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Are the Renfroe's done at TCA?


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I'm sure the Renfroe's dad knows all about coacht and the fact his girls are bragged on. By the way, I've seen no criticism of the Renfroe girls on here. If my kid was as good as the Renfroe's then I'd love the attention their getting. Not to be cocky but deep down inside it'd bring out a smile. If you don't like reading about this then don't read it. If Mr. Renfroe don't like it then he'd get on here or announce it in the next article in the paper and make it noticed that he doesn't want this discussed.

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Who is talking about the law. Common moral decency dictates you don't continually bring up kids and subjects concerning a fathers job search, if or if not he was fired , if a family has to move ...ect.............public forum or not.



YOU were talking about the law when you said they had a RIGHT to privacy. A right is something that is guaranteed by law. Learn what you're talking about before you start telling others what they should be talking about. We don't need the morality police on coach t either. Most of us are quite capable of discussing softball & softball related things without someone else telling us we're not morally correct for doing it. Just like the others said, if you don't like talking about this, don't read it!

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So I guess we should just shut down coacht.com because we can't talk about anybody? Get a grip Best.

If there was some huge scandal (bigger than the situation that actually happened) to this story and people are on here spreading rumours about them, then I say yes it isn't our business and we shouldn't talk about it. But it isn't that way. People are just wondering where they are going because like I said, anywhere they go will automatically become a winner. If you don't care where they go, that's fine. Don't read this thread. Let those that actually care talk about it.

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So I guess we should just shut down coacht.com because we can't talk about anybody? Get a grip Best.

If there was some huge scandal (bigger than the situation that actually happened) to this story and people are on here spreading rumours about them, then I say yes it isn't our business and we shouldn't talk about it. But it isn't that way. People are just wondering where they are going because like I said, anywhere they go will automatically become a winner. If you don't care where they go, that's fine. Don't read this thread. Let those that actually care talk about it.


I am an outsider, but this topic is all you people talk about. When i look over the list of topics, this is just about the only one. Why does this topic interest you people for so long. Talk about something else. I am sure they are good ball players, but it doesn't mean their new team will win it all. Just talk about something else, let it go. What more can you say. I know you peole are gonna say, just don't read it, but come on people, give us a break.

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I am an outsider, but this topic is all you people talk about. When i look over the list of topics, this is just about the only one. Why does this topic interest you people for so long. Talk about something else. I am sure they are good ball players, but it doesn't mean their new team will win it all. Just talk about something else, let it go. What more can you say. I know you peole are gonna say, just don't read it, but come on people, give us a break.



As noted, if you don't care about it go read an older thread that might interest you. Better yet, start you up a thread about something you think people will care to talk about. I'm not even from Jackson or have an association with TCA but I'd much rather see the Renfroe's stay in Jackson with TCA rather than go to Middle or East TN. These are probably the best set of softball sisters to come through West TN in a VERY long time. If you don't like it go somewhere else.

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Didn't he take it to the paper to begin with?


No he did not take it to the paper. They were in Colorado when they found out that it had made the papers. The family is a very close knit private family and was chagrined that such a big deal was made out of an initial decision that was made to try to improve the family's circumstances. Whatever the reasons for the change in the decision to stay at Trinity I'm sure, knowing the family, that alot of prayer and consideration went into both decisions.

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No he did not take it to the paper. They were in Colorado when they found out that it had made the papers. The family is a very close knit private family and was chagrined that such a big deal was made out of an initial decision that was made to try to improve the family's circumstances. Whatever the reasons for the change in the decision to stay at Trinity I'm sure, knowing the family, that alot of prayer and consideration went into both decisions.




The Jackson paper had his quotes, how could he not have known it would be in the paper.

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