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If you are confused in why every time Morristown East plays a home game we have less fans than the opposition ,let me give you my thoughts.. I know the current administration hase run off our student section. Our kids are not allowed to be kids in support of our teams. Our principals stand in front of them to monitor their every move or sound. Even at East-West games our kids are left without defense by this staff. I have even been a witness to the puppet master(superintendent of schools) tell the principal(his puppet) to hush our kids while others across town send their chants our way. Seems like someone does not want our kids to be heard. It is not a surprise to anyone that follows East High why we had this fiasco with our cheerleaders. I know that at our last home game we had about 20 kids there cheering for our basketball teams. Cosby had 3 times that many. The adults following Cosby was astounding, we ain't had that many total all season. I didn't think much of the 50 yr old man trash-talking our few kids,but he did show team spirit we never see. Until the strings are cut and our administration lets our kids be kids than our we would be better off playing our home games at a neighboring elementary school to save cost in heating. What does it hurt for them to take their shirts off and spell C-A-N-E-S on their chest. Someone needs to wake up and notice. By the way,we had the worst crowd support in years at football games as well. Sorry for the length but i need to get this off my chest.

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Interesting post. Here is a post from a student (I assume)


I honestly could care less if we lost, and as far as I can remember (and I have a great memory), we NEVER said we would indeed win. Losing doesn't bother me as long as I have fun in doing so, and thanks for the easy target Cosby provided us with -- the fat guy (that "led" the pathetic chants) that has to flip off teenagers to obviously boost his rock-bottom self-esteem. "WHO'S YOUR DADDY" ????? I thank you for the laughs, but next time chant something that fits the situation. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment to know that we indeed got under your skin last night.


This post makes me think that the students aren't at the games to support the team. Only to "get under the other fans skins" and "have fun"


This combined with a few of the chants I was able to understand: "Cosby Rednecks", "What's that smell..?" (after the cheerleaders left the court)

make me think that keeping a close eye and ear on these kids is a good idea.


I especially thought it was interesting that a "gang" of students were gathered in the parking lot after the game. I overheard some of the comments passing between them and it was obvious they were looking to start trouble.

I'm glad the administration was quick to break them up and send them home.


I guess my point is, there's a fine line between school spirit and just looking for trouble. I'm guessing the adminstration knows these kids very well and

their intentions.


Trying to match Cosby's fan base is setting your expectations a little high.

The Eagle Nation is the best group of fans in East TN.


Good luck the rest of the season. Hope you can make it to Cosby in Feb.

It's a great high school basketball atmosphere.

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