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Cannon Co @ Livingston


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la will get it handed to them friday if they play like last nite. this team has talent but got no rhithm confidence qustionable coaching, i mean huitt didnt get up off the bench in the last half. weres jackson he aint even gettin to play or wilson. whats up with all this. tj stepped it up better hes got to. i wish them luck but geez they get better.
cat, your spelling leaves a bit to be desired, but don't tell me you don't know the answer to your question.
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LA can win this game but they are going to have to play better than last night vs. York. Give York their props, they played very hard but in the end LA was the better team. Another thing, LA has pretty muched owned this district for a while now, so its not a surprise everyone they play is going to give them their "A" game whether LA has theirs or not.


Good luck HOG-EYE!

I wouldn't think York's "A" game should give LA that much trouble. As I said earlier it appears York is pretty average.


Just what do you think then? :flower: This is a forum, go ahead and give your opinion of what the score should have been. Readers would like to know (well at least me) what it takes to impress you. :popcorneater:


I thought York played pretty well and LA didn't play that well, credit some to Yorks D. But we had several wide open 3's (from good 3 point shooters) that didn't fall and several relatively uncontested shots under/around the basket that didn't fall either. Shots we generally make. So yes, on a night when a team doesn't play their best or at least seem that way to us fans, any (average team as you say)team can give any team that much trouble.



This is about Cannon and LA...Cannon will come to Livingston hungry for a win. I look for the Wildcats to continue their winning ways in the district!



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I am going to half to agree with cchssupporter. Some people in Livingston are unbelievable but knowing so many people there I know that the majority aint as negative as pianoman and catman. Catman confuses me though. He used to write much better but he's always been pretty negative. I had to readd it a second time but I think I know what pianoman is implying based on what he highlighted from catmans post. He just won't say it. Surely your not going to start that crap again are you. We've all heard what your implying. FUnny it seems to more vocal when your not blowing people out. But I'm sure your not going to change your mind. Some people are so spoiled and jealous. I've not seen Cannon play but I have seen LA. When LA played at Pickett they looked young and out of sinc. They did lose alot but they are going to be very good again unless what you two are trying to do works. And from what i've seen from the coach your efforts will be in vain. Many of us would love for our programs to be as successful as yours is. Hopefully the rest of us would appreciate it more and not take cheap shots when we don't get our way. Sounds like the LA/Cannon game could be a good one.

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I will stick to my prediction, LA didnt play well last night and pulled out the win. If CC thinks LA will play flat again then come on and take your spanking too! A win is a win, if you can play bad in this district and still win then you have accomplished something. As for us being out of rythmn, You have to admitt we have been pretty spoiled. We have had pretty much the same starting line-up for three years. Those boys knew exactly where to be and where each other would be, that doesnt happen over night!! LA BY 15+ !!! go HOG-EYE!!!!

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This is the year you will fall off of LA Boys Basketball. You will question every coaching decision, every move, every aspect of the day to day operations and ability, so jump off now.






In other news, York is very athletic. LA is the better team, and played a pretty poor game, period. Cannon will come gunning and all, but I see LA as the #1 team in the district still. Rest assured that Melton will have his group ready. Sounds like trouble in the LA camp if a question is raised about the operation of the team. By the way you just described ever sport in the TSSAA system in Tennessee. If they have a problem and cannot play together has a team it will be a long season!

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Call it what you will. Some people refuse to deal with reality. York may be atheletic but right now they aren't very good. For all the ones on me, name me a game that LA has played this year that they played really well. And don't tell me Cookeville because they graduated about as much as LA did.


Don't think anyone said LA has played well. Why don't you enlighten us on reality since you seem to know more than the rest. Did someone say LA played really well against Cookeville? Yeah LA and Cookeville graduated alot. LA more than Cookeville. York didn't. What is your point, really?

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Call it what you will. Some people refuse to deal with reality. York may be atheletic but right now they aren't very good. For all the ones on me, name me a game that LA has played this year that they played really well. And don't tell me Cookeville because they graduated about as much as LA did.


Come on pianoman..Just what are you calling it? :wacko: Inquiring minds want to know Oh Great Swami!!! :wacko:

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So I see there are alot of comments on LA, so what are score predictions? lead scorers? and any upsets?

Tex...partly my fault for this thread getting hi jacked. Sorry. Dont know much about cannon other than what I remember from last year. Those boys played hard and I expect the same this season as well. LA is very talented and deep. I have only saw three games and I see a team that is playing ok but could put it all together soon (hopefully Friday). We have good guard play and our post play is pretty good as well. Just gotta put 4 good quarters together which I dont think they have done yet to date. But its coming. I like LA at home. TJ, Kailen, Mason will be in double digits with TJ and Mason with double doubles. Waitng on Brad Jackson to get rolling. :wacko: Good luck and hope everyone stays injury free.


GO HOG-EYE! :wacko:

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