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Hold your horses there Warrior, someone commented on your stint at Cannon County in the earlier post (see the McDonald's quote)...The Kid that is in school is constantly in the middle of all aspects of cannon county sports since you have left and before also. If you would listen to him instead of trying to hire someone you are partial too you could learn something. Wildcat is the most dedicated fan in Cannon County and is in tune with what goes on in the adminastration. Don't start talking like you've done it all. Yes you got it going in the right direction but you had alot more to work with than Bartsch (injuries hurt his tenure). The worst thing Cannon County could do is bring the Georgia coach back to Woodbury...period. He didn't cut it in his interview less than 18 months ago and one season in Georgia doesn't make you a championship type coach. It's my understanding he is cut from the same cloth as you, don't take offense but that is not what Cannon County needs right now. Lay off Widcat, if you were smart you would pick the phone up and call the AD and the principal and get the educated young man on the search committee..... That's how you can help the program, lay off the Georgia thing, the program doesn't need it.....I enjoy talking back and forth with you but can't agree with you on wildcat.....I've had numerous conversations with him, probably more than any other person from Cannon County. He's one of those that has all the tools and is very mature (way beyond his age). If I were someone interested I would make sure the day he rolled out of MTSU, he would be on my payroll...still trying to figure out how to get him on my team..... All i'm saying is don't sell the young man short. Be careful what you say, possible could be your boss one day.


Every since you joined coacht you have bashed everyone you didn't agree with. You have been two faced on nearly every topic and degraded the principle at Cannon which you still haven't apologized for. If you can do that then surely wildcat can take some ridicule. How do you know he is the most dedicated fan in Cannon County.

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Every since you joined coacht you have bashed everyone you didn't agree with. You have been two faced on nearly every topic and degraded the principle at Cannon which you still haven't apologized for. If you can do that then surely wildcat can take some ridicule. How do you know he is the most dedicated fan in Cannon County.


Well said bratt. How is it possible to support the program while constantly hounding it and the people around it? I give you credit for what you and your partner do around the field but It's not helping when you degrade put down people around the program. Oh and Spy i may be wrong but did your boy come home muddy and wet? Just a question.

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If you think the mcdonalds comment was toward me you are crazy, believe that was nickerson. I haven't done it all by any means but I know where the program was when I got there and where it was going when I had to leave it. I wish you guys the best but there is a side to the story that people haven't heard and that is between coach and principal. I have spoken to coach and that's all I will say. I feel bad for him because he should have, in my opinion, been given no less than 3 years unless something happened that is unforgivable. People have many answers, and Matt is not cut from the same mold as I am. He didn't get the job last time because he was hometown and young, nothing to do with interview or philosophy. Spy I enjoy being on here with you because you get the pot stirred well but whoever you guys get needs to be able to stay for several years. Good luck and this is my last post on the subject.

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Hey "P-SPY" are you going to the CC sports council meeting tomorrow night I think 6:00 p.m. , probably be a boost in attendance if you could make it, hope to see you i'll save you a seat . ( how many seats for your entourage) /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

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My point was simply this: This is an internet resource that everyone has access to, therefore you were out of line by bringing up her personal life. I stand by that opinion, heck its not an opinion, its the rules of this message board. You are obviously an educated man, woman, parent, teacher, etc...? so you can read the rules for yourself.

If that is how you actually feel about our Principal, then quit being a coward (yeah I said coward) and go speak to her personally if you feel strongly about CC athletics. Do not hide behind this P-spy name and bring up someones personal life, THAT IS CLASSLESS, in the "Honors College at MTSU" may make it more clearly for you so let me: YOU ARE CLASSLESS BY MAKING YOUR COMMENTS!

With all that being said, I need to tell you that you are wrong again about what may be my motive for replying to your Kindergarten comments. I am not a parent, I am not a faculty member I am truely what my "screenname" tells you I am, a cchssupporter. Where does your support actually lie? Where does Pondexters support come into play? (He's probably nowhere to be found after his son graduates). Anybody can mow a fball field by the way! But where will you two be for ober a span of decades such as I? Probably nowhere to be found, since your selfishness will allow you both to go away since "lil johnny" doesn' play anymore. I have news for you both, I have had "lil johnny, lil jill, grandbaby johnny and jill" filter through those atletic programs and I am still here! And Lord willing will be for yet still quite some years.

And now I digress, since you doubt my motives for my reply, I will give you my take on all this now, however remember my opinion is based on all watercooler hearsay, I have never seen a practice,stepped inside the fieldhouse, or spoke no more than 50 words to the coaching staff:

1) IMO Coach Bartcsh deserved another year.

2) Coach Bartcsh was 4-6 and that was just fine! especially given the injuries he was faced with

3) He and Mrs. P never were able to build a working relationship together (due to both thier faults)

4) It saddens me to learn that Players, and Parents hold so much weight as to make hiring and firing decisions.

5) Why was the AD not involved in this process?

6) We all need to stop the negativity, because we need to hire a new coach and keep the good one's that we now have...ie...Dodgen, Rigsby

7) I appreciate all including Patriot and Pondexter who are supporters, however my support and Wildcats are obviously a main-stay for years and years. That's what our young athletes need is stability! So please the two of you keep up your support, but please keep personal attacks aside.

I am not a big football fan but the football program should follow the basketball programs in their structure for hiring the new coach. Coach Rigsby has the mens program improving from past seasons and finished much better than was predicated and I feel will improve much more for next season. Coach Dodgen is still alive in the regional so both must be doing something right. I don't know about coach Dodgen but coach Rigsby will tell his players if you don't work you don't play and I feel he does not care what the parents or anyone else thinks. bot Coaches are their to teach not please a selected few. If the football player dismissed would not work he needs to be somewere else. What Is disturbing about this whole mess If true was that the AD knew nothing of the firing. /rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />

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No my children are grown and out of the Cannon County system. As far as me hounding people, I started on here only due to the anger created when Bartsch and Cannon County were accussed of filming a practice at Sequatchie....I see you just started yourself (this weekend). so you must have had something provoking you to give your opinion????Just because I took a video camera to film a player or two isn't reason to create spy gate.... I film kids for there benefit, hopefully to assist them in there attempt to move up in the ranks...)college. As most know a parent who films his or her child and attempt's to create something to send to a college coach.... they don't get far.. I review film and put together clips for coaches of some high school teams. Not Cannon County. So I have a few in and outs of higher division schools (5 A and privite sector). Yes I do live in Cannon county and I attend games and events when my schedule allows. I would love to see Cannon County move up in the ranks and become a power house in football, softball, baseball and soccer...doing good in girls basketball. I felt Bartsch could take it to the next level due to discipline....yes discipline that;s what the school needs. Too lax on what it takes to build a program,,,


So until facilities are improved and you hire someone from the outside you will stay status quo...and it's my opinion the program is held back due to the adminastration at the high school level...)principal!!!


Have a good day and i will enjoy your future post....



p-spy.....this has been bothering me for a while. Im sorry to say this but you are a IDIOT!!!! You make no sense to anyone on here. You never can take one side and stick to it. You say what sounds good. And whoever said Cc was filming practice, they are dumb too! That all started week 0 when CC had a camera in the Pigeon Forge stands. You need to grow up and be someone who is respectable on here. And stop taking shots at everyone. Just stand behind Cc sports like you usually do and support what ever decison is made by the admin.



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I believe that if Matt Daniel wants the job then he should try to get it. If the administration would not hire him I believe they are truly retarded, just as I did when he did not get hired the last time. He is the perfect person for the job and I know the kids would love to have him back, I know I would if I was coming back next year. The kids here love and respect him, as do the parents as far as I know. In my opinion you can not truly be a good high school coach without being close to the players and he has this part covered already. He has a lot of knowledge and a great philosophy and the only reason he was not hired last time is because he was from CC which should be all the more reason to hire him because he cares more about this program than anybody. So Coach Daniel if you are looking at this please try to get this job.

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