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Everything posted by AlnwickFootball

  1. I can't believe that Maryville tanked two games to give away the Region championship just to avoid a playoff matchup against William Blount. Sad.
  2. That should also take care of the glaring void at QB. His boy is pretty good.
  3. Many a trailer was set on fire back in the Alnwick v. Bungalow days.
  4. Murvil ain't moving the game to Saturday. Nor should they.
  5. Seems like only yesterday when Maryville and Alcoa were the bad guys.
  6. Kinda what I was thinking..... Numbers don't lie. He is at the bottom.
  7. Col. Porter would have had a firing squad lined up for any coaches that took an off week in the middle of a season.
  8. Maybe if they changed their school colors to Red and White.... #StillUndefeated
  9. You guys want a good chuckle??? Simply Google Alnwick Cardinals and look at the second suggestion..... https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&ei=KXThW4SkLZGV5wK_v5TQDg&q=alnwick+cardinals&oq=alnwick+cardinals&gs_l=psy-ab.12...0.0..232590...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz.BFZNG2dXTuQ
  10. Only girl I know that could be in Luke's and the Down Yonder AT THE SAME TIME!!!
  11. William is nothing without Mary. Go Cards.
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