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Creek Wood vs. Montgomery Central


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All of this name calling between fans of the Red Hawks, if Ditka is truly a fan of the team, does absolutely no good for Creek Wood. Creek Wood is off to their best start in their short history, but a good start means nothing with out a win against MC on Friday. You only have to go back one short year for reminder on what effect losing to this team will have on the season. So its time for all true fans to get behind the team, not the defense or the offense, and support the TEAM for the remainder of the season. Lets leave the name calling to oyster stew.

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:thumb: Just remember this is high school football. Creek Wood is off to a great start, but most of the kids on this team have been playing together for a few years. This is the year they will have some chemistry. No they are not satisfied with 3-0 start they all want much more. They all seem very determined. They have a great coaching staff with the addition of Coach Jones. Coach Daniels has coached alot of these kids since they were in Middle school he knows their abilities. Good Luck to Creek Wood and keep it rollin. :thumb:
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Guest catfish-hunter

Montgomery Central's defense has allowed 1TD all season. Creek Wood better not overlook this football team or they will lose.


As for you oyster stew, SHUT YOU PIE HOLE!!!! You are giving a team that beat the Cubs last year motivation. Harpeth is an improving football team and that will show at season's end. Giles Co. has lost heartbreakers to Mt. Pleasant, Lawrence Co., and BGA, BUT all in all they could be 1-1 in the region after this Friday night (which would put them in the playoff hunt). Sycamore is 2-2 overall and I honestly believe that they are pretty good. They did not come to Cheatham last week with their A-Game and for that they got pounded. They did beat Marshall Co. 16-7, and Marshall Co. played both Creek Wood and Greenbrier close. Don't be shocked if they upset a highly talented Pearl Cohn team this Friday night. Also don't be shocked if Marshall Co. finally wins a close one and beats Page on Friday.

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I backup my pie hole catfish, how about you? You think you are the guru of high school football, yet all you are is a guru of ignorance and the aiming point of many hated posters on these message boards and call a misearble game in the press box as you cry for your alma matter as they got pounded last week. AGAIN I know we will win this friday night aginst money bags David Lipscomb and can't wait to beat Montgomry Central and Creekwood in the future. Montgomery Central aint played nobody this year and Creekwood has, but they aint played no body like us in rednecks in Cheatham County. Creekwood wins this week by the way.

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I backup my pie hole catfish, how about you?  You think you are the guru of high school football, yet all you are is a guru of ignorance and the aiming point of many hated posters on these message boards and call a misearble game in the press box as you cry for your alma matter as they got pounded last week.  AGAIN I know we will win this friday night aginst money bags David Lipscomb and can't wait to beat Montgomry Central and Creekwood in the future.  Montgomery Central aint played nobody this year and Creekwood has, but they aint played no body like us in rednecks in Cheatham County.  Creekwood wins this week by the way.




Montgomery Central may have not played "nobody" yet.. but that still doesnt overshadow the fact that we have only given up 1 td defensively. That is with us dealing with many injuries. I have been placed on the IR due to a torn ACL/miniskus, which means that we have a inexperienced DE in right now. Also Our starting Outisde Linebacker hasnt played a regular season game yet.. Just stop downing teams, and talking trash, we'll see what happens when it happens. Until then, all we can do is wait.

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I pick Creekwood in this one. They have more experience than Central this year. Central graduated there whole offensive line last year and obviously had some problems against Rossview if you were at the game. Central is not a bad football team if Creekwood comes in thinking they can knock um around they might have some trouble. I gurantee you Coach Hood will have his boys ready to play Friday night and he will find some whole or crack in creekwoods defense to hurt um. Central will have to play ball control football and not turn the ball over to win this one but Creekwood comes out on top.

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