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Everything posted by DrArtVandelay

  1. I've identified the man in the jeans with the white shirt. His name is Zapruder.
  2. Yeah, if we can see those that would be great. Also, if you could include some photos of Ferris passing out at 31 Flavors that would be even better. I hear it's serious.
  3. Be interesting to see if JPII had a winning football program like BA or Ensworth how we'll they would pull from Hartsville, Gallatin and Station Camp. Right now none of those kids would want to go to JPII. But if JPII was as good as Ensworth you're telling me some of those country kids wouldn't go? Goodpasture seriously considered moving to Hendersonville and then decided not to. Davidson Academy I thought was going to move there in the future. Even if they don't with the population growing in Sumner I would suspect there will be more private schools just like there's a ton of privates in Brentwood/Nashville. Hartsville kids going private now might sound insane but if they get a D2 private winner up North with college level education might be tough for even a die hard yellow jacket to turn down.
  4. I know myself and the rest of the York faithful can't wait to come by and show our support for PC too. I can't wait for the York/PC group hug before the game.
  5. I can't believe it. I just saw another grown man wearing his TC letterman jacket in the stands too. How many of you are there? Seriously, LET IT GO.
  6. To the 25 year old still wearing his 2006 TC letterman jacket, BRAVO!!!! This image was captured for all to see going into half time. Make sure to pause this on your DVR. First row in all his Harry High School glory.
  7. Hard to go against Alcoa when they're playing a team coached by a Martin. By the way, I know what a Presbyterian is I just can't figure out what a Christ Presbyterian is. Isn't that the opposite of a double negative. More like a double positive. I mean, could you be a Muhammad Presbyterian? Buddha Presbyterian? I'm confused. Maybe my hat is too tight. I am a little light headed.
  8. Merryan Cowntie at Trowsdell Cowntie dis Friedee Neyet on de crikbaynk Heartsvull Battle of intellectual equals National Guard on Stand by Winner awaits humiliation from Grace Loser returns to set of Jerry Springer
  9. This just in, Clay Travis from outkickthecoverage.com has just posted his top ten dumbest TN high school football fan bases and Marion County has been voted number 1. You edged out Hartsville. Of course, if Hartsville were to lose in the near future they can easily reclaim the throne. It will depend on how early they hit the shine and how loud the banjo music is near the creek. The National Guard has already been put on stand by in case Hartsville and Jasper meet next week. In related news if they were to meet there will be a Mullet and Meth festival just outside the old Paynes Country store at the 4 way stop. Marshall Mathers will be performing and Grunt and Hillboy will be thumb wrestling.
  10. I finished my delivery and failed to ask previously, is Marshall Mathers really going to be at the game this Friday? I absolutely love his new LP2 album, much better than his last where frankly I think he was a sellout. I had know idea he lived in Hartsville and Detroit. Love to have my picture taken with him. I know I'm just dreaming with this next request but I see where Mountain Man posts from time to time. I love him on Duck Dynasty. I had heard he's from Tennessee so the CoachT postings make since. I would be tickled pink to have his autograph. I sure hope he goes to the game too. If you know them please tell them to come find me. I'll be driving a pink Prius and I'll be wearing a pair of capris. Maybe they'll even talk some xx's and oo's with me. Goodness, I have goosebumps just thinking about it.
  11. Luckily, I found some King B. Good to go with that. Spent time last night teaching my 5 year old how to defend the jet sweep. Lined the kid up at corner, my husband played half back and I was the pulling guard. My husband wanted to play pulling guard to toughen up the kid but I ran over him instead. Still teaching him to attack and shed. He still wants to dodge and duck, but he's just 5. He'll get better. Also, I Consulted with the Rams, Bucs and Warriors about tells regarding defending the pass against a wing t offense. Of course, those were wasted trips, to Nooga, Jasper and Knoxville when it literally took one minute to answer. Key the tight end. Blocks down=run, releases=pass. Ok, it took me less than a minute. The defensive coordinators from Grace already said if TC happens to make it to the semis they're going to spend the time they usually spend on a defensive game planning to take their kids to ChuckECheese. Key the guards, key the tight end, blah, blah, blah. Gotta go, need to deliver a sofa, love seat combo. HEYYYYYYY
  12. Ya'll might as well shut down this thread because Hartsville has already claimed the gold ball. Historic ear holing , creek bank magic. You can't shut that stuff down. Don't even try.
  13. I don't know why ya'll are even bothering with this game. Hartsville has already claimed the gold ball. You know they've been ear holing people since the early 1900's, especially privates. OOOOO, I know you're shaking in your boots.
  14. Oh, let me be clear. Although, I'm an importer exporter I DO NOT deal with the kind of merchandise that was available in the cave. I want no part of that tomfoolery. I'm just looking to pull out my pocket knife and cut me off a plug of King B. thankyouins
  15. Random question but I'm passing through there soon to see some folks in an adjacent county and I need some King B twist. As you might expect you can't get it in Green Hills. I told someone I know that I was passing through Hartsville and that joker told me to get it at the cave. First, I don't think the cave produced chewing tobacco. Secondly, it's shut down, right? Anyway, if you see someone Friday night getting out of a 700 series BMW wearing Justin ropers, Carhart jacket and a Co-op hat that will be me. This is not a joke. I promise you the shack with the outhouse my mama grew up in is just up 25, take a left on 10 and that will lead you to the holler. My grandad chewed King B with coffee can included and I chew it when I can find it. Again, can't find it where I live. Thanks for any help.
  16. I forgot to emphasize one of the freedoms we have is the freedom of speech. Pretty sure there's not a CoachT in North Korea. Lucky to live in a land where we can voice our opinions without fear of jail or worse. God bless those who provided that freedom in service to our country, especially those who gave us Friday night memories.
  17. Outstanding topic. You're a true patriot for bringing this up. I would like to say thank you to all that served especially those who paid the ultimate price. Billy, Steven, Jessie, Harold, John, Garvin,Raymond, Dallas, Doudley, JB, Jackie and especially Tom, thank you for your service. God bless you all.
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