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with all the crap such as refs betting on games, recruiting violations, boosters paying athletes, players shooting up HGH, what are some of the top ones? i believe that right now its steriods in MLB baseball. the players have been cheating for a long while. now with the mitchell report out and the voices of John Rocker and Jose Cancaco who will do anything to get in the spotlight, who do u believe. both have said crazy things but hey, they were both doing the roids, so i believe most of what they say. i believe most anyone named in the mitchell report is guilty, otherwise they wouldnt have been mention. anyone whose name was mentioned and truthfully had never used steriods should have sued someone for all the had the money the moment it happened. otherwise if u just sit back for two weeks and hide behind a lawyer ( cough Roger Clemens cough) it just shows that you have had some involvement in it. here comes something out of left field way off subject, LET PETE ROSE IN THE HOF!! all of this might now be worded properly, but its just me rambling. im out.

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