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Mt. Pleasant @ Jackson Christian


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Not trying to get anything started, but do u MP fans think us (JB) could have given JCS a better game, being as our Secondary is very strong, and we have a vary wide open offense. Not saying were better then yall, just maybe we would have matched up better, because JCS is alot like us.


What do u think, honest opinion?


Bigtuck I don't think you guys would have faired much better. You may have held them to one less TD. One of the TD's we gave up was because we ran a safety out on the field at the last second and the guy had never played safety before. We got caught out of position. They burned us good then for about 65 yds. Defensively they had 11 of you on the field. They ranged from 6'2" to about 5'9" and all were quick and sure tacklers. You guys may have run a little better on them if your line is faster than ours but I think the score may have been pretty close to the same. I don't think you would have thrown on them as well as you threw on us. That is of course just my opinion. I wonder if MP would have matched up better against Lake Co if they would have won. They were said to have a bigger line. We may have been able to block them better. Quess we'll never know. It will be interesting watching them in the finals. Wonder how they match up against FCS.


Thanks JaxMan for all the good words. And I doubt you get your heads beat in next year in 2A.

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I don't know if the Tigers would have faired much better against Lake Co. I hear alot of the people from Mt. Pleasant talk on here about how fast JCS was. They are but I would venture to say that the Falcons have more team speed than JCS. What do you think Jaxman or someone from the JCS side? I want to take this opportunity also to say congrats to the Eagles, you guys have played some great football the last 3 weeks against very good competition, McKenzie, Lake Co. and Mt. Pleasant. Good Luck in the Boro and bring the Gold Ball back to West TN!!

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No I don't think that private schools should be on the same field as public schools. We can not compete with thier fundings. Sorry to insult anyone just the way i feel.


Just curious, but what fundings are you referring to? And congrats to Marco on Mr. Football. However, if JCS' defense can hold him to 99 or 106 yards, which ever it was, that sure says a lot about them. Maybe they deserved nominations on that side of the ball..... Good luck to the Eagles on Friday. Bring it home and give it back to God.


Tigersfan- I thought your post was very classy. It showed great character and sportsmanship.

Edited by tshoes5
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Just curious, but what fundings are you referring to?


Dont know if it is true but I heard rumor that people pay $1000 dollars a year to have special parking spots. You will never see that in small 1A public schools. Most public schools in 1A would never ask a parent to do such a thing. To many more important things to spend that money on

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at this point i don't care about all of this i just want the west to bring home to gold ball to shut up all of those guys from the east who think that all west teams stink.




Yeah we been hearing that West is weak thing for more than a week now. Unfortunately many from MP thought the talk was about West Tn when in fact the talk included them also. They just didn't realize the weak was the west side of the bracket. They went into the game a little overconfident because of the talk about the west being weak, maybe. Hopefully JCS will win and stop all the "West is Weak" talk.

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I respect your opinion...you too have a great team...yes we won last Friday, but I wouldn't want to have to play you again...Marco and your entire team are a handful and while we contained him one night I wouldn't want to bet against him too often...as for the one man show...maybe the hype brought those comments from some of our fans...but trust me...if he was wearing blue we would have given him the ball every play...he is a difference maker...


I don't understand where the animosity here is coming from. Even if the JCS faithful was chanting Marco's name in the wake of Mt. Pleasants frustrations, I'm sure I've heard much worse coming from the sidelines of a high school football game, public, private, 1a or 5a, secular or Chistian in denomination. I'm sure the JCS team may have heard "Rashad who?" once or twice throughout the year when JCS was having a bad game. As far as I'm concerned, as long as the language is not derogatory or inflammatory, I don't see why this is an issue. Please don't taint this victory with petty accusations. The fans, students, and coaches of Mt. Pleasant were welcomed to our community for an evening of straight up competition. I think the least that Mt. Pleasant deserves is our acknowledgement of their great team and great year of football. JCS deserves the respect that they have won and lost with dignity and respect all year long.

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Even though the score ended up lopsided, I've gotta say that Friday was one of the best football nights I've ever experienced. MTP fans started showing up around 4:00 and were as friendly as any football fans anywhere. Hotdogs and burgers were cooking and the aroma was in the air.


7:00 finally rolled around, I'll not soon forget the packed stadium listening to the National Anthem, facing the flag in the southwest corner of the stadium, and seeing the crescent moon just above the top of the flagpole.


The football was great. Both teams did what they do best. Marco and company were impressive. The MTP crowd was loud. JCS played great, and our crowd was loud. The bands both did great jobs at halftime.


Though emotions were high, I'd rate the sportsmanship on both sides of the field as good. In a crowd of 2500-3000, yes, we'll hear people display a lack of class, but Friday night, that was the rare exception rather than the rule.


It was a great night. I hate that either team had to lose.


EAGLES, go get that gold ball!!!!!

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Well i've been upset, proud, & who cares since our lost to JCS.

1st- Tigers yall are the best team above all. Best Coaching and players in the state. You played with heart all year. We've made it so far. Just get ready for next year. To who ever thinks we are a one man show, you are an idiot. Sorry the truth hurts!


2nd - Jcs, yall out played us the whole night. You are a great team also. I'm glad yall are moving to 2-A. For the most part the fans were ok, But I to heard Marco Who. I understand why, with all the hype. Don't agree.


3rd - Now after saying this, yes I am a sore loser. No I don't think that private schools should be on the same field as public schools. We can not compete with thier fundings. Sorry to insult anyone just the way i feel.


Again great game to both teams, coaches and fans.



Big Red, I am going to have to argue about that statement about funding...I know that is the opinion of many but most of our funding comes from the parents....I know at least from our school. This should not be about private vs public. I watched film and both teams played excellent....Cudos to Marco Daily for his Mr. Football....award....He is one firecracker.....


at this point i don't care about all of this i just want the west to bring home to gold ball to shut up all of those guys from the east who think that all west teams stink.





You are right....Marco Daily is one great player.....Go Commanders

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