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Gibbs at Carter Feb. 4, 2010


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Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010 Gibbs played Carter at Carter in a boys varsity basketball game. I loved watching both the Carter kids and Gibbs kids as they went at it with each other with lively banter during the game. They are big rivals and the kids had a lot of fun and after all that is really what it is all about, the kids. It was a hard fought and well played game between both the Carter and the Gibbs team and Carter eventually won the game. When Gibbs played Carter at Gibbs earlier in the season that was also a hard fought battle between both teams in which Gibbs eventually won. Nevertheless, the act I saw from the Carter coach at the February 4 game at Carter was just unbelievable and classless. Carter was winning the game by 30 points and with 3 minutes to go in the game, the Gibbs coach cleared his bench and put in his Junior Varsity bench players which included freshmen players. He knew he was beat and that was okay. However, the Carter coach kept all his starters and “best” players in until they ran the score up to 100 points before he cleared his bench with 1 minute to go and after he made sure they had scored 100 points on Gibbs. Yea, I would be real proud of that 100+ points if I were them. If this is the kind of character the Carter coach is teaching his kids I am so glad my children go to Gibbs. Call me naive, but I just don’t think a lot of a coach that would be that way toward kids just because they had beaten him a few weeks before. I have never seen the Gibbs coach do that to anyone. Anytime Gibbs has ever been up by at least 30 points (sometimes less), especially at the end of a game, our coach puts his bench players in to keep from running the score up and to give them playing time and experience, no matter whether it is a team that has beaten us in the past or not. I can tell he cares a lot about the kids, not just the game. I am so glad to have a Coach such as we have at Gibbs. At least he is teaching our kids to have a little character and class.

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Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010 Gibbs played Carter at Carter in a boys varsity basketball game. I loved watching both the Carter kids and Gibbs kids as they went at it with each other with lively banter during the game. They are big rivals and the kids had a lot of fun and after all that is really what it is all about, the kids. It was a hard fought and well played game between both the Carter and the Gibbs team and Carter eventually won the game. When Gibbs played Carter at Gibbs earlier in the season that was also a hard fought battle between both teams in which Gibbs eventually won. Nevertheless, the act I saw from the Carter coach at the February 4 game at Carter was just unbelievable and classless. Carter was winning the game by 30 points and with 3 minutes to go in the game, the Gibbs coach cleared his bench and put in his Junior Varsity bench players which included freshmen players. He knew he was beat and that was okay. However, the Carter coach kept all his starters and “best” players in until they ran the score up to 100 points before he cleared his bench with 1 minute to go and after he made sure they had scored 100 points on Gibbs. Yea, I would be real proud of that 100+ points if I were them. If this is the kind of character the Carter coach is teaching his kids I am so glad my children go to Gibbs. Call me naive, but I just don’t think a lot of a coach that would be that way toward kids just because they had beaten him a few weeks before. I have never seen the Gibbs coach do that to anyone. Anytime Gibbs has ever been up by at least 30 points (sometimes less), especially at the end of a game, our coach puts his bench players in to keep from running the score up and to give them playing time and experience, no matter whether it is a team that has beaten us in the past or not. I can tell he cares a lot about the kids, not just the game. I am so glad to have a Coach such as we have at Gibbs. At least he is teaching our kids to have a little character and class.


Amen! Support and agree with you 100%.

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The lead was 18 points with 2 minutes to go the lead NEVER made it to 30...Secondly Gibbs was still pressing and jacking up threes which lead to easy Baskets...We've all seen the MIRACULOUS WONDERFUL OUTSTANDING RICK ANDERSON run the scores up as a Boys coach and Girls coach. I've seen teams like Gibbs sub their JV team and try to get the other team to sub their JV team slip their starters back in to steal the win.


Just so you know Carter played at Pigeon Forge Friday almost same exact situation...Carter was up 17 with 4 minutes to go Pigeon Forge got hot and under a minute to go they cut the lead all the way down to 2!


This thread is just the same ole typical Cry-Baby Gibbs banter. :roflolk:

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A little more research shows that Gibbs has had some lopsided games other than the one against Carter, and honestly the 25 point loss wasn't the worst one.


12/8 Gibbs 50 - Fulton 87 (-37)

12/29 Gibbs 83 - Berean 60 (+23)

2/2 Gibbs 59 - GP 83 (-24)

2/4 Gibbs 80 - Carter 105 (-25)


I think they are upset not at the fact they lost by 25 it's that they lost by 25 and gave up 105.


Gibbs is averaging 72 points per game and giving up...73....

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Gibbs gave up 41 points and 28 rebounds to Lester Wilson, and did I mention 7 dunks. Bennett had 25 points. Give me a break, maybe Gibbs should try playing some defense or boxing out. Also, if you were dumb enough to press them at the end of the game down that big, then they should keep their dogs on.

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Has it occured to you that the fact that Carter left their starters in the game for 30 seconds longer than Gibbs did is a sign of respect for Gibbs and Coach Anderson. Gibbs is a scary team because of their style of press and shoot 3's. No lead is safe against them. And SPLAINS is correct. The lead never got to 30. It was 18 with 2:30 remaining in the game and Gibbs was still pressing. The largest margin of the game was the final score. If Gibbs had fallen back into their half court zone in the 4th quarter, Carter would have won the game anyway. But Carter would not have scored 105. It was Gibbs's press that caused that.

I respect Coach Anderson. All of those things you said about him are correct. He is a class act. The job that he has done with the Gibbs program is remarkable. They are competitive in the toughest AA district around. But don't blast the Carter staff for doing their job. And by the way, when Carter's JV players were scoring the last 4 point of the game, one of the fans behind the bench told me that he heard Coach Buell yelling,"WHOA! STOP SHOOTING!"

It was the classless Gibbs fan who followed Coach Buell all the way to the locker room to cuss him out. But I don't blame Coach Andserson for that.

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Boy sure is different when the shoe is on the other foot. In Saturday's Game against PF in the third quarter, Gibbs was still pressing up by 17 with 3 starters still firing up three's. PF took out all starters, and Gibbs did not sub-and continued to press until up by 30, when PF put all starters back in. Still, 2 Gibbs studs still in the game firing up three's, getting their points. Didn't see any JV til about 3 minutes in the game when it was really over early in the third. Funny how quickly you wear the smelly shoe you were just complaining about. :thumb:

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