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Everything posted by ShawnJohnston

  1. @ Stock68. This is exactly what I do for a living. Feel free to contact me @ : [email protected]. I am somewhat familiar with your son already but not extremely. I am available anytime for the most part. Thank you and I hope to assist in anyway I can.
  2. Any other offers or commitments across the state rolling in as of late? I specialize in small college basketball, sort of out of the loop at times with the bigger name kids.
  3. Spellcheck is a humorous thing at times.
  4. Interesting news out of Louisiana today as Jeremiah Martin has de-committed from Louisiana Tech. Kept option open but formally de-committed. Opinions?
  5. In no way disagreeing, I am only curious as to why rotating the championship site is a factor? Very few states rotate a site and they typically make it as centrally located as possible.
  6. Allow me to play Devils advocate here if you will. I do agree something needs to be done to fix the way Tennessee high school basketball is handled as a whole. But wouldn't that only contribute to the whole "everybody gets a trophy" culture of sports today? By creating even more divides? CPA hasn't won a state championship in 3 years now. No private won a title last season. More often than not, the privates do not win. No private will win this season. Again, I'm not disagreeing, just playing Devils Advocate.
  7. Tennessee doesn't seem to garner overall interest as much as other states. I'll give you that. I always think about a Kentucky comparison when that enters my mind.
  8. I am a complete outsider but Alabama wasn't the best choice of comparison. Mainly because the two states actually aren't even close in population. Alabama is at approximately 4.7 million and Tennessee is at approximately 6.8 million. That is a massive difference.
  9. Your are clearly correct about the numbers and that's why I made sure to immediately make a correction and add Stockdale to that list. But I'm not just basing my observation on numbers a large portion of it is simply a project of a kid at the next level. What kind of offers is Stockdale receiving?
  10. Couldn't go wrong at either place. Differing styles when comparing the two but both very solid choices and mostly underrated for the level of basketball being played at both. Martin defeated MTSU this season in an exhibition.
  11. Both are very good school academically and athletically! Offers from either?
  12. S. Valentine, M. DeBerry, and K. Henderson are the best unsigned seniors in the tournament I have seen this far. Opinions?
  13. Mitchell came within a hair of beating the best 6A team in Alabama this season. When they play they are the best and it is not close really. I think they are a top 5 or so team in state in any class. You have to watch them to really know how good they are when they are playing at their best.
  14. What is this kids height? I think I am getting conflicting reports on which kid it actually is.
  15. Agreed. Hillwood and especially Cane Ridge.
  16. I am going to look into him and possibly do a piece on him. That is the type of kid I seek out to write about. My name is Shawn Johnston and I work for a recruiting/scout service. Thanks for the info. I had heard of him and knew of some of his stats prior but good to hear 3rd party perspective.
  17. Would grades keep him from being a Div 1 player? And for the record, Southwest CC is better than probably 3 Div 1 teams in this state. That isnt a bad thing. Those kids go on to play high level basketball.
  18. I don't have a dog in this fight but I can assure you one thing; CPA will be making a move to Div 2 sooner than later. Its going to happen. This is not hearsay. Only a matter of time. A few others in different classes will also.
  19. Oak Ridge and White County in East and Middle TN. And never sleep on Brentwood.
  20. East Nashville is certainly belongs with best AA teams in Mid TN and all of TN for that matter. Clay County and Goodpasture are tops within Single A in Mid State area. Fayetteville another possibly. But Clay, Goodpasture, and Hampton would be mine I think.
  21. I completely agree. Which is why I love the Bowlen and Payne kids so much. I personally watched the Payne kid dish out 4 or 5 high high level assists tonight. We're talking half court, full speed, bounce passes that went through defenders and hit their mark. Bowlen is Tennessee all time assist leader and can score in bunches as a very undersized PG. Payne had a minimum of 5 college coaches in the house watching him play what had to be one of the best all around performances in TN tonight. 31 points, 9 assist, 3 blocks, 9 rebounds, all while facing a double team a minimum of %70 of the game. I am very aware and familiar with the kid you are talking about however, he is a tremendous talent. Extremely well rounded player. Couldn't go wrong with that choice at all.
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