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Are the Renfroe's done at TCA?


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Entire definition according to Dictionary .com


Gossip: idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others


Examples in this thread:

"TCA former Head of School Robbie Mason resigned soon after firing Mr. Renfoe. Mason is not a man of any leadership or people skills. Mason wouldn't know real if it fell on him. Mr. Renfoe is a Godly man and he will find a place for himself and his girls. TCA once again screws up by giving leadership to a wimp. "


"Actually, Mr. Renfroe left TCA long before Mr. Mason resigned. By several months infact."




"Mason left due in part to his decision to fire Marty."


"I Heard as of yesterday they were going to FCS. "

"Just heard from a credible source that they are staying at Trinity. Anybody else heard? "


Just a few examples of " idle" gossip. I could go to the other thread if it hasnt already been deleted and get more. If this isnt gossip I dont know what is!

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Entire definition according to Dictionary .com


Gossip: idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others


Examples in this thread:

"TCA former Head of School Robbie Mason resigned soon after firing Mr. Renfoe. Mason is not a man of any leadership or people skills. Mason wouldn't know real if it fell on him. Mr. Renfoe is a Godly man and he will find a place for himself and his girls. TCA once again screws up by giving leadership to a wimp. "


"Actually, Mr. Renfroe left TCA long before Mr. Mason resigned. By several months infact."




"Mason left due in part to his decision to fire Marty."


"I Heard as of yesterday they were going to FCS. "

"Just heard from a credible source that they are staying at Trinity. Anybody else heard? "


Just a few examples of " idle" gossip. I could go to the other thread if it hasnt already been deleted and get more. If this isnt gossip I dont know what is!



First off I said find something that was detremental about someone's character. So which of these examples other than the part about Mr Mason in the first one makes the Renfroes (or anybody) look bad. None of which do.


And again, (for the second time) I am talking about this thread. I never saw the other one so I don't know a thing about it. No one has run anybody in the ground in this thread like you are making it out to be.


Again, (for the third time) quit trying to be the moral police of coacht. If people want to talk about where they are going and not spread rumours which myself and others have done, don't tell us that we shouldn't be doing it. Heck if they want to do it, you don't have a right to tell them not to. I don't agree with doing it but if they can live with it, then more power to them.


You lost a lot a cred with me (and maybe a few others) when you started off your tirade in this thread with the part about no one cares. Then you backed up and punted with the moral crime that we are supposedly comitting. Made it look like you were the one trying to save face. And for someone who doesn't care you sure have spent a lot of time on this thread.

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First off I said find something that was detremental about someone's character. So which of these examples other than the part about Mr Mason in the first one makes the Renfroes (or anybody) look bad. None of which do.


And again, (for the second time) I am talking about this thread. I never saw the other one so I don't know a thing about it. No one has run anybody in the ground in this thread like you are making it out to be.


Again, (for the third time) quit trying to be the moral police of coacht. If people want to talk about where they are going and not spread rumours which myself and others have done, don't tell us that we shouldn't be doing it. Heck if they want to do it, you don't have a right to tell them not to. I don't agree with doing it but if they can live with it, then more power to them.


You lost a lot a cred with me (and maybe a few others) when you started off your tirade in this thread with the part about no one cares. Then you backed up and punted with the moral crime that we are supposedly comitting. Made it look like you were the one trying to save face. And for someone who doesn't care you sure have spent a lot of time on this thread.



If you want to be a shameless gossip go right ahead. Say what you want, about whoever you want, I wont stop you from making a fool of yourself.

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First off I said find something that was detremental about someone's character. So which of these examples other than the part about Mr Mason in the first one makes the Renfroes (or anybody) look bad. None of which do.


And again, (for the second time) I am talking about this thread. I never saw the other one so I don't know a thing about it. No one has run anybody in the ground in this thread like you are making it out to be.


Again, (for the third time) quit trying to be the moral police of coacht. If people want to talk about where they are going and not spread rumours which myself and others have done, don't tell us that we shouldn't be doing it. Heck if they want to do it, you don't have a right to tell them not to. I don't agree with doing it but if they can live with it, then more power to them.


You lost a lot a cred with me (and maybe a few others) when you started off your tirade in this thread with the part about no one cares. Then you backed up and punted with the moral crime that we are supposedly comitting. Made it look like you were the one trying to save face. And for someone who doesn't care you sure have spent a lot of time on this thread.


Mr. Vaughan,

I have read some pretty nasty rumors on this board, some of which were damaging to girls and thier families. I know I need to do better with my comments too. Best is right about a couple of his points. I think, We need to be aware people , as stupid as it seems , believe what they read on here. Kids read this board a lot too. Trust me there are plenty of things to argue about and comment on besides focusing on details of somebody's parent losing a job or any other personal family matter.

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The off-limits type subjects were no longer being talked about, until it was brought up how they should not be talked about. If the top-rated quarterback in the state, as well as 2 other highly regarded players, were in the process of changing schools-with at least two articles about it-the topic would be 100 pages long by now. Some are just as interested in softball.

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The off-limits type subjects were no longer being talked about, until it was brought up how they should not be talked about. If the top-rated quarterback in the state, as well as 2 other highly regarded players, were in the process of changing schools-with at least two articles about it-the topic would be 100 pages long by now. Some are just as interested in softball.


If people are interested in softball then that is what they should talk about. The details of a person losing their job that caused the move are details that were not mentioned by the paper and really are just speculation and should have been left out. Does it really affect the softball community on "why" these people are thinking about moving? NO. I'm not buying they were no longer being talked about. For how many seconds did you think it woud be before these little stories were going to be dredged up again with newer, more juicy details?

On a positive note , a fact that DOES affect the softball community , I think Ellen's team, the Southern Force 16U , just placed 2nd at 16U A ASA nationals. The team is made up of 2010 and 2011 graduates. That is a great accomplishment for her team.

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Blues, the thing is, I along with the majority of the people on this thread are not focusing on why he lost his job or any other "nasty rumor". Just simply wondering where two of the best softball players in the state are going to be playing. I have been told over and over that what me and the rest of the people who have posted on this thread are doing is hurting or attacking the Renfroe's character and integrity and that is simply ridiculous.

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If people are interested in softball then that is what they should talk about. The details of a person losing their job that caused the move are details that were not mentioned by the paper and really are just speculation and should have been left out. Does it really affect the softball community on "why" these people are thinking about moving? NO. I'm not buying they were no longer being talked about. For how many seconds did you think it woud be before these little stories were going to be dredged up again with newer, more juicy details?

On a positive note , a fact that DOES affect the softball community , I think Ellen's team, the Southern Force 16U , just placed 2nd at 16U A ASA nationals. The team is made up of 2010 and 2011 graduates. That is a great accomplishment for her team.


Actually, they finished fourth............still a great accomplishment.

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If people are interested in softball then that is what they should talk about. The details of a person losing their job that caused the move are details that were not mentioned by the paper and really are just speculation and should have been left out. Does it really affect the softball community on "why" these people are thinking about moving? NO. I'm not buying they were no longer being talked about. For how many seconds did you think it woud be before these little stories were going to be dredged up again with newer, more juicy details?

On a positive note , a fact that DOES affect the softball community , I think Ellen's team, the Southern Force 16U , just placed 2nd at 16U A ASA nationals. The team is made up of 2010 and 2011 graduates. That is a great accomplishment for her team.




You should buy that they were no longer being talked about, there was no more discussion on those issues after page 1 until somebody brought up that they should avoided (which they should). Looking back, it appears the people talking about such things actually were supporting the family and were attempting to get out what they thought were the facts of the situation.


This topic will die off whenever the posts about how it's such a bad topic conclude. The question about where the girls would play was answered, that's all most if not all were interested in.

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