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Everything posted by RTD

  1. I don’t think this had anything to do with coach satt it was all about money. Coach Wagg couldn’t turn that much money down.
  2. Not really our coach didn't leave for a bad record he left because he was offered 100k a year a 40k raise.
  3. I hate to see Wagg leave but TC program will be fine. Coach Wagg did a good job this year but I think like a poster said before satt 1# or satt 2# one will be the head coach but I think both will be on the coaching staff
  4. I don't know if TC has found a game for week 2. I Think TC vs Greenville would be a good game.
  5. I have no clue if they have found someone to play week 2. How good is Clarksville Academy im sure one of the coaches will see your post.
  6. The indoor facility would be a great addition TC has had theirs for a few years now and it has been a huge help to not only the football team but the baseball and softball teams too. I hope you'll get one.
  7. They have the players they are just young very young especially in the line. Most all skill position players where just juniors and sophomores last year they will be the same maybe little better at skill positions. The line will be bigger on both sides but very young.
  8. I don't know TC lost a lot with the line on both sides. Even though TC lines will be bigger but they will be young all skill players are back except for QB and RB. TC starting RB should rejoin the team next season and they will be fine at the QB position.
  9. I’m right there with you on that one. I say pound the rock most of the time but Meigs QB just has a special arm he is just a great QB. Make Meigs QB 6’3 and put him at around 210-220 pounds he would be one of the top high school QB’s in the state and would have some stars beside his name.
  10. The biggest difference is that our QB runs in the 4.4 -4.5 speed kills in high school. I don't think your QB is in the ballpark in athleticism and speed with our QB last year. TC QB made an all-state as an ATH because of his kick return and punt return ability and he played RB and WR. TC offense was a wing t in a spread concept what im saying is that TC had an athlete that played QB. To beat TC you have to have speed like what Peabody had this year. TC will look completely different next year also because of losing most of its starting OL but the speed will still be there and they will get their starting RB back next year. He is a lot bigger than #21 lot more physical and faster.
  11. I was wrong by 2 yards lol. The only problem I see with Meigs offense is that QB power the coach is in love with that play. To me, Swafford's arm is too good not to go 5 wide and throw the ball all over the field.
  12. He is a very good QB. I don't think TC card how good his stats were as long as TC won. TC had a good game against him with the pick 6 and the other two interceptions. He was one of best I seen last year. I don't think he had 100 yards rushing against TC I don't think anyone had 100 yards rushing against TC last year.
  13. I'm the same way I saw Meigs when they played TC last year. They are very strong up the middle but I think they lost most of their line on both sides of the ball. I think if SP uses their speed well they should be fine but the secondary better be ready to defend the short passing game.
  14. Portland isn’t that good if you’ll struggle with Portland something is wrong. East Robertson has a very good young WR that’s about 6’3 and very fast. East Robertson team will be better next year I think they will finish second in their region in front of Watertown they may be better than expected.
  15. True but Meigs has a problem with speed their defense is very good up the middle but if a team has speed and can get to the outside they can beat Meigs. The QB on Meigs is very good but he won't hurt you with his legs as long as you have speed on defense which in sire SP has.
  16. What games are you counting as wins? TC also plays Portland I don't think they will be much of a test this year. Cascade and East Robertson should be counted as wins especially Cascade.
  17. It would be great but isn't going to happen.
  18. Yea it is I just hate that TC doesn't have a big game the last thing I want is for TC to be paid to be served up to a big private school that's what may end up happing.
  19. I really don't know but im sure the cost of traveling was a factor. Plus im sure both teams will see a lot of each other in the next few years with TC moving back down to 1A maybe that's why.
  20. I think it will be a great game too. With a QB like Meigs has you'll have a very good season. TC has the same problem we have most of the skill players back but have to replace the O-Line and D-line.
  21. Maybe so but according to some TC people in the know TC ask SP for a game but TC was told no because of traveling expenses and the only way the game would happen was if TC came to SP for both games. I wish both teams would play on a neutral field with other big-time programs playing their rival something like Blue crosses bowl but at the start of the season.
  22. I totally agree with you. Now TC is looking at playing big private teams for cash teams like Ensworth or possible to BGA. If it was up to me TC wouldn't play private schools besides from Friendship Christian. TC doesn't have a big game this year so far with picking up Portland and dropping whitwell and Portland finishing 5-5 they aren't comparable to Whitwell or SP .
  23. SP could have just played TC in week 2. TC is still looking for a game week 2.
  24. The Meigs game will be tough. The QB for Meigs is the truth not only with his legs but with his arm also. I saw how good he is when he came to TC and played in the playoffs. The way to beat Meigs is with speed and im sure SP has that.
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