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Everything posted by AlnwickFootball

  1. Revisionist history. Much like they teach in city schools now, apparently, with the release of this springs ACT scores. Cards by 20.
  2. Is he out on work release? We use to have special socks that fit over ankle bracelets at Alnwick.
  3. Alcoa actually fell below the greatness that is Alnwick in 2016. Alcoa avg. 21.5 Alnwick avg. 21.8 So stick that in your smelter and melt it.
  4. At the 'Wick, there was actually three phases of Grade 8. 3 R's. Lunch. Phizz Ed.
  5. Alnwick never lost a football game to Alcoa. #Facts
  6. Alnwick never ran from anyone, and never lost a game. #StillUndefeated
  7. I remember when Alnwick could pull a recruit or two from the Unitia area cross the county line.... Got them a QB once.
  8. Everyone knows who I am. I am the ghost of all things Alnwick. The red of the blood and the white of the pure snow. I am not a person....I am the Spirit of the Cardinal. You do not know the Spirit.
  9. Alnwick rule 101: Goons gonna Goon. 102: No crying allowed.
  10. WB band actually played that on loop in 1983. #AlnwickFacts
  11. After surviving the Great Hail Storm of 1977, that roof will never come down. The Wick didn't use inferior materials like all of today's builders in order to raise profit margins. Especially builders that don't see very well. Let's cheer. Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, Spit, spit, spit..... Frandsvul Falcons ain't worth a Smoky View Market hot dog. Go Cards.
  12. If Alnwick does not go at least 8-2 it will be pitchforks and torches at 91's trailer. So it is written. Go Cardinals. Amen.
  13. You should put these on the Coaching Ethics thread..... Lots of conspiracy theorists over there....🚀🛰😎
  14. Now Stars, you leave my sister out of this....but she was the best At least that's what Diddy said.
  15. I see nothing wrong with this. Sincerely, Guy in a pool on a Jet Ski.
  16. The proper answer is, if you are that worried about someone scouting your practice, either get real good at what you do, or close your practice. ....and all of you whiners need to grow up. At Alnwick, we would let you watch and still whip that arse. Alnwick Football.....still undefeated.
  17. LoL...he thinks RW is young.....😂😂😂
  18. I know Farragut don't want no more of A&M.Not with the hands, anyway.
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