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REPLAY Blackman-Bradley


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i dont remember a t called at the 46 second mark what kind of drugs are you on.


The same kind of drugs you must be on to think I said the T happened at 46. I was correcting the poster who thought the ref that called it was the one walking up behind. What I said was the ref that called it was the African-American ref is the one that called it and he is shown at the 46 second mark walking behind the play. You cannot see the ref when he calls the t. I was trying to squash the fish tale that the ref called the technical from downtown Murfreesboro.

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The Coach T website has locked up all the posts about BCHS and Blackman.....well I guess we can't express how freedom of speech on here anymore.


I also noticed you coming down the sideline behind the scorer's table coming unglued. Then stalking the guilty ref like a lion ready to pounce on lunch and "just ask him what he saw". Then people rushing to one end of the court cause some lunatic parent was going after a ref. :popcorneater:


Thanks for posting the video. Too Funny!

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I also noticed you coming down the sideline behind the scorer's table coming unglued. Then stalking the guilty ref like a lion ready to pounce on lunch and "just ask him what he saw". Then people rushing to one end of the court cause some lunatic parent was going after a ref. :popcorneater:


Thanks for posting the video. Too Funny!


I was not the person you think I am. I am clearly in the bleachers during the video. You have me mistaken for another fan. However, I do look forward to seeing Blackman at the state tournament. I live in middle Tennessee and will be attending this event and I pray that the official will be officiating in the tournament. I mean he did an AMAZING job, so I know that the TSSAA will go out of their way to hire this guy. Forget the rest of e crew, cause they missed the BLATANT technical, just give us the AMAZING referee cause not only is he a lip reader, but he also curses as much as you claim Miles Morgan does and the throws punches too!!! GREAT GUY!!!!!

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I was not the person you think I am. I am clearly in the bleachers during the video. You have me mistaken for another fan. However, I do look forward to seeing Blackman at the state tournament. I live in middle Tennessee and will be attending this event and I pray that the official will be officiating in the tournament. I mean he did an AMAZING job, so I know that the TSSAA will go out of their way to hire this guy. Forget the rest of e crew, cause they missed the BLATANT technical, just give us the AMAZING referee cause not only is he a lip reader, but he also curses as much as you claim Miles Morgan does and the throws punches too!!! GREAT GUY!!!!!


Yeah MKD, he was the other guy in the white shirt that went rippnig across the court on a mission. Honestly, what did you two hope to accomplish other than creating a scene and making both of you look like a couple of hot-heads....because mission accomplished on that end.

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Yeah MKD, he was the other guy in the white shirt that went rippnig across the court on a mission. Honestly, what did you two hope to accomplish other than creating a scene and making both of you look like a couple of hot-heads....because mission accomplished on that end.

Well here it goes im from East Tenn so i wasnt act the game just a fan.Im friends of alot of refs from this in of the state.I know some people have said it HAD to be called.Thats not true some refs take more than others theres some up here that if you look at them wrong they will T you up With 1.5 secords in a game you going to state the RIGHT thing that should have been done was and I use to call I would have called my 2 other refs togather and said did you see or hear #44 say anything you was closer than i was if not you go to the coach and tell him i belive #44 said something i dont want this to cost you the game take him out before he cost you the game NOONE would have throught anything and the game would have been won by the players not the ref And belive me ALL coaches would have said thanks and would have set him down.This should have not happen in MY opion everyone would agree all calls are not made :flower:

Edited by jeffs
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Two things: First, the referee who made the call was not the one you see in this shot. He was on the far end of the court and came rushing to the opposite end where this video takes place. Please, catch up. I'm so tired of having to explain that over and over. Second, based on all of our experiences at that specific game and the video evidence of the incident, or lack of incident, combined with the feedback from the referee standing inches from him, I firmly believe Miles Morgan never said f-u or anything of the sort to the referee. Period. If he had, that would make all us Bradley fans feel much better. I know that is difficult to believe, but it would. There would be a lesson in that and something to take away. Perhaps he cursed to himself in frustration? But if we're going to T someone up for that, there'd be no coaches or players left. It is much easier to sleep at night when you can say, "Okay, we lost because of a hot-headed comment. We lost our cool." There is justice in that. What we cannot stomach is the lack of justice. I would have slept a whole lot better if I looked at the video and saw an altercation of any kind. What I don't understand is why on Earth all these people are arguing if they see the claim as ridiculous. Move on. Enjoy your victory. Leave us to sing our sad songs. However, when you are faced with a similarly heartbreaking and meaningless mistake, which you will be at some point, you will remember this. My hunch is that you all agree that something doesn't sit right here; hence, your constant rhetoric arguing against it. It's way, way too defensive and angry. I for one appreciate you all tipping your hands like that, though. It makes me feel even more certain that we are, in fact, justified.

Edited by bchsdramaqueen
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Well put BCHSdramaqueen, they continue arguing because they know the tech never should have been called....nearly 48 hours later and I am still in disbelief, and to the Blackman fans I will not let this topic die because in my 32,years on earth I have never seen a game end like that......NEVER!

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Well here it goes im from East Tenn so i wasnt act the game just a fan.Im friends of alot of refs from this in of the state.I know some people have said it HAD to be called.Thats not true some refs take more than others theres some up here that if you look at them wrong they will T you up With 1.5 secords in a game you going to state the RIGHT thing that should have been done was and I use to call I would have called my 2 other refs togather and said did you see or hear #44 say anything you was closer than i was if not you go to the coach and tell him i belive #44 said something i dont want this to cost you the game take him out before he cost you the game NOONE would have throught anything and the game would have been won by the players not the ref And belive me ALL coaches would have said thanks and would have set him down.This should have not happen in MY opion everyone would agree all calls are not made :flower:


Jeff's, that is exactly what they did in the first half. Players and coaches from both teams were warned about players language in the first half.

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Two things: First, the referee who made the call was not the one you see in this shot. He was on the far end of the court and came rushing to the opposite end where this video takes place. Please, catch up. I'm so tired of having to explain that over and over. Second, based on all of our experiences at that specific game and the video evidence of the incident, or lack of incident, combined with the feedback from the referee standing inches from him, I firmly believe Miles Morgan never said f-u or anything of the sort to the referee. Period. If he had, that would make all us Bradley fans feel much better. I know that is difficult to believe, but it would. There would be a lesson in that and something to take away. Perhaps he cursed to himself in frustration? But if we're going to T someone up for that, there'd be no coaches or players left. It is much easier to sleep at night when you can say, "Okay, we lost because of a hot-headed comment. We lost our cool." There is justice in that. What we cannot stomach is the lack of justice. I would have slept a whole lot better if I looked at the video and saw an altercation of any kind. What I don't understand is why on Earth all these people are arguing if they see the claim as ridiculous. Move on. Enjoy your victory. Leave us to sing our sad songs. However, when you are faced with a similarly heartbreaking and meaningless mistake, which you will be at some point, you will remember this. My hunch is that you all agree that something doesn't sit right here; hence, your constant rhetoric arguing against it. It's way, way too defensive and angry. I for one appreciate you all tipping your hands like that, though. It makes me feel even more certain that we are, in fact, justified.


First, I'm so tired of explaining it too. Let's try it one more time. There are 3 officials in every bball game. Let's count. One would be the official the curse was directed at...the second would be the one shown on the video walking away from the camera. The THIRD official is the one that called the t. He is the African-American ref that you can see at the 46 second mark walking behind the play toward the Bradley bench. THERE IS NOT A FOURTH REF THAT CAME RUSHING FROM THE OPPOSITE END. Stop trying to rewrite history to suit your agenda!


Well you can feel better because he DEFINATELY said it. Between myself and the 8or so I've talked to that saw it and have said the same thing. I understand your wanting to stand by your guy and believe him. I get it, anybody would do the same thing, but it definately happened.


The only defensive and angry comments were directed at posts saying it was a given BC was going to win in ot and the staunch denial that nothing was said when that is just not the case. I was just trying to prevent an entire rewriting of history. That's the only reason for my "rhetoric".

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