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Everything posted by BarneySox2007

  1. Went by and saw the team out on the field in shorts the first day of spring practice. Then I noticed yellow markings all over our million dollar football field. It absolutely looked like Earl Scheib had went out there and done one of his famous $99 paint jobs of a Lacrosse field. I hope the person that did that gets some serious jail time. How will they ever get that mess off there?
  2. Thanks everyone for all the kind words. Been a very bad day to be woken up at 5.30 to hear someone on the other line telling me my wife has passed away. I've known for a couple of weeks things were not looking good. I found her Monday Morning unconscoius and called an ambulance and I was told lastnight things were looking much better but she had a heart attack and passed on this morning around 4 a.m. There were many times over the past three years I couldn't go to the ballgames because I didn't want to leave her alone. I know she is in a better place as to be in the pain she has been in the past few years.
  3. This whole crazy idea of Concord Christian reminds me of The Little House on the Paririe starting a football team.
  4. You might want to call "ETHRA" if you plan on taking a large group of older grumpy fans that can't physically attend those games any more because they can't go up those steps any longer. You'll find out those people are way better off at home watching the team on TV or they'll all be down at the local Hardee's cussing like sailors the next morning about who's running that place for no game to be on TV.
  5. I bet he would like to give me a ride two counties over and let me out.
  6. I think he was head coach at two different high schools. between 2015 and 2018 River Ridge and 2019-21 Coach and AD at Greenville in Georgia.
  7. Whew!!! I was scared something had happened to you big guy, was thinking about touching base with BC to see if you were Okay. Glad to see you back on.
  8. Nothing has been the same since. In all fairness all school systems are on the most part the same page, some worse than others.
  9. The last hometown person was Mike Casteel who ran the place like the old Maryville High.
  10. That was 22 years ago back in 2002. I still find that very hard to believe though.
  11. When we live in a time where the TSSAA has broken up schools into 6 fifty school classes meaning we're going to Bradley Central, Cleveland, Science Hill and another trip to Bradley Central a lot of people aren't going to make it to a 7 p.m. game when they get off at five. Even harder to go to Knoxville to see a game because of all the traffic. Now those people all go home and either hope it's on NFHS or You tube. That's why?
  12. I Actually have season tickets and have had longer than you have been alive. We have a great product at Maryville High, why hide it. A lot of people that really had a lot to do with building this program can't go to the games anymore but I guess that's something you'll figure out for yourself in 25 years or so. Look at the teams that have games on YouTube like Bradley Central and even Eagleton. Maryville has a rich history in football and they should promote it. I don't go to some games due to my wife being disabled and Having a real bad day so I stay home and make sure she'll be okay. Major reason I can't jump up and go on a long away trip like I used to. That's just apart of life though. It's not just me but a lot of people want to go to the games but can't go. The Farragut website might only have one championship but they have an access to go on there so their fans can see the games. I would much rather pay Maryville High a fee on watching a broadcasted ball game on our own network if the worry is lost gate revenue. That's great that our coaches have the best of everything but a lot of your older fans are sitting at home forced out that help build this program.
  13. The head coach and AD are very good young men. It's a big direction the school is moving in. Anyone in my generation are in total disbelief but most of us have moved out into the county and have no voice come election time. The group that do vote have been brainwashed so no help from that end on getting them out. I'm not on here to destroy the place I went to school but to shed light and get things fixed. My bet is the AD has his hands tied on a lot of things. When everyone watched how the girls basketball coach was handled 3 years ago that was the messgae sent down the line at MHS and a big reason most tow the line to not attract attention to themselves. If you know anything about Maryville High it's well known who the pets are, who sold their soul and who the brown nosers are.
  14. 2021 to my knowledge. What some of the leaders at Maryville High don't understand is the people they love to cherish or that are on board with their agenda don't have two nickles to rub together. The one's that can write the big checks are tired of what's going on up there and quit writing them. We have a great athletic program with a 1924 mindset on promoting it. This NFHS or what ever they want to do broadcast the past few years is horrible. I'm not the only one that gets mad about that. When you have two County High Schools that have nothing compared to Maryville but can put on a production of every game of the season making us look like crap. Look at Farragut and their football website and what do we have, something that looks like one of the elementary schools put together. If they want to look like Fido's Azz keep on doing what your doing up there.
  15. Here is what's very concerning about the Booster's Club that I pulled up online of the revenue the High School has taken in the past11 years. 2012 231,508 2013 245,985 2014 250,971 2015 268,264 2016 309,064 2017 389,289 2018 352,064 2019 417,010 2020 65,985 2021 54,723 2022 45,800
  16. Grandma from the 'Class of 42' watching from heaven in disbelief over Maryville High as the devil has positioned itself into the Booster's Club as if it didn't already have a finger in everyone's butt that teaches there. What could possibly go wrong!!!
  17. Wasn't until the 21 season they dropped down and played the same teams and scored the lowest which was 85 points. Cleveland and McMinn County during those times were nothing to go home and brag about and Alcoa wasn't on the schedule then. Bradley until this year has never been able to stand up to Maryville until they went out and brought in outside players but that's another subject.
  18. Your the one typing your fingers off. Football is a tough sport and not recommended for the weak hearted. I know a lot of coaches that have coached out there over the past twenty years and most have told me the same crap and why it's a coaches nightmare out there. When they took applications for that job most were not qualified and if Oz told you all today to stick it the program would go 0-10 again and again just so the crying parents can have it their way again.
  19. I don't dislike Hamontree at all. When he was at Maryville he had all the tools necessary at his side to win and done well. When he went to Heritage he didn't have those assets. Tim would have been the perfect coach for a smaller school like Greenback where he came from. I watched a lot of the Heritage games the last two years because I did enjoy the progress overall and the offensive numbers, before I really had no interest in watching a team score 85 points in a season when I've seen Maryville almost do it in a game.
  20. 2018 Hamontree 101 points offense 2019 Hamontree 142 points offense 2020 Hamontree 188 points offense 2021 Hamontree 85 points offense 2022 Oz 258 points offense 2023 Oz 290 points offense Maybe this will help.
  21. Hammontree's downturn was the season almost 2 dozen players all quit with in the very first few weeks for what reason I don't know. That done him in and nothing was ever the same. Not only that but now we have Eagleton and I know a lot of players fathers out there and most have said the larger part of those kids would have been going to Heritage. Some have told me a lot of those kids would have never went out had they went to Heritage but never the less it's just another disadvantage for the Mountaineers. If some people get their wish and the present coach and school were to part company with what all is against it I don't see anyone for what the county pays could save that program from a total collapse.
  22. Heritage and WB are like working at Wendy's or McDonald's for most coaches wanting to move up until you get the call from a school that pays much better. That's the old guy's fault with the white beard that likes to get his picture in the paper all the time. Bout time to see his mug on the front page shortly taking full credit for those football fields pretty soon isn't it.
  23. I get tired of seeing this program at the bottom and it's been this way for most of the past 35 years. The county is most of the blame for the failure of both Heritage and WB and we all know that. If this coach isn't working out as you say things will take care of themselves.
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