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Region 7A vs. Region 8A


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Some people are saying that Region 7A is down this year. Others are saying that Region 8A is stronger this year. Of course, both could be true as well. But, what do yall see happening in the playoffs between these two regions? Is it too early for this discussion?


I think that Region 7A is down a little bit this year, and it's more balanced. There's a lot more teams fighting for playoff spots, and more teams are more equal than last year. Region 8A seems to be a little stronger than last year.


So, it could all end up with 1. TCA 2. Manassas 3. Fayette Academy and 4. Halls playing against 1. UC 2. McKenzie 3. Greenfield 4. South Fulton


I just dont see Region 7A being as dominate in the playoffs this year, and I see Region 8A as having a good chance of winning all the games. I'm not saying that they will win all the games, but they have a legitimate chance of winning all the first round games.


What do yall think?


And, be nice to me....ok? /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

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With Trinity And Fayette Both At 3 And 3 Anything can Happen. I Look For Manassas To Be Defeated Probably First Round.



If Manassas ends up #2 in 8A, they will beat our #3 team by 30 points. Union City or McKenzie vs Manassas would be a good game. I would take Union City or McKenzie playing Manassas since they would be at home and they are well coached.

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I can see a 4. Halls vs. 1. UC as a good matchup...a good game. I can see a 3. Fayette Academy vs. 2. McKenzie as a good game as well. But, like Greenfieldfan, I dont see a 1. TCA vs. 4. Gleason/SF as being a good game. I think that TCA will be the heavy favorite in a game like that. Or, a 2. Manassas vs. 3. Greenfield as being a good game. I think that Manassas would be the huge favorite in the game. That's the point I'm trying to make here. I think that Region 8A is a little stronger this year, and Region 7A is a little weaker. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that 7A will make it to the Boro. I hope that Greenfield will make it to the playoffs and win at least the first round. But, wishing doesnt get it done.

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