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Volleyball, How do I get better?


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Its very evident as one watches younger age groups, that those playing Volleyball and starting out, can get a LARGE jump start in their play with just some small things that take little time but are important to the overall play and no skills training can provide.

Middle School Players of Volleyball must consider Core Strength Training and Stretching to improve Strength, endurance, coordination and possibility body improvement by stretching. When deciding a sport such as Volleyball and considering it as something you want to be good at, SELECTING A COACH OR A SPORT to PLAY IN A SCHOOL should be accompanied by the inquiry to the CLUB, COACH of what Core Strength Training and Stretching are provided with the skills training and how often these things are done and if they are done befor and after practice. Understanding from a PT or trainer why this is important and how doing this likely will cut down on injuries and improve on skill levels is SEEN NOW AS BEING IMPORTANT TO THE LEVEL OF PLAY IN A SPORT THAT HAS NOT FELT THE NEED FOR SUCH. Not only that, its healthy.

As play is accelerating and the age group of 10-13 play is skyrocketing this has been seen as being needed for teen age girls who may not have been active but now feel the need for competition and to provide some fulfillment in this very fast growing sport and its increase in play. While cost of playing in the past has been higher, now clubs have been started that will allow someone to start play at a lower cost to see how much fullfilling play might be. Certainly, investigating core training, stretching and those iother things in addition to skills is a plus and should be looked at in a fast growing sport. Every one does not need to be in a club, especially starting out, that is high cost so the newer clubs started lately provide good training but are at a lower cost.

SO TALK TO YOUR COACH OR PTherapist or Trainer and get from him/her a copy of a year round program of Core Strength Traning, Stretching that young athletes 10-13 need to do and get started or compare the program with the sport you are in and make sure its included. Do it now.

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