many really show up for football the first day of practice. Right now it's just a guess considering the number that have left for other programs. I don't know the coach but it does appear that he is over his head right now. He should have known better than to take on a job with so many against him. The The school board member that is also a cop seems to be a bully and uses his powers to push people around like the principal. You can't get him unelected because of the wrath that would come down on whoever opposes him. I know people from there and I've heard the same stories so I can't be far off on what I mentioned. Greenback is a small school and to small for a major disruption or it could end the football teams existence.
  6. Meigs County went 12 and 0 before they got put out in the playoffs and the game was at Meigs which they were in it to the end. Someone must have been responsible for that much credit. Slover was a highly rated QB when he played at Anderson County in the 90's and I'm sure his son must of learned a few things growing up in that house. When all this hit the fan last year Sweetwater for all of it's great history in football got tarnished and stained by a handful of parents like I've never seen before. I'm still in disbeliefe the coach left Meigs County to jump into a mess like that unless there was more than what meets the eye down there. A lot of small towns are like this though that don't want an outsider running the place and changing positions of kids who were heir to the throne even if they lose every game on the schedule. I'm sure the new coach don't have a qb as a son or that was the first question during his interview. There was a lot of damage done to this program last year but hopefully the new coach can turn things around and not go through the same fiasco the last one did.
  7. Your 100% right, I couldn't have said it better.
  8. I'm surprised with Baylor and McCallie being that close doesn't come in and pick Bradley clean of anyone worth looking at and leaving them with only the crums.
  9. Who ever farted around on building onto Maryville High hurt the football program. Don't matter if Boo Carter lived two foot off the city line he can't get into Maryville on tution until that is built and the school can take on kids from the county again.
  10. Bradley has always been a good talented football team every year but Boo Carter really sent last years team over the edge. A player like that is a once in a lifetime get. I have high hopes that Maryville can retake that game this year but not without a hard fight as always.
  11. Call Don Dare and tell him you all have a bad cook in the kitchen running that football team.
  12. Wasn't the Slover kid 2-2 and played a very strong Meigs County to a 14-21 game and then the fireworks went off and the other qb lost the rest of the way. I heard the Slover kid had a much better passing percentage also. Maybe this new coach will get this mess cleaned up.
  13. Graduation. Lost 3 starting linemen from last year so the addition of Smith really helps.
  14. The big question is, are those parents that caused all the rucus last year got kids still playing. What a nightmare if that happens again. Those people should have been ashamed of themselves but then again a snake is a snake and it will bite again if it's hanging around again this year.
  15. To my knowledge no. I'm wondering if he plays defense or not. Right now with the loss of a few linemen from last year the offensive line will be his most likely position.
  16. Unless you got something to bring to the table. This board is dying like my yard from all of this heat. We're just around the corner from fall practice.
  17. The New Word of the day at Maryville High is Hawk Tuah. Hearing someone had to Hawk Tuah their checks to get the field clean.
  18. We're getting closer, 48 days until Jamboree.
  19. In my opinion after reading any thread in this county the competition knows what size everyone's underware is on either team and soon as this story leaked they may have pushed the emergency button with the other going on to possibly avoid a death penalty. But what do I know I'm from Maryville where we have to keep an eye on our football field to make sure someone don't paint the turf yellow.
  20. Alcoa has a very good Athletic Director whom I wish we had at Maryville and I'm pretty sure he has burned the midnight oil looking for a team. I realize no team in the state wants to lose to a 3A team which may benefit them if they move up one wheather their eligible or not. Alcoa has the best athletes per 100 students I've ever seen and have had for a long long time. The secrect there is that the coach must establish dominance and the kids buy in which has always worked well the past twenty five years.
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