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nice to see a gracious, humble winner



Thats right and close your pie hole till you read what the crowers was saying about the East Tennessee teams

A few of the quotes:


Hahahaha! Y'all are funny! Goodpasture wins handily, everybody else is playing for 2nd.



Goodpasture will win if they don't play like they did against Stationcamp and White house in the district tourney.


But folks not even the runner up will come from the East this year!


Keep Dreaming!

Well Noitall I'll just agree to disagree. Your team with the "U" will not challenge the ladies from GP, for goodness sake they "lost" to North Greene Friday night????? North Greene ain't even a good Class A school!

Well I hope you have one of them there storm shelters cause you are going to be blowed away with what happens to either of these two teams IF/ when they play at the "Boro"!





hope you aren't talking about Unicoi. They played in a tournament over the weekend in Morristown and were not impressive. their defense isn't solid enough nor do they hit the ball hard enough for them not "blow anyone away". the game i saw with against Knox Central. knox central lost 1-0 on an error, and they were even missing 2 of their starters. Unicoi is not that great

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The Unicoi County Lady Devil softball team settled any and all matters with their PLAY on the field throughout the tournament. My blood boiled every time I read one of the posts that Doodlebug shared, but this isn't going to help instill respect for our team. Goodpasture and Unicoi provided a championship series for the ages and did so with class. We should follow their example. Best of luck to Goodpasture and Congratulations Lady Blue Devils!

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read the board and you willunderstand why we have a chip on our shoulders!!!!!!!! GO LADY DEVILS!!!!!!!! CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


I do understand why you have a chip on your shoulder, but that is no excuse for these juvenile comments that some people are making on these boards.Fact is Goodpasture was the team to go through to get a championship. Unicoi did it, quite handily too. They have an awesome team, and deserved to win, but some people need to act like the adults that I believe them to be, and lighten up on the childish comments.

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I don't get how anyone would be surprised or too upset Goodpasture was considered the big favorite no matter how strong Unicoi clearly was coming in. You look at results and trends and make an educated guess on what will happen, that's part of watching sports at any level. I really doubt Unicoi needed that as motivation, getting the chance to win the state and having a real opportunity to do should have been plenty. It sounds like a few supporters are the only ones that really were disturbed by any of this.

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You're no different than the ones you're griping about. Way to knock out the respect your team worked so hard to earn on the field. True class in action /dry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="




Let's get one thing straight-- the people posting on here (myself included) have absolutely nothing to do with Unicoi County's state championship. The coaches, players, and the close families of those who deserve the credit are in Murfreesboro, NOT posting on CoachT.

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I don't get how anyone would be surprised or too upset Goodpasture was considered the big favorite no matter how strong Unicoi clearly was coming in. You look at results and trends and make an educated guess on what will happen, that's part of watching sports at any level. I really doubt Unicoi needed that as motivation, getting the chance to win the state and having a real opportunity to do should have been plenty. It sounds like a few supporters are the only ones that really were disturbed by any of this.



I, for one was not disturbed that Goodpasture was the favorite coming into the tournament and I have no problem with folks making EDUCATED guesses about what will happen. That's why we're all here. But some (I emphasize some) posters simplly discounted the U because they are from e. tn and that's not exactly an educated guess. They made all of the comments about how they play no one and how weak they are evidently without knowing a thing about the U. You guys shouldn't lump everyone from one area into one category wether it's softball or anything else. It dosen't take a rocket science major to look at the history of the Unicoi program and figure out that they are, and have been, for real, for years, and I personally think (even though I know you won't) the ones that have done so (and you know who you are) should apologize for your blatant disrespect for a program that has earned and deserves much better.

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Let's get one thing straight-- the people posting on here (myself included) have absolutely nothing to do with Unicoi County's state championship. The coaches, players, and the close families of those who deserve the credit are in Murfreesboro, NOT posting on CoachT.


You know you are absolutely correct. The sad thing is that most fans across the state will never know anything at all about Unicoi except what is said on these boards about them. Those ladies worked hard and knocked off GP...something no one has been able to do in the last 6 years....that's an accomplishment no one can take away from them and they should be proud. But, in the next year the casual sports fan when asked what they know about Unicoi will remember they won the state championship yes, but they will also remember that someone claiming to be a part of their fanbase/team were classless when it came to that win. Bad to paint a whole community with the same brush as a few classless immature posters, but mark my words....it'll be remembered.

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