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Everything posted by Kruger77

  1. They don’t wanna get thrashed, but I’m assuming it’s Covid related
  2. This will be a low scoring affair haven’t seen either play yet, will come down to who has ball last though
  3. Haywood by as many as they want. When they want to they can dominate a team before it gets started. Should hop on obion early and get some reserves some reps
  4. I look for haywood crockett southside hardin obion south Gibson to all be region 7-4A
  5. Is is their record inflated with the competition they’ve played
  6. We’ve been less penalized then most teams this year according to the state sheets tbh
  7. Penalties or not it was a shut out lol. That same ripley team went out a week later and hung 51 on Dyersburg who had no penalties on defense
  8. I like Milan 31-17... if you thought Lexington played well on defense.. Milan is more athletic n fast on defense
  9. It’s kind of like the 2018 season, we started 2-4, and peaked at the right time. It’s a lot brewing. Says a lot about our team with a young defense pitching a shut out against ripley, then ripley turning around and putting up 51 on Dyersburg
  10. The difference was the 1 turnover over by Dyersburg too
  11. Right was not expecting this! Lexington with 178 yards total all on the ground. Hardin county with 86 yards total (51 on the ground)
  12. Dyersburg is back this year their only “playing” loss comes against Hardin 48-35.. they had 2 turnovers that was the difference. They racked up over 500 yards rushing that game and Hardin co #2 in the state
  13. Dyersburg by however much they want. Israel barbee will run wild
  14. If one got it they all quarantine
  15. Yeah Crockett cancelled due to Covid outbreak
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