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Thoughts on a longer Track & Field season


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I'm looking for a very simple solution to a problem. The problem is that Tennessee high school athletes are not allowed to compete in any indoor meet that is sanctioned by the National Federation of High School Athletics (this may not be the exact name, but it's the association of state associations such as TSSAA belong to). I have numerous e-mails that I can show you from meets in New York City, Washington D.C area, LA, etc. in which I requested that my son be allowed to compete. The meet directors WILL NOT allow any athlete to compete in these meets if they are not OFFICIALLY representing their high school. This means that my nationally competitive son is penalized by the mere fact that he is a resident of Tennessee. This is GROSSLY UNFAIR and ridiculous.


I don't care one bit whether this state adopts an indoor track season (even though those athletes who have no interest in basketball, etc. would benefit greatly from such a season). I only want my son to have the right to compete in any track meet he wants to compete in. Since many of the best meets won't allow an athlete to participate unless he/she is representing their school, my son is being discriminated against because of his state of residence.


I bear ALL of the costs of his transportation, lodging, equipment, etc. I have even offerred to pay the coaching stipend of about one thousand dollars so that our high school can pay a coach to do nothing. I'm my son's coach, but if a school has a "track and field team," they must have an employee of the school as the "track coach." So be it (even though it's silly). I'll pony up the dough. Just let him compete wherever he wants to.


A very simple solution is to provide a method of TSSAA allowing "exceptions" for track and field athletes to compete as representatives of their schools in indoor meets. You could even say the meets had to be outside of the state of Tennessee. Again, I DON'T CARE ABOUT CHANGING THE WORLD OR TSSAA, but I do care when a silly rule prevents from son from improving by competing against top flight competition.


I welcome (and even beg you for) your suggestions on how to deal with this issue with TSSAA. I don't want to have to go the route of pursuing injunctive relief. I just want justice. HELP!!!!!!!! (I bet you can't tell that I'm frustrated)

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The runners in Knoxville, go through the Knoxville Track Club as their sponsor. I don't know how many Meets make you have sponsored schools, but you might try the club thing. Also You might want to send your son to a private school that is not sanctioned by TSSAA and let him strictly be a big meet competitor. They have enormous meets all over the country every week. This is the only way that this is going to happen. How much does your son want to make track his life. For him to learn to compete at the D-1 level then that is what I would do. Just make sure your son is ready for that. Every Major city has a track club, if he wants to try and stay in his school.

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I'm aware that athletes often compete with a club affiliation, or even unattached (my son has won national championships as an unattached athlete). I have my own AAU and USATF club that my son can compete on behalf of. The problem is that no matter what club you represent, you will NOT be allowed to compete in meets sanctioned by the National Federation. Check with the folks at the dominant indoor T&F venue, the Armory in New York. Tell them you want to enter an athlete in one of their high school meets but you need to enter them as a club athlete rather than as a representative of their high school. They will tell you very quickly, "No way!" It doesn't matter if you're the Knoxville Track Club or one from podunk like mine is.


In terms of my son making track his life, I would say he does this to a far lesser extent than most high school basketball or football players. I'm wanting him to be able to compete in three to six major indoor track meets each season and he's not currently allowed to do that. If he stays healthy and motivated and continues to improve at the pace he has over the past several years, he certainly has D-I potential. Getting a D-I scholarship for my son isn't my motivation, however, since I'm a professor at a major univerisity and he can go there for free. I just want him to have every opportunity to succeed in T&F and I don't think it's fair to require him to leave his friends and school to go to a private school in order to be able to do this.


Oh, well. I've vented enough and feel a bit better. This is, however, an injustice that needs to be addressed, whether through reasoned actions by TSSAA or through other means.

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Guest Brewtwo

Most State association rules are vague when it comes to Track & Field. In the case of the National meets. Even though they ask what school an athlete attends,it doesnt mean they are representing that school. My kids have ran in two "Nike" National Indoor meets . They arent representing the school unless the school says they are. We dont wear school uniforms or use school funds. The meet doesnt want to open it up to clubs ,but yet some of the athletes are not eligible by most school standards(ie grades, age,). They just attend the school.They also allow home school kids to compete. I dont see how your State Association can blame you if the meet list the school your son attends. This os as close as they can get to making it a High School Meet. Its not sanctioned by NHSF but USATF. You can check ......but if the coach isnt there,its not sanctioned and the school isnt paying for it it,why would it be considered a HS Meet. I think the key to the whole thing is that they only ask what school you attend, not what school you are representing.

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If you have any influence with TSSAA and could discuss this situation with them, I would be most grateful. I'm not so concerned this year since my son is a freshman and probably won't jump higher than 6'4". However, next year (if he continues on course) he might jump in the 6'8" range and that will place highly at a lot of prominent meets. I just want him to be able to compete and I can assure you that the entry forms for meets held at The Armory in NYC and in other prominent meets will REQUIRE you to be competing with your official high school team. I know because I've tried.

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I've heard rumors that at some of the regional meetings there was some discussion of lengthening the season to allow Tennessee athletes to participate in indoor meets while officially representing their high schools. Can anyone tell me if they've been at a meeting where such a discussion took place and what sentiments were expressed by those in attendance? thanks for any information you can provide

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I'm trying to find out what, if any, discussion took place at any of the TSSAA regional rules meetings about lengthening the TSSAA sanctioned length of the track season. For example, starting the season in January rather than in March so that Tennessee athletes aren't penalized and prevented from competing in indoor meets that only allow athletes to participate who are "officially" representing their high schools.

[Edited by wrsmith on 2-5-03 1:39A]

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