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Marshall Co lost


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AND....if Upperman, Gibson, or McMinn do not win, it will be because they "got put out"

That's the reason we play the tournament ! Their state championship will not be diminished in any shape, form or fashion because Marshall was or was not there. There will not be an asterik on the Gold Ball, I guarantee you.



Of course it will not be diminished...if I implied that I apologize....Whoever wins the championship will 100% deserve it, because they played good enough to beat the teams they were put up against to get there and Marshall County did not. They are all great teams and great teams get beat, sometimes great teams have off nights and sometimes the tournament brackets work out in a teams favor...However, championship teams find a way to beat whoever they are put up against in any situation and that was just not Marshall County this year. When I originally posted I was simply wanting to hear more thoughts on the Marshall County game, and a lot of the posts were talking Gibson, Upperman and McMinn. I was not trying to be the "thread police" I just thought that the other thread about who was going to win the championship would be more appropriate. Actually, this is only like the second thread that I even remember being about Marshall County this season, with the exception of a few posts on the championship thread, and I was wanting to hear more thoughts and comments about Marshall County rather than about those other teams, which was also the reason I enjoyed the earlier comment that Marshall being put out would increase Upperman, GC and McMinn's chances. I was glad to finally hear someone giving Marshall County some credit on here. I know they were ranked #1, but as far as the other person's comment about them bragging about a repeat championship, I have really not heard much of that on here, it may have come from somewhere else, but like I said this is only the first or second thread that I even remember being about Marshall County. I may be wrong but I just don't remember. My team is out and has been out for a while, so I look forward to seeing how tonight and Saturday night come. Good luck to all those that lived to play another day!!

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WELL I SEE CPA LOST TO H F NO HELP TONIGHT FROM REFS I GUESS /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />


Despite CPA's vs HF's records in district play, Hume-Fogg was the stronger team. Hume-Fogg's speed, raw talent and Bagwell really dominated the district. CPA's defensive coaching was the key to some very close wins. CPA's coaches knew when to put them in 3-2, press 2-2-1, and exploit another teams weaknesses. HF, however, just has the raw athletiscm that coaching cannot control. Both teams are great, and they have represented 9AA. I must say that I am glad to see HF get this win. Good luck to both teams in substate. CPA's D and coaching are going to give someone fits. I have to say with pride that the great competition from a very competitive diverse 9AA have helped get them to this point. Keep that momentum.....

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AND....if Upperman, Gibson, or McMinn do not win, it will be because they "got put out"

That's the reason we play the tournament ! Their state championship will not be diminished in any shape, form or fashion because Marshall was or was not there. There will not be an asterik on the Gold Ball, I guarantee you.




Of course it will not be diminished...if I implied that I apologize....Whoever wins the championship will 100% deserve it, because they played good enough to beat the teams they were put up against to get there and Marshall County did not. They are all great teams and great teams get beat, sometimes great teams have off nights and sometimes the tournament brackets work out in a teams favor...However, championship teams find a way to beat whoever they are put up against in any situation and that was just not Marshall County this year. When I originally posted I was simply wanting to hear more thoughts on the Marshall County game, and a lot of the posts were talking Gibson, Upperman and McMinn. I was not trying to be the "thread police" I just thought that the other thread about who was going to win the championship would be more appropriate. Actually, this is only like the second thread that I even remember being about Marshall County this season, with the exception of a few posts on the championship thread, and I was wanting to hear more thoughts and comments about Marshall County rather than about those other teams, which was also the reason I enjoyed the earlier comment that Marshall being put out would increase Upperman, GC and McMinn's chances. I was glad to finally hear someone giving Marshall County some credit on here. I know they were ranked #1, but as far as the other person's comment about them bragging about a repeat championship, I have really not heard much of that on here, it may have come from somewhere else, but like I said this is only the first or second thread that I even remember being about Marshall County. I may be wrong but I just don't remember. My team is out and has been out for a while, so I look forward to seeing how tonight and Saturday night come. Good luck to all those that lived to play another day!!



You are right. Marshall County fans were never on Coach T bragging about their ranking. As a matter of fact, their entire district was very quiet. I think most Marshall Co threads were started by other districts that knew they would face them in region, sub-state, state... etc... As a 9AA fan, I must tell you I am not surprised that Hume-Fogg pulled this upset. I watched this team play multiple times this year, and they are like a rabid pack of dogs... never, ever give up. Bagwell is probably one of the best all-around athletes I have ever seen. I saw HF down by 11 and take the lead in less than two minutes, strictly by Bagwell's defense, hands, and athleticsm. The only reason why they had losses or close games in 9AA, is because all teams knew to play zone against Gooch and double team Bagwell. Marshall Co probably had no film to know how to defend such an explosive player/team. Marshall Co is a great team, but I think HF had the edge just by the caliber of teams they played all season. Marshall Co is very similar in style to CPA and David Lipscomb, so Hume-Fogg was used to playing against a team with a big dominant inside player. I look forward to seeing Lauren March playing at MTSU next year. Marshall Co is a class school and program!!! You always hate to see the seniors pain after their last high school game. Just remember all the great life lessons they learned from this sport. They will be greater women in the future as a result of learning to win and lose gracefully, work as a team, commitment to a goal, and know that sometimes life just is not fair. The majority of these players will never play organized ball again. Just know their contributions to society will be impressive as a result of their basketball years.

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He's NOT that dumb, but apparently you are. If you don't know that one then what do you know? Why should we listen to you about anything when you just destroyed your credibility. Let's just say you were misinformed and not really stupid.


Only because you're being such a nice guy will I reply. IF, and I say IF, the player had DOVE for the ball, and gathered the ball while in a slide, then ok. BUT, and this is key. The player gathered the ball on the run, then went to her knees and slid. She was running, caught the ball right at chest high, then goes to her knees and slides.


Call it what you want. I'll call it past, and you can call it over.


As for why listen to me??? I don't care if you do or not. I won't be seeing you at the Boro. Will I?

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You are right. Marshall County fans were never on Coach T bragging about their ranking. As a matter of fact, their entire district was very quiet. I think most Marshall Co threads were started by other districts that knew they would face them in region, sub-state, state... etc... As a 9AA fan, I must tell you I am not surprised that Hume-Fogg pulled this upset. I watched this team play multiple times this year, and they are like a rabid pack of dogs... never, ever give up. Bagwell is probably one of the best all-around athletes I have ever seen. I saw HF down by 11 and take the lead in less than two minutes, strictly by Bagwell's defense, hands, and athleticsm. The only reason why they had losses or close games in 9AA, is because all teams knew to play zone against Gooch and double team Bagwell. Marshall Co probably had no film to know how to defend such an explosive player/team. Marshall Co is a great team, but I think HF had the edge just by the caliber of teams they played all season. Marshall Co is very similar in style to CPA and David Lipscomb, so Hume-Fogg was used to playing against a team with a big dominant inside player. I look forward to seeing Lauren March playing at MTSU next year. Marshall Co is a class school and program!!! You always hate to see the seniors pain after their last high school game. Just remember all the great life lessons they learned from this sport. They will be greater women in the future as a result of learning to win and lose gracefully, work as a team, commitment to a goal, and know that sometimes life just is not fair. The majority of these players will never play organized ball again. Just know their contributions to society will be impressive as a result of their basketball years.




GREAT POST. Very classy, and very true. We all tend to lose sight of the fact that it really is just a game, but the character these young ladies gain lasts a life time. Best of luck to all the seniors playing their last games over the next couple weeks.

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Good for you, finally the reply I have been looking for...thank you. I am glad that you said Marshall getting beat improves their chances, because from reading the majority of the posts on the other threads, you would think that Gibson and Upperman were a lock to win state....I am not talking about any of your posts, I have just heard so many people say how great Upperman is and how they are going to win the state, and don't get me wrong Upperman is good, but I just don't know how you can make those statements without even seeing Marshall play. It is just my opinion, but having the opportunity Marshall would beat Upperman. I am aware that Marshall lost, so now we will never know, and now there will be a new state champion. Upperman, Gibson and McMinn are definite favorites on paper, but if they do it will only be because Marshall got put out. I just like to be well informed and see the contenders before I form an opinion about who will win the state and give credit where credit is due.


Like I said before Marshall played terrible and Hume Fogg played very well and everything seemed to fall their way, if Marshall would have lost a couple of weeks ago (like last year) it would have lit a fire in them and they would not have been playing so tight and under so much pressure, and we would have seen repeating State Champions!!


I may have gotten a little excited on the last post...But I have sung Marshall Co.'s praises this year along with Upperman's, Gibson's and Central's. As defending champs and all everything Lauren March (who probably will be Ms. BB) I thought they had the inside track actually but also knew the others would/could have a say so in it. I thought these were the best 4 in the state returning and really thought it would be a crap shoot between the 4 who would win it all. Now that Marshall is out and Upperman and Central play substate...well there goes 2 of my 4 for gold ball winners. This should in no way diminish what Marshall County has done and will be remembered by you folks for a long time. Good luck to March at MTSU. I am sure you all are proud of her and this team's accomplishments! /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> Sorry about the mr. thread police comment... /blush.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blush:" border="0" alt="blush.gif" /> I get excited from time to time!

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You are right. Marshall County fans were never on Coach T bragging about their ranking. As a matter of fact, their entire district was very quiet. I think most Marshall Co threads were started by other districts that knew they would face them in region, sub-state, state... etc... As a 9AA fan, I must tell you I am not surprised that Hume-Fogg pulled this upset. I watched this team play multiple times this year, and they are like a rabid pack of dogs... never, ever give up. Bagwell is probably one of the best all-around athletes I have ever seen. I saw HF down by 11 and take the lead in less than two minutes, strictly by Bagwell's defense, hands, and athleticsm. The only reason why they had losses or close games in 9AA, is because all teams knew to play zone against Gooch and double team Bagwell. Marshall Co probably had no film to know how to defend such an explosive player/team. Marshall Co is a great team, but I think HF had the edge just by the caliber of teams they played all season. Marshall Co is very similar in style to CPA and David Lipscomb, so Hume-Fogg was used to playing against a team with a big dominant inside player. I look forward to seeing Lauren March playing at MTSU next year. Marshall Co is a class school and program!!! You always hate to see the seniors pain after their last high school game. Just remember all the great life lessons they learned from this sport. They will be greater women in the future as a result of learning to win and lose gracefully, work as a team, commitment to a goal, and know that sometimes life just is not fair. The majority of these players will never play organized ball again. Just know their contributions to society will be impressive as a result of their basketball years.



You're right about so many thing in your post.....Bagwell is a great player and Hume Fogg did what they had to do to beat Marshall County. Also, great comment about players becoming greater women, that is so true. However, I do have to disagree with one of your assumptions. I guarantee you that Coach West from Marshall County had plenty of film on Hume Fogg. Coach West always has his team prepared and never underestimates any opponent. Coach West even watched film on teams such as Page, Spring Hill, East Hickman, teams that everyone else knew he could beat easily, but he never took anything for granted. I would bet that his team was very prepared for Hume Fogg, however, as coach you can only do so much and when the game begins, you can't go out and play for them or guide them through every move. I bet his girls were very prepared and knew what to expect from Hume Fogg, however, missing free throws, players getting into foul trouble and making silly and unforced turnovers were probably not in Coach West's game plan.

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I may have gotten a little excited on the last post...But I have sung Marshall Co.'s praises this year along with Upperman's, Gibson's and Central's. As defending champs and all everything Lauren March (who probably will be Ms. BB) I thought they had the inside track actually but also knew the others would/could have a say so in it. I thought these were the best 4 in the state returning and really thought it would be a crap shoot between the 4 who would win it all. Now that Marshall is out and Upperman and Central play substate...well there goes 2 of my 4 for gold ball winners. This should in no way diminish what Marshall County has done and will be remembered by you folks for a long time. Good luck to March at MTSU. I am sure you all are proud of her and this team's accomplishments! /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> Sorry about the mr. thread police comment... /blush.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blush:" border="0" alt="blush.gif" /> I get excited from time to time!




Thats okay I was probably being a little bossy lol....I am not from MC or a MC supporter sorry if I sounded like it...I have just seen them play a lot and really respect what they do, but I was basically just curious as to what the thoughts were of the game. I know I am on the wrong thread...lol....but I can't believe Upperman or Central will be going home Saturday night, and will not make it to the boro. I will have to go watch this game...it will be a great one.

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I have no dog in the hunt but crying about the referees in the two games last night is nothing but whining. There were good and bad calls on both sides and nothing was out of the ordinary for a high school game in Tennessee. I can give reason after reason why MC lost....the refereeing wouldn't make the top ten on the list.



Good post, and I agree!!!

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