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Where Was Pryor?


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NO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Photoman, I haven't been on CoachT in so long I couldn't respond to you but once this situation settles down I'll give my 2 cents.. but as of now NO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D



I'll keep my mouth shut for now... but you know what I'm thinking!


How unlike you


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NO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Photoman, I haven't been on CoachT in so long I couldn't respond to you but once this situation settles down I'll give my 2 cents.. but as of now NO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P:P



I'll keep my mouth shut for now... but you know what I'm thinking!


How unlike you



I know it truly is unlike me! But after attending some of the anger management classes over at the ae athletic rehabilitation center, I'm trying to be a kinder and gentler poster here on coachT. There have been too many times that I have opened my mouth only to hear how "he's just a kid" and I shouldn't be so negative. I hang my head in shame after all of the nick names I have given to mr. pryor. Let's see.... there was P-Diddy of Magnolia, Mr Brass Knuckles, Fist of Steel, Sir Beak-a-lot, Fist-o-holic, etc... I believe the common phrase was "just give him another chance". I mean there are so many people to thank for giving him his "second chance".


It kind a reminds me of those pitiful people that we see on TV right after their pit bull attacks their neighbor. They seem very defensive with the shocked and surprised look on their face as if they knew he was aggressive, but never considered it to be a dangerous threat. They'll defend it and beg to keep it thinking they can prevent it from happening again, but eventually the dog attacks one of their own family members. Everyone can see it coming except the Blind idiots that own the dog. That's when the love is gone and the owners give permission to put the animal to sleep. No regrets, no remorse, and no good memories of all the wasted effort they put into training the lousy mut. Take him to the pound and say good riddance.


Wont it be interesting to see if the same thing happens to ae when the media questions the coaching staff and administration about their own pit bull. Now that Mr. Brass knuckle has attacked one of their own, let's see if they want to give him any more second chances or is he truly on his own... Now that basketball season is over, I don't see ae having much use for him anymore.


Let's just hope that one more second chance from the ae administration doesn't put prior in a baseball uniform with a bat in his hands.

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