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Beech 7-0 @ Wilson central 7-0


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Michael Jordan and Peyton Manning,Dont get too cocky there.Portland gave WC a scare last week.You never know what might happen.

Michael Jordan and Peyton Manning,Dont get too cocky there.Portland gave WC a scare last week.You never know what might happen.


You'll see.


Wilson may win tonight but it wont be because Hurd got stopped.

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I've had a bunch of time to think about this game and this is what I come to the conclusion of.


If Wilson Central's run defense can stop Hurd effectively throughout the course of the entire game, they'll pull out the win.


This isn't to say that Beech doesn't have other players that are dangerous and can score, but look at what Station Camp did in the first half against Beech, they stopped the whole machine. Yet, in the second half, Hurd broke loose and turned that entire game around.


Hurd is the key to the entire Beech attack (air and ground) and so far when Hurd has been effectively stopped for minimal yardage, Beech can't figure out what to do (at least that's been what I've seen).


The first half will be key as Wilson Central tends to like to feel opponents out in the first half and shut them down in the second. They won't have the opportunity to do that tomorrow night.


Here's my prediction:


If Wilson Central can stop Hurd early and hold the Beech attack through the course of the game: 24-21 WC


If Hurd breaks loose, it's going to be a bit different: 38-21 Beech


People aren't stupid. Hurd is the key to Beech's success. Stop Hurd, beat Beech. It's that simple.

Or not.....


Hats off to WC. Not sure where anyone came up with the idea that they are soft. They were anything but soft tonight. As a matter of fact, they were the more physical team. They did what no one has been able to do for a full game, slow down JHurd. They consistently put 11 men in the box, most of the time all inside Beech's tackles, and Beech constantly tried to run right at them. Not sure why they didn't try to get him on the edge more. Other than the two scoring drives where WC ran it right down Beech's throat, I thought the D played well. In the end it came down to turnovers. Not sure what WC was thinking trying to throw from their own 10 when they had been so successful running the ball that entire drive. Great win for the Bucs. Very fortunate to get that one. They now get a week to heal up (bye week) and get ready for the playoff run.


On a positive note, my family was only cussed out once in the parking lot after the game by WC students. Thats a vast improvement from what we usually hear when we go there.

Edited by tandem
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Or not.....


With Hurd out of the game, Beech was beat. Wilson Central throwing two picks in the final 5 minutes and not stopping the remaining offense? Big oops there. Either way, hats off to Beech.


Wilson Central should've had the win, but oh well.


BIGGEST GAME CHANGER? Why throw the ball so close to the end zone when running the ball was proving so effective and a FG would have made it a touchdown game? Biggest head scratcher there...

Edited by StatManTN
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hats off to WC- I stand corrected they are a contender- i didnt think their D could stand up to Beech and holding JH to under what 80 yds....

congrats to both teams - and hats off WC


Everyone keep Mr Hurd in your prayers. What most people did not realize tonight is that he got a separated shoulder early on with a possible torn labrum. If anyone wondered why he wasn't running and ended up being used as a decoy, that was the reason.

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Everyone keep Mr Hurd in your prayers. What most people did not realize tonight is that he got a separated shoulder early on with a possible torn labrum. If anyone wondered why he wasn't running and ended up being used as a decoy, that was the reason.

He has the thoughts and prayers of the ND family - best wishes to him - dont like to see any kid get hurt ......

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Show me offers that the Coombes kid has gotten...

For example google Vic Wharton - or halen Hurd bam!!! You will see the many schools after them

I believe that after last night everyone should know who Kyle Coombs and the rest of our defense is.They did a great job.I believe that the wildcats proved that they are contenders and they are definitely not soft.Proud of our whole team.Our offense had some tough breaks but they have done a great job for us this year,everyone has a bad game.I believe that our team is a family and that we will rally behind eachother.Keep your heads high boys.you have two games ahead of you and you are going to the playoffs! Prayers for Jalen Hurd for a speedy recovery!
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I have to give kudos also to a defense that did what everyone said you could not do.I also have to give kudos to WC qb Jordan Roundtree.He had a tough night but I spoke with him after the game and he tried to shoulder the whole loss on his shoulders.There were many passes that should have been caught yet he takes it all.That my friends is a team player.He is a fine qb but better than that he is one fine young man and leader.

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