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  1. Correct. I went to coach's first team meeting. During that meeting, he said we're going to do two things; we're going to beat Cookeville and we're going to compete for state championships. Could have been dismissed as coach speak at the time. Since then, Cookeville ran and hid and Upperman's been to three semis and a ship. He clearly had a plan and built the program.
  2. So you're saying instead of driving just a few minutes down the road, to get to the school they're zoned for, kids/parents should commute five times as long to go to another school? Who's not intelligent?
  3. This may be your worst take yet, you probably need to stop. We live east of 56, even have a Cookeville address (BTW, you do realize the post office and the school system are two different things, correct?) Anyways, can be at Upperman in just a few minutes. Depending on traffic, can take closer to thirty to get to CHS. And ZONED for UHS. Why wouldn't the kids in the area go to UHS?
  4. You said Baxter schools have no zone, yet it's a Baxter school that is zone enforced.
  5. You said, and i quote, "Baxter school has no zone". They clearly do. And if you think restricting enrollment at the middle school across the parking lot has no impact on the high school, I don't know what to tell you.
  6. Fake news. Upperman Middle School is zone enforced. About the only way in is if a kid has a parent or sibling already in the building. Otherwise, an out of zone kid can't go there, even to play sports.
  7. Unfortunately, fund raising just got more complicated/difficult. The report on the booster club investigation came out today. Think Coach will ultimately be okay, but others may be in some trouble looks like. Short term may be tricky, but long term will make them a better organization.
  8. WC definitely gonna have to wipe this one quick. Macon attacks you from multiple levels as well.
  9. Not ready to roll with multiple ships yet, but do believe they played up most of the summer and still crushed it.
  10. That's the part I won't say, a kid's name. Doesn't really matter anyways, believe it or don't. Fact remains, there's a girl playing for Sparta that went to Algood. You made it an issue about someone from there going to Upperman. Another WC player transferred from LA. That's at least two from outside White. Everyone, not just you, seems to be cool with their team doing it, but Upperman is the evil empire if IT'S ASSUMED (no facts necessary) they pulled an in-county player. Kind of a double standard isn't it?
  11. I know more than I'll say, but it's a bad take for a Sparta fan to talk about getting a player who went to Algood since there's one on your roster.
  12. Just an FYI, Upperman Middle is zone enforced. May be the only school in the county that is, certainly the only middle or high school. If an out of zone kid wants to go there, they basically have to have a sibling already attending or a parent who works there. Otherwise, an out of zone student can't just go there and play sports.
  13. Good to know. When Boogers team was last there in 2015, all of those teams were using it plus soccer. And if a game was played in the rain, which usually happened, the field was done for the rest of the season.
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